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Various Turrets


Well-Known Member
Miss Strangelove said:
Andrew requested that I submit weapons separately if I wanted to add them to an existing vessel, so without further ado, some weapon concepts...

====Warding Rune Autocannon====
**Location:** One on each corner of the craft (4)\\
**Primary Purpose:** Point defense autocannon\\
**Damage:** DR 5\\
**Range:** 0.1 AU\\
**Rate of Fire:** 8000 rpm per turret\\
**Payload:** 72000 rounds per turret\\

The Warding Rune is a twin-barreled 20mm point defense system utilizing a hybrid firing system (chemical propellant and magnetic acceleration). This system fires an anti-armor tungsten alloy penetrator encased in a ferrous alloy shell.

**Location:** Main hull turret (2)\\
**Primary Purpose:** Fire Support\\
**Damage:** DR 7\\
**Range:** 1 AU
**Rate of Fire:** 30 rpm\\
**Payload:** 450\\

The 280mm Pseudoflare Artillery turret is designed to fire 30kt nuclear shells that can be set on either proximity or contact fuses. These weapons pack quite a punch in themselves, but are fitted with special additions to increase their deadliness; either HE-style rounds with depleted uranium shard shrapnel bursts, or HEAT shells whose contact detonation will melt an alloy payload, and turn it into a hypersonic jet of plasma.

====Red Mercury Blaster====
**Location:** Main hull turret (2)\\
**Primary Purpose:** Multirole\\
**Damage:** DR 7\\
**Range:** 3 AU
**Rate of Fire:** 20 rpm\\
**Payload:** Unlimited\\

The Red Mercury blaster is actually a focusing assembly of multispectral radiation mirrors and a detonation chamber, reinforced by a structural integrity shield. A small fusion warhead is loaded into a blasting chamber, then injected with a canister of balltechnic solution (chemicals that react readily when subjected to extreme pressures) called Red Mercury. The device detonates, and both the thermal and electromagnetic energy is funneled and refracted out the barrel. This nuclear-pumped design results in a very intense burst of high frequency radiation, but at the unfortunate cost of being unable to maintain a steady beam like lower-powered systems.

**Location:** Main hull turret (2)\\
**Primary Purpose:** Anti-starship\\
**Damage:** DR 8\\
**Range:** 1 AU
**Rate of Fire:** Continuous\\
**Payload:** Unlimited\\

The Starjammer is a free electron laser that behaves like most raditional electromagnetic beam weapons. However, unlike traditional systems such as lasers these weapons do not use chemical or solid-state power sources. Rather, a relativistic electron stream is used in place of a focusing crystal or conductor, allowing it to generate a beam of a much wider frequency range than most directed energy weapons. These include frequencies such as those of microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and xrays. This ability to change it's frequency to suit its target is obviously a tactical advantage that can be used to exploit an enemy's weaknesses.

Sandact6 said:
About the Star jammer, why couldn't you just set it on X-ray and leave it there? I don't see the point in altering frequencies when the majority of the time it's going to be set on the highest one.

Miss Strangelove said:
Remember: Higher frequencies aren't always "better" weapons; this a common misconception. For example, a starship may possess especially heavy high-frequency radiation resistance to block the natural cosmic radiation one is bombarded with during space travel. Or perhaps grasers will harmlessly pass through unshielded mechanical systems due to their high penetration value. Inversely, very-low frequencies sometimes penetrate materials better than higher frequencies when penetration is needed. This is why extra-low frequency radios are used to signal submerged subs to surface so they can talk via "normal" radio; very-low radio frequencies penetrate sea water much better than standard radio frequencies do. Anyways, you get the picture.

While theoretically "any" frequency can be deadly to anything if you pump enough raw power into it, certain frequencies tend to excel at certain roles. For example, while xasers and grasers are effective anti-personnel weapons, generally lasers, uvasers, and irasers make better anti-materiel frequencies against certain types of armors.

Sandact6 said:
Hooray! I can actually understand what you are saying thanks to my astrology class!

Correct, radio waves easily pass through things because their wavelengths are long, and low energy. If you pump more energy into something, wouldn't it become a shorter wavelength?

