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RP [VDTF/Freespacer] [JP] A Survivalist's Engagement

Primitive Polygon

🎖️ Game Master
LM-NE-03, Orbit of the First Body

A tame yellow glow shone on the small rocky planetoid, abstracted by the great green clot of the northern Lorath nebula that now formed it's backdrop. A trio of Nomad Solarfoils broke in from hyperspace with a small flash, finding their way into a stable orbit briskly. Twin H-sails each and twin missile pods on their pylons, they were certainly from some kind of military organisation.

And so, sitting there, silently, they awaited the approach of their Vekimen contacts. They eventually did. A reasonably sized warship by the looks of it, dropped out of FTL. The aggressive spearhead body with the pincer style blades protruding from the front of the craft giving it a vicious appearance.

There was a moment of silence as the single ship faced the trio, before text based communication was started.

-"VDTF to Freespacer craft. Please identify yourselves."-

-"We are Freespacers, yeah."- The lead vessel responded, trollishly. -"You wanted a deal. We are here."-

There was a moment of com silence before contact opened up again.

... We are prepared to receive representative in primary hangar. We understand your ships are generally hostile towards biological life forms.

The ships continued to move erratically, like flies swarming around a carcass. They didn't seem to be taking up any kind of offensive posture, but moved around enough to make them pretty visually annoying, not that the Vekimen could see them with their distinct lack of portholes.

Soon enough, the back of one of the small vessels cracked open, unleashing a small tubular shuttle, tapering towards a fine point at the front end. The 'bulb' of the flower had many small sails sticking out, like leaves.

This traveller shuttle wasted no time in moving towards the larger Vekimen host vessel, unlike the deranged pilots of the three main craft.

The craft found it easy enough to land in the large airlock on the bottom of the craft, which was then lifted into the very warehouse like cargo hold of the small capitol vessel.

Zahen Lak'Sivaro stood waiting, wearing her EVA combat uniform, helmet clipped to her belt just in case the ship was overly radiated. Her suits sensors weren't picking anything up, so she decided it was fine.

It was only at close range that one could examine the fact the shuttle had no canopy, no protection from the vacuum of space. Some kind of humanoid mechanical thing sat upon it as one might a hoverbike, with great metal hooves and antlers. This was likely an automata, but could well have been someone organic, yet so heavily cyborgized there was no difference either way.

"My name is Antibody Hollowpoint Five Seven." The voice was low, scratchy, digital. "With whom do I have the honour of speaking?"

Zahen smiled toothily at the comment made by the... Robot. "My, such manners. I wish the last freespacer I had the pleasure to meet was so kind, though she was always on about work this and work that. Not healthy in my eyes, but I suppose everyone is different," She explained, sighing. "Anyway, I am Zahen Lak'Sivaro, Khysze of the Vekimen Defensive Task Force. The honour is all mine, Five-Seven, I assure you," She chuckled.

Hollowpoint took a moment to examine what was to them a rather abstract creature, before slowly dismounting from their oversized vehicle.

"I'm guessing... Something to do with that... Backwater Elysian world..." Clearly, the spacer was also examining the allegiances at play here. "Yes. There is no worry about offence. That person is not associated with us."

"188-604 I believe? Arccos Two-Three I think? The group she worked for hired the Vekimen for a time before they started to go fuzzy on their deal with us. Regardless, old news, and I am sure given how colourful she was at times, you are all very different," She explained with a casual wave of her hand. It was obvious she was neither fond nor hateful of the group. Clearly just a business transaction.

"Though, I am remiss to ask, would you like to continue these wonderful pleasantries, or are you a straight to business type? I would offer you something to eat or drink but I feel you... Do neither of those," She laughed playfully, admiring the robotic body once again.

"HA." It was a simple, round sound, actually a little warmer than one might expect. It also jolted upright, revealing that it's body was skirting close to seven foot, yet was crouching down slightly. "My brain is organic still. But no, thank you. It made sense to send someone who could neither poison, nor be poisoned."

