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Interest Check VDTFS Retribution


Well-Known Member
For a second time in their history, the I'ee have gotten themselves into a war with an alien species. This time it's of a smaller scale, but far more important! That's because you can take part in it! Those of you who've been with the YSS Heartbreaker for a while might be familiar with how the ship came in contact with both Edtoto Nar'Sivaro and the I'ee: The Ee'ith ambassadors, Sally and Yui, were briefly staying with their asteroid-mining cousins, the Thoot family, when an alien craft drifted into their territory.

What followed was a series of unfortunate events, with the Thoot angrily destroying what they perceived to be an intruder while the Ee'ith tried to rescue it. With the help of the Heartbreaker, Edtoto, Sally and Yui were saved, but the Vekimen craft was destroyed. Since then, the safety of the Vekimen has been secured, and Khelena Het'Laderen has turned her gaze upon those who endangered the life of Edtoto; the saviour of the Vekimen.

This plot, GM'd by me and @Edto Xar'Sivaree , will focus on the crew of the VDTFS Retribution. After Khelena's efforts at securing a bloodless form of reparation from the arrogant Thoot queen, war has been declared: The Thoot will either capitulate or die. The Retribution is one of the Vekimen's new Nightbane MkI class ships. Its mission is to hunt down Thoot craft and eliminate them; capturing only when able.

Those interested in joining this plot can message Edto their character submission ideas! A character does not necessarily have to be Vekimen to be a crew member, so long as they can fit in (and not go mad from stinky lizard breath!). Note, however, that this plot focuses primarily upon the Vekimen race.

For this RP, Edto wishes to use Gallant's ToS, provided he has no objection.
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