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VDTF to Origins

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
To: Origin Fleet Yards
From: VDTF Logistics

To whom it may regard, the VDTF and Planet Komodo are looking to purchase a string of ships. Specifically, your Kouken Class and Mobile Assembly Platform.

  • 10 - Kouken
  • 3 - Mobile Assembly Platforms
We would also like a Digital Copy of all user manuals with the rights to translate and make physical copies.
To: VDTF Logistics
From: Origin Fleet Yards

This is Origin Industries responding to an order of 10 Kouken class Escorts and 3 M.A.P.s for a total of 5,750,000 KS. Shipping and handling will be free of charge. Will this confirm your order?


Yuno Fumihiko
Origin Industries Representative
Dawn Station
To: Origin Fleet Yards
From: VDTF Logistics

This has confirmed our order, yes. We will be transferring 11,500,000 DA as an attachment to this message along with Coordinates for the order. Thank you for your swift response.
To: VDTF Logistics
From: Origin Fleet Yards

Your order has been confirmed. Please wait 1-3 business days for delivery of the 10 Kouken Class Escorts and 2-4 days for the first M.A.P. with following units arriving shortly. Origin thanks you for your business.


Yuno Fumihiko
Origin Industries Representative
Dawn Station
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