Without moving it's feet, the stance rotated sideways, producing a truly oversized hand-cannon, which it briskly tossed into the footwell of it's transport.

"With all honesty, information on your species is limited. We really did not know what to expect."

"If you came unarmed, I would have been more shocked. Even a little suspicious. I appreciate you declaring the weapon however. We are a complex species to be sure, though the interest is kind. Though, the discussion of the hour is Junkers. Those pretty little drone spiders you have. The VDTF would be most interested in them, and we have had a taste of Freespacer tech already, and are quite happy with what we received," She said, offering a Datapad with a picture of a giant robotic Vekimen. "Of my own design, of course," She stated.

"...You're interested in Junkers even after what happened to the Lament? After what nearly happened to all of that surface settlement?... Well, you certainly have interesting hobbies." The machine leaned on one hip, whilst it examined the design in detail. "I'm sure we can come to some kind of agreement that will meet both of our interests, of course."

"Well. What are your interests? As I understand the Freespacers have a virtual world of their own, so they can make a split second last several lifetimes. You live off radiation, and can survive with an abhorrently minimal amount of sleep. I can hardly grasp any possible way the Vekimen can repay you other than resources maybe. We tried to do as much research as we could, but we could find little happening after YE-30. We were confused, honestly," The Vekimen said, giving a sheepish smile.

"The speed depends on processing power. We aren't all super computers." A cautious tone. "What we know of your species is, well... That you are somewhat forced into a situation of prioritizing efficiency, like us. Quite odd, isn't it?"

"I wonder, what exactly is it that you plan to do with this technology?"

"I would say the mutuality provides plenty in common myself. As for the technology, specifically, I am personally looking to improve our current manufacturing systems. The Lament had systems on board that allowed it to take anything and fabricate it into anything, and I must say I am very interested in such technology. The Junkers, are however my priority. They would be highly useful in building up our manufacturing and building capabilities as I have learned over time," Zahen smiled.

"Well, our technology is limited somewhat to more straightforward ore in some cases, you understand. It cannot replicate that special Yamatai metal structure. Duradium and the heavier Nepleslian types are the best we can currently manage... Yes, those cat girls can be quite selfish." Understatement of the century, given Hollowpoint's past, but they weren't going to get into that here. "Considering that the Junkers are self-replicating, I can't imagine that a physical cost would be too high. But that's why I wanted to know what your plans were, you see... And that does give me a rather interesting thought for an alternative deal."

"Well, as I understand t, and please do correct me if I am wrong... You can set them with parameters. Population cap, what they can and cannot use and all of that. Though, alternative deal? You have peaked my interest greatly Hollowpoint," The alien commented kindly.

"They can have new protocols established, yes. Though they are more preventative than something you can use to order it around, in many circumstances. The life of a machine is precious to us, and though the Junker might seem about as smart as house pet at most, their SI still has a certain animalistic intelligence. It is important to respect this." The automata didn't have individual fingers, simply raising it's entire robotic claw as it emphasized this. "Therefore, my deal is simple. We'll trade you the Junker specifications and method of communication, in exchange for the Vekimen genetic model."

Zahen listened, obviously thinking about the idea. "So... What would that entail exactly?" Zahen asked, crossing her arms. "That is a dangerous game to play for us..."

"We have interest in developing new genetically engineered beings for very similar reasons. Our race is still critically low in terms of organic population." The voice was as careful, mechanical as ever. "Some DNA samples, growth patterns, sustenance data... These are the basic things we require. Replicating a Vekimen person wholesale, is, of course, worthless to us, as you rely on different dietary requirements, but... Well, it could well add a little more spice to our plans than purely human-based attempts."

Zahen was obviously considering this. "This would make the deal a little more difficult. We do not like handing out our DNA to just anyone. We would like a certain amount of... how should I say it... Oversight of such a project. As well as a slightly more... Interactive attempt on your part to get our system up and running nicely. We are living like cavemen some would say, without even a space station yet," She sighed, crossing her arms. "So this deal will have to be rather nice for me to get authorization for it. However, if I get authorization, I'll give you my own personal DNA. I am what our kind would call a perfect specimen," She explained.

