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Approved Submission [Uso Star Organization: Sub Faction] The Monarchy of Dovania

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hi DG, I don't think I'm experienced enough to take this sub but you mentioned that the sub uses USO's navy etc, yet you have detailed the planet has zero facilities for maintaining or docking those forces.

Secondarily, I would suggest wikifying things like the planet you've got embedded and the laws, since that's not detailed on the faction template. If shouldn't matter too much but if may make the page seem less cluttered.

It is rather strange that USO would offer protection or create a new subfaction rather than annex it given it seems to just be losing them a planet and taxes from what I can see by not doing so. You gotta be careful how you handle how it joins the USO because other nations tend not to like the whole "by force" rhetoric.

Finally, humans are supposed to be fairly rare in setting. I'd like to see something on the planet article you'll make about the history of that civilisation. Especially since some of the article is written like it's been taken and some of it like there are plans to take it.

It's nice to see another subfaction though, a man after my own heart it seems. Hope the review goes well for you beyond my little few pointers.
That is because it was SABER specifically who helped. They were contracted for the job. Also the Albion can produce whatever supplies the S6 fleet needs, so docks aren't needed.

Get whatever edits needed done, whatever pages need made. I know Dragon has it all written down already somewhere so that should be easy.

I give FM APPROVAL for this to be a subfaction of the USO once fully finished and approved by submission mods.
Sorry this has taken me so long to get to.

So far it looks like your best wiki article yet! Lots of text and useful stuff. I made some slight changes to formatting in the 'more information about' and 'territories' section that you should check out. I removed an unnecessary header and moved a few things around in the territories section so that you have text under each header. If you don't like the changes feel free to revert.

Also you will want to be careful with the law section because you'll run into two problems regardless of how you do it. Either you say "this doesn't include every law" in which case players can feel screwed over when a character breaks a law they didn't know of that wasn't listed or you can create a full law system which is stupidly work-intensive. You don't need to make any changes here, I just want you to keep that in mind going forward because its a common pain point that we had in the early days of this site.

And to Echo Jack: FM APPROVAL
This review is for: Monarchy of Dovania

[ ✔ ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores
[ ✔ ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template
[ ✔ ] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ ✔ ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar
[ ✔ ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate
[ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[ ✔ ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[ ✔ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ✔ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

After discussion in the S6 Discord server has left @Dragon_God dragon ignoring me I have no choice but to make an official assessment.

• MoD does not qualify as a Sub-faction as it is not governed in any way by the USO. It is its own sovereign nation.
• No currency is listed. Must use the currency of its sovereign nation.
Zack I'm going to tell you the same thing I told FrostJaeger. If you do not show three examples of me being biased in your next post you are getting a point. I will not tolerate a mockery of the NTSE.

Also: it isn't your submission
@Wes Can I get an unbiased mod to review this submission?
What is the reason for your request. Is there some problem with Rizzo's review? Is it inaccurate or something?
He's been going after DG in chat for a while, and it hasn't been a great exchange. He threatened to do the review if DG didn't continue talking to him about it and here we are.

[ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
^--- I mean, we've got our 1886 themed world already, I see no justification for this other if someone was looking for any possible reason they could mark something as wrong.

[ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
^--- Similarly, there is nothing in Rizzo's review to indicate that the DR or speed limitations are being broken here.

• MoD does not qualify as a Sub-faction as it is not governed in any way by the USO. It is its own sovereign nation.
• No currency is listed. Must use the currency of its sovereign nation.
^--- and as for these, he should know well enough how Uso governs things (from a distance).

I also don't see anything in the article about currency, or that currency is required to be listed for a sub-faction. I would think the only reason this is being brought up is that Rizzo was upset about it earlier in chat.

RIZZO: I forgot to hit the button that makes it public. This user has been warned.
Last edited by a moderator:
How about me for a reviewer? Also, I agree with Rizzo, your disrespect for the NTSE is completely out of line and unacceptable.
1) uses all WW1 Era tech and has a very bizarre means of conquest. Why wouldn't the USO just conquer it themselves instead of making someone a king? Also shows no prejudice.

