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RP USO Delivery Service?

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Well-Known Member
Candon stood by Hanger 33, northeast of the Uesureyan Fields. It wasn't as hard as he'd expected to get his delivery dropped off directly behind the hanger in the grassy field. There was plenty of air traffic to begin with and being a soldier made everything easier. The landing zone was clearly marked with the temporary permit stuck to the front of the structure.

It was today that he'd see how trustworthy his new friends would be. He wasn't making a huge gamble but at least the Empire couldn't be blamed in case the ones delivering his new arsenal just took it for themselves.

The Queen's Slave Servant would make a touchdown right outside of Hanger 33, the forward loading ramp lowering so that Uso would walk out,

"All power SAINT agent couldn't find anyone else to move cargo for him?" Uso asked, a good natured teasing in her voice as she walked out, a hand holding her hat in place as her sun-dress covered body made its way over to the Agent.

It had been so long since Uso had to dress 'trustworthy' she had nearly forgotten what it looked like. She hoped that the muted tones of her dress and the conservative but still quite pleasant cut of her dress conveyed the shit out of that feeling.

"Normally I don't do cargo transport... but we need all the cash we can get for Uplifting that planet."
Ronin had tagged along, leaving his cigarettes behind. In the loss of them, he'd follow along with Uso with both hands tucked into his coat. Unlike before, he had no intent to set aside the firearm on his hip.

"Yeah... and to pay all the mercenaries under you. Hopefully it's a simple job..."
Figuring he might as well go along for the heck of it since Uso was wearing a dress for a change Akemi had also come on the trip. When his empress stepped out he exited shortly afterwards and took a gander at her ample ass before moving to stand right beside her. The little space kitten openly wore his black NSP and sported the fantasy outfit he'd come to enjoy: a tight pair of brown britches, a white, baggy, open, swashbuckler looking dress shirt and shiny, dark brown shoes. While he waited for the deal to be done he crossed his arms to give them something to do.
Candon gave a crooked grin. He knew she hadn't come for the money. A mere 500 KS was hardly the prize, especially considering the fact that she could have hijacked the military hardware within and he wouldn't be able to stop it, but when it came to matters of trust even the weapons within couldn't match the value. Candon at least knew now that she wouldn't betray him for guns. The two followers were questionable though. And armed.

Perhaps it was a mistake for Candon to have left his pistols inside and not have backup but he knew trust was a two-way street, why else would she wear the dress? He could think of worse things to focus on while his life was in her hands.

"Well, I certainly hope this fortune covers the expense," he said smugly as he stepped toward the upcoming tyrant pulling five 100 KS Bellflower notes from his back pocket. Maybe he'd be shot but maybe she'd told her men not to kill him.
Trust time.
Shooting first and asking questions weren't Ronin's style, even while on edge with the lack of his cigarettes. The whole fact that he'd come with his gun was more for shooting any idiot that decided to draw on him. After riding on a ship where people had devolved into such primitive-thinking imbeciles that they were blowing each other's fingers off, he couldn't trust anything with the Neko lady leading them to not turn into an all-out shootout. Instead, he kept both hands pocketed in a display of some confidence for a human in the company of two kitty death-machines.

More accurately, the guy looked over to the sight of the approaching fellow and had considered just reaching for the gun to try and bring them to that outcome quickly. Before that was the slightest push-down of his coat pocket to bring the protective garb down to cover the man. Nothing like Yamatai Star Army equipment to help hide a gun, since they were so fond of hiding them in every nook and cranny of their main war-fighting species.

"Only five-hundred? Tch... I could have got more peddling smokes to those damned primitives on one-eight-eight."
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Wanting to make himself useful Akemi decided to pretend he was brought along to handle cheeky banter. "If he's gonna give ya that little you might as well have had him pay with his body instead. At least then we coulda all had some entertainment." The Neko grinned and licked his lips as he looked the beefcake up and down appreciatively.
Errowyn sat with ease at the helm of the Queen's... what ever it was call for this run... Watching the group leave the ship and meet up with a single man. She looked him over with intense interest through the ships exterior cameras and increased the audio gain to hear the exchange between Uso and the Man that came from the Hanger 33.

She could easily tell he was an military man no matter what he wore. He had that mannerism and definitely a Spacer by the color of his skin. She wrinkled her nose as the man screamed SAINT just by his actions and mannerisms alone.