"That is fair. We regard SI machines as living things with only a degree of difference in terms of material, so I do not intend to mess with any moral or religious sensibilities you may have. Having a say in how the junkers are used certainly interests us. I would hate for them to cause any harm." The machine's eyes seemed to flicker as it put a special effort into phrasing this carefully. "Manufacturing facilities of ours, as you know, can also be rather mobile. We can send more resources up this way, if you desire."

"Wonderful. Please specify exactly what it is that you are willing to put forth, in a list format so that I may record it and send it off. If you would like, I will also throw in the ability to use Komodo System as a... More permanent place of residence, with assistance from the VDTF for protection and other needs on a request basis," Zahen offered.

"Agreeable. I think it would be in both our interests to work within your space. We have no fondness for the idea of the Nepleslians or the Yamatai looking in on our plans." It nodded. "Moving a mothership up here wholesale is within our power, of course. Though I must insist against the mass merging of organic personal, for reasons of contamination."

"In terms of a specific deal, I suppose what I would suggest is this; We'll give you the Junker AI hardware and software in exchange for some basic Vekimen organic samples and data. A neutral space station, or at least orbital habitat of some kind, can then be set up in orbit of a planet of your choosing. This is where we can mutually oversee the construction of both of our projects."

Zahen grinned. Then looked at her Datapad. "Sraralumee... Is that an adequate deal for you?" She asked.

A strangled, chittering sound came over the Datapad, and Zahens face lit up. "Wonderful. I love it. Hollowpoint Five-Seven, I believe you and I have just made a deal," She said, reaching up to her shoulder and peeling the torso of her combat suit off to reveal her arm. "As promised..." She said, holding out her arm. "A forward payment I suppose you can say."

"It is pleasing to me that we share such water." The large machine's angular head arced to one side, as it paraphrased an old freespacer saying. It turned back to it's vehicle for a moment, going though one of saddlebags and procuring a chromed silver case. The white-plastic internals cracked open with a hiss, suggesting that is had been specially sterilized. The needle itself was very small, however, and looked tiny in the automata's huge metal fingers. It grasped Zahen's arm very carefully indeed, and didn't make a further movement until it was absolutely sure it's fine-scale infra-red cameras could correctly discern a vein within the cold-blooded creature.

Zahen barely flinched... Visibly. The robot could probably feel as her tiny arm was taken in his massive hands the girl flex. She was calm as the needle pierced the fleshy white scales of her under arm, the vial filling with very dark red blood.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I'm sure this will help us both in the long run." Placing the vial back into the case carefully, the hunched machine turned back to give a small nod, and then back out through the hangar doors, seemingly back to one of its own ships. It was receiving data from relays based there.

Zahen seemed to let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "My... I must say, you are rather intimidating when in contact with..." She said, starting to put her Combat uniform on.

"Experience has moulded us this way, unfortunately." The towering thing remarked simply, wondering how much common ground they actually shared. "I would... Give you a disk with this junker data, but I'm not convinced your machines could read it. Is there a network address you would prefer me to transmit it to?"

Zahen blinked a couple times as she tried to figure out what to do. "Well, I was hoping you would actually deal with the programming of the Junkers. I would adore the chance to learn, but we have only just started to understand the idea of Artificial Intelligences and robots with sentience of any kind is still way above our heads on a technological level. Though, I will say, we are stunningly fast learners," She smiled. "Or at least some of us," She added, chuckling.

"If that's what you want..." It took a pause, seemingly surprised about the level of trust. "I suppose you are unlikely to have a particularly powerful server cluster laying around."

"I would have to say no, but if you wouldn't mind me being so bold, technology is my favourite topic on a date," She grinned, her tail flicking a little. "If you wouldn't mind entertaining me..."

