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SANDRA UX-3 Declares Independent Neutrality, Invites Traders

Kyoto, Yamatai -- The Yamatai Star Empire's department of foreign affairs held a press conference today to announce that it received a message from the local government of UX-3 III. Previously claimed by Yamatai in YE 35, the UX-3 star system was lost in the Kuvexian Invasion of YE 41. Rather than annex the system as part of the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia, the Kuvexian military has reportedly allowed the Kuvexian Corporations to claim the star system as a neutral territory and set up a colony called Sood Zadra on the surface of the third planet. In order to demonstrate its neutrality, the system has said that any civilian ships will be allowed to visit the system and trade freely there, including those from Yamatai and Nepleslia; however, the Yamatai Star Empire said in their statement that it does not recommend doing so, and that Star Army Intelligence believes the colony is supplying Kuvexian military forces and pirates with war materiel which could make a target for the Star Army. As the Kuvexians continue to expand their influence in the Kikyo Sector it is likely that many additional colonies will be built on and around the captured planets.
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