While knowing a small bit on how wavelengths work, I could go into more detail but I don't care. Sci-fi is meant to get as far as away from reality as possible (At least in my view).

As I said I don't see the reason to have anything more than two settings. One to blow chunks of a ship apart, the other to roast the crew members like eggs.

Andrew said:
====Warding Rune Autocannon====
**Location:** One on each corner of the craft (4)\\
**Primary Purpose:** Point defense autocannon\\
**Damage:** DR 5\\
**Range:** 0.1 AU\\
**Rate of Fire:** 8000 rpm per turret\\
**Payload:** 72000 rounds per turret\\

The Warding Rune is a twin-barreled 20mm point defense system utilizing a hybrid firing system (chemical propellant and magnetic acceleration). This system fires an anti-armor tungsten alloy penetrator encased in a ferrous alloy shell.

I think the Warding Rune would better fit in as a DR 4. My reasoning is it fits better with the other weapons in that catagory.

Level 4
* Rail guns
* Light Armor Service Rifle

**Location:** Main hull turret (2)\\
**Primary Purpose:** Fire Support\\
**Damage:** DR 7\\
**Range:** 1 AU
**Rate of Fire:** 30 rpm\\
**Payload:** 450\\

The 280mm Pseudoflare Artillery turret is designed to fire 30kt nuclear shells that can be set on either proximity or contact fuses. These weapons pack quite a punch in themselves, but are fitted with special additions to increase their deadliness; either HE-style rounds with depleted uranium shard shrapnel bursts, or HEAT shells whose contact detonation will melt an alloy payload, and turn it into a hypersonic jet of plasma.

This belongs in DR 5, See the respective members of that catagory.

Level 5

* Starship Point Defense Weapons
* Nuclear Weapons

====Red Mercury Blaster====
**Location:** Main hull turret (2)\\
**Primary Purpose:** Multirole\\
**Damage:** DR 7\\
**Range:** 3 AU
**Rate of Fire:** 20 rpm\\
**Payload:** Unlimited\\

The Red Mercury blaster is actually a focusing assembly of multispectral radiation mirrors and a detonation chamber, reinforced by a structural integrity shield. A small fusion warhead is loaded into a blasting chamber, then injected with a canister of balltechnic solution (chemicals that react readily when subjected to extreme pressures) called Red Mercury. The device detonates, and both the thermal and electromagnetic energy is funneled and refracted out the barrel. This nuclear-pumped design results in a very intense burst of high frequency radiation, but at the unfortunate cost of being unable to maintain a steady beam like lower-powered systems.

I am thinking DR5, maybe I could live with DR 6, but this doesn't fit with the others at the DR 7 level like the striker array.

Level 7

* Jaaq'tah plasma weapons
* "Striker" array on newer Star Army ships

**Location:** Main hull turret (2)\\
**Primary Purpose:** Anti-starship\\
**Damage:** DR 8\\
**Range:** 1 AU
**Rate of Fire:** Continuous\\
**Payload:** Unlimited\\

The Starjammer is a free electron laser that behaves like most raditional electromagnetic beam weapons. However, unlike traditional systems such as lasers these weapons do not use chemical or solid-state power sources. Rather, a relativistic electron stream is used in place of a focusing crystal or conductor, allowing it to generate a beam of a much wider frequency range than most directed energy weapons. These include frequencies such as those of microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and xrays. This ability to change it's frequency to suit its target is obviously a tactical advantage that can be used to exploit an enemy's weaknesses.

Starjammer Approved for IC usage.
DR 8, actually fits here. The Starjammer is fine. I had actually been considering a free electron laser on one of my own projects--seems you beat me to it. Excellent design.

Edit the other DR ratings and your good to go.
These weapons should be each listed on wiki, and some followup to my previous comments would be appreciated.

One of them was approved, waiting on the remaining.
Added to the relevant vessel's article, all recommended DR changes applied.

Sort of off-topic, but you just inspired a neat idea. I think it might be a good idea if we write up a sort of guideline/list on different types of weaponry, such as EM projectors, kinetic weapons, missiles, and so on. An index for inexperienced writers so they can easily weight the strengths and weaknesses of weapon types without having to slog through trial-and-error or having to machine gun questions at scientific-minded players. Maybe even add a recommended DR range, too.