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Approved Submission [Valsh'Nar Empire] Military


Part Time Llama, Full Time Dude
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Military structure as well as ranks and special forces description for VNE
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=valsh_nar-empire:military

Faction: Valsh'Nar Empire
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? would like some eventually

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes
Contains New art? no
Previously Submitted? no

Notes: a lot of the weapons ships etc are still under constuction, when those are done I will more than likely submit them as there own tech.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The structure appears simplistic, but serviceable. Again, however, you lack backlinking. Please address that.
responding to this much like the other one, will put in back linking.
Aside from the weapons and armor that needs to be created, I have fixed it up a bit for review again.
I think the concept is OK. Did you want the weapons and armor created before I approve this?
I have a page for weapons and such worked up I have the basics done, I need to go though and make pages for the stuff I have put on there that I haven't gotten around to fleshing out yet. I have put the link here for reference.

As for approving, I would rather have this done then I can go through and submit the weapons page as a whole/individual weapons once it gets fleshed out.

Awesome sauce, hate to be picky but can this thread get moved to the Completed/Approved section seeing as it is completed? Unless I am mistaken that is.
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