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RP: YSS Anoiktos Verse 1.0: A Dove Amongst Ravens


The Cloaked Character
Inactive Member

It had been a week since they had set out from the docking bay hovering over New Elysia. They had taken their time in picking a star cluster that seemed good to explore, eventually they decided upon a nearby star cluster that seems to have been relatively unexplored. Upon coming out of hyperspeed they would stop at the edge of the nearby Star Cluster named Eudokia. On deck at the moment was the Captain; Ambriel Cinna in the captains chair, the first mate Charlampos Ambrosia standing near the captains chair, Mihral Lekos on scanners, with Cintanisa Frasna on the operations console.

As they arrived at the edge of said star system, Ambriel was slouched lightly, with her arm propped up on the right arm of the captains chair with her fist firmly against her cheek in an almost bored fashion, however she wasted no time in looking towards Mihral. "Semeai Lekos, I want you to do a long range scan and tell me what planets are here in the system. Semeai Cintanisa; I want you to continue our course, however set us more on cruise so that we won't be surprised by anything that comes our way. Duplicari Ambrosia, I want you to prepare the other three members of our crew, and bring them up here so we can decide which planet we are going to." She looked up at the large woman next to her.

Char gave the Elysian Salute and turned heading out of the bridge and down into the bowels of the ship to gather up the civilian, the doctor, and the Soldier. As she approached each location she checked on each of them to ensure they were doing what they were supposed to be doing before she actually made herself known.
Anoiktos Bridge

Mihral gave a nod to Ambriel and began typing away at the science console, it wasn't lock before she began receiving her results "We are in the "Ee Ecks dash Nine" star system, also known as Eudokia. The system has two stars, Eudokia; a main sequence orange star. And Eudokia Dua; a Red Dwarf. There are ten planets in the system, give me a moment more to look over the results." She went silent for a moment as she looked over her console, studying the data.

"Yes, it seems Eudokia One and Two have breathable atmospheres, however Eutokia-Two has only 1% land mass on the surface. Eudokia Five and Seven, I am detecting possibly refined metals, however no detected atmospheres, a rock and ice planet respectively. And last of note is Eudokia-Ten which has strong electromagnetic readings preventing me from collecting any real data. I'm forwarding system details to the captain's station." She typed away once more before sending the details to the captain. Though she had done as told she continued to type away, trying to figure out a way to get the scan's through the EM field of Eudokia-X.

The engineer Shamshiel was at her post down near the rear of the ship as usual, having settled in quite well since the launch of the Elysian exploratory mission. The week of travel had given her ample time to learn the ins and outs of the Anoiktos's biological and mechanical systems to the point where she did not need the manuals or anything tacky like that anymore. After all, it largely maintained itself as a living organism and Shamshiel's job was just to gently nudge its performance in one way or the other as necessary. The feisty redhead was now doing just that, studying the power flow readouts of their latest jump into the Eudokia system, while nibbling on a loaf of Psomi as her FARS drone Beryl seemed to be tidying up after some maintenance work she had completed earlier.

Charlampros would also notice upon entering that the gravity was turned down in this area of the ship. Shamshiel was used to such conditions from her time working on Veritas, though back then it was also a treat because her nearly useless dirty white former Plebian wings actually could look somewhat impressive in low G. As a Caesolian that was no longer the case, but she still enjoyed floating about with her orange-tipped wings relaxed while she worked.

The smell of cinnamon and fruit was also present all around, conjuring images at they struck the nose of a delicious home cooked breakfast. The cause was a freshly baked loaf of Psomi sitting on a outgrowth ledge right near where the tall soldier entered. Shamshiel looked up from her monitoring, and gave a welcoming mid-air bow, gesturing warmly to the food. "Ah, Duplicarii... a pleasure to see you down here. Sit down and have a bite, I baked it fresh to celebrate our first mission. Can't explore the stars on an empty stomach, now can we?"
Cintanisa Frasna nodded as he took his seat; configuring the operations console one last time to ensure that everything was to his liking before setting the ship on cruise control. His eyes glanced briefly off the main display and at the speed indicator, to which he corrected the ships speed. Damn cruise control system... he growled under his breath as he sent the CORRECT information to the ships engines, the ship gradually fell into the right speed range and the Elysian leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest briefly before leaning inward again to monitor the system more closely.
Anoiktos Bridge

Ambriel looked over towards Mihral while she spoke and listened intently for a moment. She spoke of the place they were heading, the EX-8 System Eudokia. How the system had two stars and the type of stars they were. The ten planets, each one with seemingly interesting possibilities. She paused a moment and then closed her eyes in thought. For several minutes she stayed quiet, allowing Mihral to do her job in an attempt to get through the EM Field of Eudokia-X.

