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Approved Submission VDTF Sensor Suit MkI

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I'd like to know how the Vekimen have come by sophisticated subspace communication systems given how new they are at being a faction of any repute. Especially since the Abwehr, who have a much longer history, picked it up in limited capacity only through sharing among the more advanced nations.

I know you tire of me confirming these things, but so we're clear — your sensors are restricted to lightspeed at this point, making accurate combat data hard to come by without the long strings of ships you detail in the article.

I have reviewed this submission in accordance with the Guide for Submission Reviewers.
Not having subspace communication does far more than make combat data hard to come by. It guts my factions ability to communicate outside 3 light months ((Arbitrary number to make a point)). I would be incapable of communicating with anyone outside certain ranges. Impossible to communicate with any other faction given they are all 25+ light years away, which means it would take 25 years for me to send anything to and from. Subspace should be a minimum.
Maybe you just justify the acquisition of the technology through roleplay, since you're the one who decided to start the Vekimen at a low tech level.
The Vekimen have ships with FTL drives, don't they? If they can send a courier 25 light-years in a matter of hours, not having subspace comms isn't really that desire for basic communication.
Nope. They didn't have FTL capable ships for a while actually, because I was pressured into not having FTL which was a stupid thing to let happen.
It seems to swing back the other way, then... if they don't have FTL-capable ships, they don't need FTL comms, because they'll be either be confined to a single star system or they'll be dependent on technology from other factions. If they're using technology from other factions, they can get access to standard tech, just like everyone else, and you'd only need to incorporate it into their designs.

How did their station get discovered in the first place? It looks like another fleet simply stumbled across it while prospecting. If the Vekimen already had subspace comms, it seems strange that they never used them until well after they were discovered... Were they trying to hide? Were they trying to spy on others' transmissions all along? It doesn't seem like they'd need them for what few missions their ships went on.
I can answer one or two questions there. The Vekimen were putting out distress signals for weeks, that the Heartbreaker managed to pick up and home in on with Edtoto's help with Vekimen communications technology, her knowledge of the Station's immediate surroundings and the Heartbreaker's information about the Uesu UX systems.

I am honestly not very familiar with the intricacies of long range communications here. So I am not sure what type of signal they were putting out. Ed can probably clarify that.

I would assume that the Vekimen used to have better communications technology that they lost over time while isolated on the Station. They might have even had some of the tech remaining and just had no idea how to use it anymore, since they had no need to talk to anyone outside their Station until the emergency situation and their recent reentry into galactic society. During the RP I mentioned that our Engineer was able to modify equipment in the control area of the Vekimen Station to talk to the Heartbreaker and other SA ships, which goes along with that idea.
How did their station get discovered in the first place? It looks like another fleet simply stumbled across it while prospecting. If the Vekimen already had subspace comms, it seems strange that they never used them until well after they were discovered... Were they trying to hide? Were they trying to spy on others' transmissions all along? It doesn't seem like they'd need them for what few missions their ships went on.

They were found because someone found Edtoto's fighters distress signal. The fleet was not found without Edtoto actively helping them, and even then, it took substantially longer because the Thoot destroyed Edtoto's ship, which had everything she needed to communicate with the Vekimen.

It seems to swing back the other way, then... if they don't have FTL-capable ships, they don't need FTL comms, because they'll be either be confined to a single star system or they'll be dependent on technology from other factions. If they're using technology from other factions, they can get access to standard tech, just like everyone else, and you'd only need to incorporate it into their designs.

The thing with communication is that Point A has to be transmitting when point B is receiving. That, or they need to know the phone number. I mentioned at least once, that Edtoto had gotten into trouble for trying to modify a Star Army radio in her attempts to find the station. Of course, her need to modify a radio, which would have taken time was no longer needed, because the Heartbreaker had picked up a radio signal. Not only that, but you kinda need the phone number so to speak, something the Vekimen didn't have. Edtoto lost her data when her ship was destroyed, and why would the Vekimen have the Star Army phone number without ever meeting the star army?

I would assume that the Vekimen used to have better communications technology that they lost over time while isolated on the Station. They might have even had some of the tech remaining and just had no idea how to use it anymore, since they had no need to talk to anyone outside their Station until the emergency situation and their recent reentry into galactic society. During the RP I mentioned that our Engineer was able to modify equipment in the control area of the Vekimen Station to talk to the Heartbreaker and other SA ships, which goes along with that idea.

This right here is also a perfectly valid reason. The Vekimen were pulling apart anything and everything that wasn't essential to keep more essential things running. One very good reason as to why they would take apart their FTL communications would be because maybe, it works similar to the Quantum communications that Yamatai has. They can only communicate with compatible communication devices. Like, what if them trying to contact Yamatai or whoever was like trying to contact a radio with a phone? Once they have access to Yamatai, they could easily get Nepleslia, Origins, USO, and other people they have been contacting with FTL Communications.
I can answer one or two questions there. The Vekimen were putting out distress signals for weeks, that the Heartbreaker managed to pick up and home in on with Edtoto's help with Vekimen communications technology, her knowledge of the Station's immediate surroundings and the Heartbreaker's information about the Uesu UX systems.
Herein lies the danger of RP that occurs without the faction, tech and other setting submissions getting approval first. Rejecting this submission now means I go against the grain of established RP — not a rock against which I'd prefer to have my back.

What I'm hearing is that, in RP, the Vekimen already have some of their FTL comm capabilities justified with help from the SAoY. Maybe that was restoring tech they already had. If so, say so in the submission. "The Star Army helped restore the Vekimen to subspace communicators" or whatever verbiage suits your fancy.

Once again, this is a race that started with little and suddenly is trying to (re)build a lot at maximum velocity. It's a bit sticky.

Even with the idea that they have subspace comms, their sensors don't reflect substantial detection ranges or methods. That's quite clear to me. As long as it stays that way, no problems.
So, you want me to mention that the Star Army repaired their subspace communications? I can do that I guess. As for detection ranges, I don't see a problem with their detection ranges. 5 AU is pretty damned far for standard tech, so I have no problems with that. If you're within 5 AU that means if you're detected you are at least 40+/- Light Minutes away. I would say that's a pretty good combat distance.