~~ "Careful sis. He's Saint and not in the religious terms either." ~~ The bolder sister spoke up.

"I noticed." Errowyn muttered softly. She began descrete scans around the ship for any unwanted surprises.
"Consider it a favor for our girls at SAINT." Uso replied, taking the money... the neko didn't have anything to put it in really, so she handed it over to Akemi, "Careful Akemi, he's married to his job. Then again you've probably got a thing for married guys too."
"SAINT needing favors, eh?"

Ronin chuckled at that, the inner Yamatai grunt coming to the surface momentarily. That had been better than any smoke could have been, but it didn't stop him from moving a bit more forward to stand on the side opposite of their more lewd companion. Or, rather, opposite of the companion being openly lewd.

"I guess times change. I used to remember when SAINT could at least not rely on any favors from some crazy independents like you, Uso. Not meaning to insult, obviously... just shows Yamatai might be entering a casual wane. Not that we're much better off to be taking junk pay."

A mental note registered that the last part probably came off insulting... but he turned and moved behind the two to look toward the Queen's Slave rather than really involve himself. This was a matter for the boss, who'd deemed it more likely that their flirting tentacle-hiring companion was worth investing into the conversation over the pilot.
Candon's grin widened with a slight blush at the mention of being married to his work. Wasn't that the truth. If only she knew it wasn't his- 'wait, Akemi!'
His eyes narrowed on the man, or woman.. it. His eyes focused on it!
'That's her… him… damn it, she he it is confusing! Well, at least I know what what Akemi looks like in case one of my crew turns up missing,' he thought to himself as he subdued his protective nature.

"Don't over think it, if I were representing the SAOY I'd be wearing a uniform. This is personal," Candon replied casually, looking back to [del]Uso's dress[/del] Uso, "both times we've met now I've been off duty, out of uniform, and alone. The reason: this isn't really a favor, this is the beginning of a relationship and I'm confident you know it. The SAOY is powerful but it's profile is too big to operate quietly and with all the flak were catching from pulling out of the treaty it's image isn't very appealing. Politicians can work on that, my concern is a little different. Maybe we can talk about it sometime."
"Well if Uso isn't gonna charge you anything more maybe I can ask for some info on the Eucharis chicks," Akemi suggested. "Like what they like and some pictures of them doing cute stuff like looking klutzy. Some lewds would be nice too. I mean I did used to serve on the ship and I'm just a salesman now. I'm not anyone spooky."
Candon rolled his eyes.
"Akemi, you're more spooky than I am, leave my crew alone."
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Errowyn snickered softly at the quick exchange between the man from Saint and Akemi. Her eyes ran over the consoles that needed to be checked and so far there was just the four them. 3 from her party and the lone Saint. She heard of the Eucharis as it was one of the more famous ships that hit the news more often than the others.

She relaxed back in the pilots seat, tilted back and her feet on the helm console. She watched the group. Apparently Uso knew of this person or had prior contact with.
"Awww. Come on man," Akemi whined. "You don't wanna get in my good graces too? I can nag Uso on your behalf. I just wanna see what they get up to and what they wear besides uniforms."
Uso had covered her mouth with one hand, trying to look like she might be deep in thought... but really just trying to keep herself from laughing.

"Oh don't worry about Akemi, He's harmless." Uso said, a wide smile still plastered across her face. She would wave back at the ship, and have the Queen's Slave detach one of its external cargo containers, leaving Candon's stuff on the planet.

"We've got quite a busy schedule, So if there is nothing else we'll be on our way. Maybe you can send another request for dinner sometime if you're looking for another talk."
"Sounds good," he consented, "thanks for working with me. What I'm setting up here should put you in a good position if all goes well."

He still wasn't sure how far he could trust her but he knew from experience that nothing is ever gained without risk and the future is always a gamble.
It was time to talk to Shida.
Errowyn shifted, placing her feet on the deck as she swiveled her seat and tapped several button and then pulled a lever.

There was a louds hiss of pressure being released and soft screeching of metal as clamps released.

= Bang! =

A large cargo container dropped a few feet to the ferro-concrete landing pad, kicking up dust from the ground all around it.

She just hoped that the Man from SAINT would wait till they had lifted off before accessing the Containers controls.
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