A few of the larger metal plates shifted, as the machine changed it's stance, moving a hand onto the other hip. Hollowpoint had the body of a machine, but the mind was still squishy grey matter as yet. And it was definitely picking up some odd signals here.

"What exactly do Vekimen do for entertainment?" It baited, digital voice actually becoming lower.

"Depends on the Vekimen really. You could wholesale the entire race and say sex, given that was really al we had to do on our station, but personally I like learning about technology and working on my creations. I think that is why I seem fond of Freespacers honestly. You are like everything I enjoy bundled up into a single, sentient package. It's like... Well I don't know what to compare it too, but believe me I am very fond of your race."

"There is no shortage of either of those things in spacer society, trust me. The concept of being stuck in a small metal prison for years on end is something we share. It's no surprise that much of the polysentience content ended up being this, too." The voice returned to a certain monotone, trying to at least be informative if nothing else. It was kind of hard to be proud of one's race in Hollowpoint's eyes, but there was a major political schism still going on. "Perhaps I'm being too focused on business here... but, well, my body for business is in the trash. I'm metal now. I guess that's living the Freespacer dream, at least..."

"Considering we are as different as we are, is that why you are not more frightened? To be honest, I rather look forward to that bit sometimes."

"Oh, well... I am not easily frightened. Most Vekimen aren't actually. Kind of hard when most of your life was spent living in fear for your life. Though, I am aware of your metal body, I was thinking maybe, with a little help... I could modify the mind to machine interface systems I developed using Freespacer tech to allow me access to your polysentience? I was told about it in the past, and well... You met me on my turf, why don't I meet you on yours one day? You can show me around a little," She chuckled.

"A metal box without the poly'... Now that is a thing." He laughed. "I would love to. It's only fair that we share our ways on even terms, I suppose."

"Oh wonderful. It's a date then. Not now though unfortunately, far too much work to get done, but soon I should hope. Would you care to follow us back to Komodo Space?" She asked, tilting her head.

"We'll send the two escorts back, and my craft can go with you alone." Hollowpoint had to add a little extra huff of a laugh, considering it would be swapping the rolls. The nomads were tiny compared to this hulking great alien ship. "Better to keep our movements slippery. I can accompany you personally, if you desire."

"If I desire? You have no idea how much I would desire to have you essentially trapped on my ship free for me to pick your brain!" Zahen laughed, sounding quite excited.

"It would be nice to learn more about your culture. I'm just not sure how much more your people desire us to know."

"Uhm... Well... One thing I will have you know, we can be a tad... Barbaric. Do not be shocked if you see Vekimen mating in the halls... And don't be surprised if it all doesn't look exactly consensual. Civility is a trait that is very give or take..." Zahen muttered, looking further into the ship nervously. "Though, I will have to say, unfortunately, this is the only room in the ship that can comfortably accommodate your... Size... We do not like space, and most of our passages are about two feet in diameter..." She added, with yet another sheepish smile.

"There are smaller automata bodies... Perhaps it is best if I come back when I can accommodate... well, your accommodation." Hollowpoint was again answering carefully. They were a little surprised from the revelations that the smaller creature made, having thought they might be more fey upon the first impressions of their temperament. But that did not mean they were so quick to judge, either. "Yes. An investigatory body would be a good idea."

"I promise, I will not move this ship a mere meter if it is within my power as I await your return. Oh by the black, I hope you don't mind me just rattling your ears out with questions. This is going to be great!" The Vekimen giggled gleefully, seeming rather immature compared to what she seemed upon their first meeting.

"Ask away. This is going to be a learning experience for both of us."

"I cannot wait. I hope this will be a very beneficial... I should say alliance? Whatever it is, I am sure it will be beneficial," She smiled kindly. "When you return, we will be off. Feel free to let yourself in when you return, I will be on the bridge," She added, giving a bit of a bow before turning and walking back onto into the bowels of the ship.

Taking another moment to review the interior in silence, Hollowpoint just hopped back on his bike and began to make his way home, ruminating on what exactly this new, strange, alliance would entail...