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Approved Submission Vekimen Metabolic regeneration

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
So, I'll give the TL;DR first. Over the course of a minimum 1 week period, a Vekimen provided adequate amounts of nutrition can regenerate 1 non-essential limb.

Now for an expanded explanation. Reptiles are known to be capable of regenerating massive amounts of complex cells. Most notable, tail regeneration. I've seen things regarding Salamanders being able to regrow all non-vital limbs but at the same time we are dealing with an alien physiology so who knows.

Essentially the story is a Vekimen loses a body part. Something non-vital. An arm, a leg, their tail, these things, while not important for them to survive, is important for them to function. They live based on mining which before technology they did solely by hand. They need to hunt as well, which again before technology was done by hand and maybe basic tools given the individual.

This is considered a major change to the species, and this is an oversight because I did have the idea of a strong, rowdy, pioneer type creature that could take a licking ad keep on ticking. In the sense of the setting, however, I don't feel this would be a huge over-step of abilities. Given that you can download consciousness into a brand new body, being able to regrow an arm or a leg over the course of minimum a week.

Times I was thinking at a best case scenario, with all the building blocks required to replace bone and muscle and everything else required for a limb or extremity to be built, as well as the rest and recuperation. This is the /fastest/ possible time without blatant medical assistance.

Tail, 1 week
Hand/Feet, 2 weeks
Legs/Arms, 2 1/2 weeks

Typical rates would replace weeks with months, and bad conditions would be years

The reason why the difference between hands/feet and Arms, Legs is so small, and also so large in comparison to the tail is because if you lose a leg, you lose your foot. However, while the leg has so much more to it, the foot is extraordinarily complex in comparison to the leg. 27 bones vs 2 bones, and vastly more muscles and tendons than the leg. The tail, despite being a string a vertebrae is equally as simple. Large segments of muscle and tendons supported by a skeletal frame.

As was mentioned to me, this problem could be solved once Yamatai took a larger hand in their "Development" or with cybernetics. At the same time, these would be wholly unneeded if they could regenerate their non-vital limbs. Given these existing, I really don't think this would be a problem, given that it would be a downside to it. Cybernetics wouldn't work as the body would be constantly updating and any fixtures would probably be rejected as the cells grew back. Can't come up with anything for Yamatai Hemosynth just regrowing the limb.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Anyone have any objections to this?
This isn't first time we've had this issue, so don't feel bad about my saying this.

Please do the work and add it to the wiki. We need to see the finished submission before we can judge it.
This isn't first time we've had this issue, so don't feel bad about my saying this.

Please do the work and add it to the wiki. We need to see the finished submission before we can judge it.

So alter the Wiki as provided with this information here in a more Wiki appropriate format then a decision can be made. Alright, I can do that.
I have edited the Wiki. I would however like to know if there is any disagreeance to the Vekimen having this ability period. I also added eyes, and IR Pits to the regeneration.
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