Mihral would find that the electro-magnetic waves covered pretty much the entire service of the tenth planet of the Eudokia System... For the most part. She’d find that there –is- a location on the North Pole and South Pole that seem to be some-sort of anomaly compared to the rest of the planet, in that it has not electro-magnetic blockage. Which allows her to get a slight peek at the landmass of the planet itself. Below the opening one would find that the ground was actually barren and rocky, not settling well with life, but surprisingly not icing over due to the electro-magnetic storm consistently going over the planet.

Mihral from the looks of the signatures, outside of the electro-magnetic storm there seems to be.. SOMETHING on that planet. In the opening on the north and south poles there are smaller individual blockages to your scanning that are not big enough to actually block out the entire area. However, upon closer inspection of the scan the blockages seem to be moving slowly across the land towards the other side. What was it? Your scan surely can’t tell.

Ambriel on the other hand begins looking through the things sent to her station and looked at all the different possibilities that she can send the crew on. Personally, she knew what they were really after but she knew the meaning of patience as well. Ambriel looked up for a moment hearing Cintanisa growl under his breath and she raised an eyebrow ever so slightly at his actions before he leaned back. “Semeai Frasna…is there an issue that you’d like to inform me of?”


Char looked around noting the lower gravity, she was a little surprised, but at the same time it wasn’t something unusual. She looked towards the Engineer, and smiled a bit as she moved over and took a seat crossing one leg over the other with a chuckle. “Made yourself at home, I see Shamshiel.” She was amused, and impressed, a civilian was not one to quickly adapt to the life of a soldier, but she has done rather well…then again she had been on plenty ships before. “I think I will take some of that bread… its to delicious to let up…We’ve arrived at our destination… the EX-9 system Eudokia. Honestly, a little excited.”
Anoiktos Bridge

After completing her more thorough scans on Eudokia-X she turned to the captain and first officer once more. "I completed my scans on Eutokia-Ten and it would appear there are holes in the Ee-Em field at the poles of the planet. I was able to do minor scans through this hole and detected that the planet is a rock planet, it seems the field's acting somewhat like an atmosphere and helping regulate temperature enough to keep the planet from freezing. The strange part is that I am detecting movement of Ee-Em fields along the planet they're not all static."
Anoiktos Bridge

The man stiffened only slightly, then relaxed and turned toward Ambriel. "Sorry Prefectii, someone misconfigured the control systems, so our ship wasn't on the proper course - off by a few centimeters, so had to correct it. Probably someone who wasn't trained to operate the system and decided to wing it," Frasna turned back toward his console and made double sure that the system was opearing how 'he' wanted it to. If I ever find out who it was, I'll ring their necks and hang them from the ships wings.

"Yes, it is rather exciting," replied Shamshiel as she took a final bite of her spiced apple Psomi with a satisfied grin that the officer was sharing in it. "I do believe the Anoiktos itself shares in those sentiments as well. It was built for this, after all, and from these readings it is seeming quite pleased to be finally able to fulfill its purpose."

The civilian scientist then swiveled in her seat once her notes were done, as her hair and wings followed the motion like a swirl of fire. "Of course, as much as I am enjoying myself down here, I am quite eagerly awaiting the results of our preliminary scans, and an away mission to be formed to analyze the planets more directly."
YSS Anoiktos – Bridge

Ambriel nodded a bit towards Frasna before turning her attention back towards Mihral, she paused a moment and tilted her head a bit. She hummed a moment to herself before nodding to her. “Very good, Semeai Lekos. Keep the scanners open, and make an announcement that our location has been set. We’ll be heading for Eudokia X, We’ll start from there and make our way down.”

The Captain then turned her attention back to the pilot. “Semeai Cintanisa. Set course for Eudokia X, and be careful when approaching, we should approach from the poles. If we do not we could be caught by Electro-magnetic ejections into space which could harm the ship.” She leaned back for a moment and eyed upwards keeping a straight face. “We are going to find out what is moving upon that planet, then resume our course towards the more inhabitable planets.”

YSS Anoiktos – Engineering

“Well don’t you worry Shamshiel, I’m sure you’ll get your fill of discovery while we are out and about. We have plenty more to do, not just this system.” She finished off her Psomi as well and stretched a bit, then looked at Shamshiel again. “Just try not to get hurt, yeah? Last thing we need is a hindrance.” Despite the cold words, there was perhaps a sense of care within her tone.

Mihral cleared her throat and then activated the intercom. "We have arrived in the Eudokia system and are now adjusting course to head for Eudokia ten. Planet exhibits strong electromagnetic fields so all hands please stay alert." After making the announcement she pulled the belts on her seat and fastened them, and kept her eyes on the sensors wanting to make sure she saw anything well before it made it to the ship.