2) it doesn't qualify as a sub faction.

3) just my request to the submission owner. And yes, I am upset that I was and have been disrespected. It doesn't invalidate my points.

Speaking of points...
While there are plenty of other submissions that are being ignored, I am now seeing two of the people that DG most often has problems with now wanting to review his stuff after a bad interaction in a chat room.

1) WW1 Era tech and a bizarre means of conquest don't disqualify something from SARP do they? There are lots of groups on here with wildly different tech levels that all fit the 'anime-sci-fi' theme.

2) What rules is this breaking regarding sub-factions? Is there something on the wiki that this is going against or is this your personal opinion?
In the future please I ask that all setting submissions mods try to avoid "evaluating" and in-depth discussion of current submissions outside of the setting submissions forum. Official business needs to be conducted on the official forums where staff can see it, not on various private Discord servers.

Can Rizzo provide an explanatory response to items 1 and 2 in Zack's post above? Why would it not qualify as a subfaction?

Zack: Has this subfaction been conquered in the RP? (e.g. did the history on the submission happen IC yet?)
The RP is in progress.

The history listed is currently up to date. It seems fair to have the mechanical 'this is how that government works' part setup now and fill in the rest as the planet is conquered.
It has its own seat of power and is not governed by the primary faction that is creating it. It doesn't even use the same currency and the owner plans on disassociating from The USO anyway. It's just another excuse to increase the size of the USO Fleet, which is completely unnecessary for storytelling on the scale USO makes.
I see no issues with the sub faction that I have submitted. I have consulted with the Faction Masters of USO and they have given me the green light. That is why I submit this so it may be reviewed by those whom are in NTSE. The amount of discouragement I get from people such as Rizzo is extremely disheartening. Though it will not stop my end goal of creating MOD. I am going through all of the precautions. I hired Section 6 and talked with Uso. (Still more to complete in RP) I am not using others resources just to screw them over. I am in a deal, “Help me take over the System and provide some protection. In exchange for my Vassalage, resources that I will be mining, technology that I develop, and military support.” That was the deal that Zack and I had set up. And I will be sticking to it. @Wes @Zack @Rizzo
I'm sorry being critiqued discourages you. I hope our differences of opinion regarding the readiness of this submission do not cause bad feelings for long.

I have painstakingly reread this submission and researched vassal states. Nowhere in the submission does it specifically describe their relationship with the USO. Go ahead and start by adding a section defining the relationship with the USO and the conditions of their vassalage.
If Zack says his faction can accept subfactions of this type, then I suppose it can.

It sounds like we just need to add the relationship with USO to the submission.
Out of the list of commands that you have laid out @Rizzo. The one that you have just stated I will be taking into account. I will edit this into the wiki page. This should clear any further confusion between this situation. Regarding the Discord incident, I blocked you because I feel as if your input is not crucial. As Zack has stated, USO is not very controlling. However, this does not mean that MOD will not listen to them. This only means that Kyro and MOD will ONLY listen to Uso directly since she is the main head, as well as Jack and Mark due to their contribution and support in gaining solidification. The rest of the members in USO, Kyro could care less about. Unless they are crucial to his plans (Most likely not), he will not engage in any transactions with them. Due to the lack of knowledge of them. So he will hold them at arms length.

Regarding the currency issue. MOD will be using its own, though. If told by Uso to change, they will do a complete conversion over. Until then, currently they will be using ration cards, and will be removing the current planetary currencies.
Currency needs to be defined as well. If they are separate from the USO economy it is necessary to define it's economic structure. Please add a section about economic structure as well. It is essential to any government.
These two issues will be addressed. Though, your other comments are not going to be taken into consideration. As I have claimed previously, I will be adding these changes in as soon as I possibly can. As of right now. If there is any further concerns, please state them.
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