The civilian Engineer gave a brief smile as she picked up on the concern behind the officer's words. Military types were always so gruff and and posturing about physical strength, but she knew that there were many ways to gauge such a thing. "Don't you worry, Lady Ambrosia. If I could survive the last couple of wars and nearly getting eaten or blown to bits by the Mishhu on Veritas... I do believe I can handle myself well enough. The joy of helping build our new home for our people and our deity is what drives me forward -- and of course, a little challenge for my prospecting skills along the way never hurts either." As she spoke this, she began to clean up their meal like a practiced housekeeper, and recalled her FARS drone Beryl back over, who's mini-Neko hologram happened to wink at the Duplicari. "Perhaps then, you should go check on your subordinates to make sure they are prepared as well?"
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"Aye aye Prefectii," Frasna responded and inputted the new course into the ships computers, he waited for a moment to make sure the system accepted his inputs and was smiled when the ship did. "Course set," he glanced at another display and corrected the ships speed and then made sure that upon arrival to the planet that they would be heading up to its poles - instead of toward the areas he didn't want the ship to go.
YSS Anoiktos

Char nodded a bit and made her leave of Shamshiel’s quarters, and went to check on the rest of her crew, gathering up information on each one before she reported back to the captain that everyone was ready to go.

Space - Eudoka X

The trip to the planet was rather uneventful, and overall quick. Upon arriving at the planet they see a large electrical storm over 95% of the planet, one that if they got too close would clearly damage the ship. Which is why the captain ordered it to be shown to the poles rather than the side.

A more indepth scan of the planet showed that the movement the long range scan had shown was what seemed to be beings of living electricity, moving across the poles towards the massive storm on the other side. They even seemed to have a civilization of sorts, at least from first look.

YSS Anoiktos

Ambriel ordered everyone to meet up in the briefing room to be briefed on what they were to do. Charlampos made her way over to the briefing room with little hesitance, and found herself sitting up near the front of the briefing room. Ambriel would already be there naturally awaiting the others near the front of the room.
YSS Anoiktos

Mihral typed on her terminal and set up a routine scan to keep a look out for anything unusual and send all the scan data to the briefing room. She spent the time to do this because it would be rude to leave the bridge at the same time as the officer in charge. Once Charlampos was gone Mihral stood up and made her way off the bridge and headed toward the briefing room, arriving without delay.
YSS Anoiktos

Shamshiel left her drone down in Engineering to keep an eye on things for a while as she made her way up from the bowels of the ship towards the briefing room. Once there, the red-headed Elysian gave her wings a stretch in the more normal level of gravity present and found a seat with a slight smile. She was eager to hear what the scans had discovered about Eudokia X, as there seemed to already be heightened electric fields present that she had detected causing very subtle effects on the vessel's energy systems, even from their present distance. This could indicate many things about the planet's composition and structure, but the well-versed Planetologist was content to wait and see the data before she could begin to make suggestions.

Frasna nodded and waited for the others to leave before he locked his terminal and stood up, he looked about the bridge for a brief moment before popping a muscle in his wing and heading for the briefing room; the Elysian was rather quiet and didn't anything as he walked, the only thing that seemed to move other than his feet was the flickering of his left wing every so often. When he arrived, he took a seat and awaited the start of the briefing.
YSS Anoiktos - Briefing Room

Ambriel steps out onto the briefing room floor and turn to look at everyone as they gather. She takes a breath and presses the button to bring up a holographic version of the planet they are hovering over. “So, we've noticed things have been rather active here. As its nearby our objective, I figured it was best to check it out to ensure nothing comes and sneaks up on us, or the like while we are working on our true objective. We are to go down there and discern any possible alliances or threats with what is down there. Does anyone have any questions?”
YSS Anoiktos - Briefing Room

Mihral looked over the information she had gathered from the sensors on a small tablet and then looked back to Ambriel "What is going to be our course of action? We do not have very many people on the ship in the first place. We can barely make a full fire team."
YSS Anoiktos - Briefing Room

Along with the image of Eudokia X displayed by Ambrosia, Shamshiel seemed quite shocked that there were electrical anomalies that blanketed nearly the entire surface of the planet and the strangeness to their patterns. "I can't help but notice that not only do the electrical fields of this planet seem to exceed what would be naturally expected by its orbital trajectory and environment, but their are distinct plasmoid discharges moving in patterns that... while generally directed towards the superstorm center... display a degree of variations in direction that suggest intelligence." The scientist rubbed her chin at this intriguing thought. "Is it truly electrical life forms, though? I suppose we can't quite tell from this distance, but approaching them is also a risky endeavor without proper shielding..."
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YSS Anoiktos - Briefing Room

Frasna studied the storm that Shamshiel was referring to, he didn't like the fact that they were effectively blind going down into that area; although his interest pique'd when he heard Shemshiel refer to the possibility of intelligent life. "We may not have the shielding, but good flying can get us close enough to possibly investigate, and I can get us close," said the Elysian, it wasn't arrogence that was doing the talking but rather confidance.
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