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RP: YSS Anoiktos Verse 1.5 - Quetzalcoatl's Domain


The Cloaked Character
Inactive Member
18:00 - Anoiktos; Launch Day​

Upon having finished the inspection of the MCAS, The group was granted temporary relief for a few days before departure. Having finally had everything ready, Ambriel called everyone to the Hangar Room where she had a ship tuned to the same frequencies as the MCAS shielding system to make sure it could resist any electrical surges that might come out of the Electromagnetic field. Upon arrival Ambriel would look across the crew members and then begin to speak.

"These last few days have been trying times for our newly formed crew, and its with great pleasure that I finally announce we are ready to launch to Eudeka-X. I have a list of crew members who will head down to the surface of Eudeka-X. Your personal MCAS systems synchronized with our scientists notes and data are all on the ship already, so without further adieu..." She took a breath eyeing the crew. "XO Ambrosia will be leading the operation as Commander, and Shamshiel Topazios will be the leading scientific advisor and second in command. Miharel Lekos, you will also go down as a scientific Advisor, and Machariel Valeria you shall go down as Infantry, along side Odysseus Fringe, Reisha Moore, and Athenis Reed. Char, if you would..." She stepped off to the side.

The red head named Charalampos Ambrosia; the XO of the Anoiktos, stepped up into her place. "Alright my lovelies, listen to mother..." She said with her characteristic smile that could calm even the most raging of men. "Our job is to go down there and discover what is down there, if we find any form of life we are to study it and log the study. Should they be sentient then we'll try to make contact, if not we are to do our best to study, do not mess with their ecosystem in any way. Any questions?" The female looked at the group questionably.
Mihral like the others was suited up in her MCAS, it was an off white color with pink accents, just enough to keep it feminine, keeping her motherly demeanor was important after all. The comment about listen to mother made her chuckle a little though, not because disrespect, but it was just odd to hear from someone younger than her, but then again there weren't many women her age in the military at this rank. However she listened to the instructions and got herself ready. She didn't have any questions, scientific study was something she was used to, and this wasn't her first time in a power armor either.
Shamshiel was in the hangar room with the assembled military members, her mini-neko FARS Beryl also hovering happily beside her with little sparkles in its holographic eyes as she was suddenly called out by Ambriel to be the scientific leader of the away team. The Caelisolan would have naturally ran a hand through her red hair at the accolade, and then placed it on her hip... though she quickly thought better of it when she realized she was now in the confines of the MCAS, her white and warm orange color scheme complimenting and also contrasting with that of Mihral.

However, much unlike the military scientist who was confident in her armor, Ms. Topazios appeared to the others to be quite fidgety overall (and not likely due entirely to impatience)... it was actually one of her first times using military-grade hardware such as this. Normally she utilized simpler, civilian-oriented getups for her work in the past at Veritas and with the SSS -- even an older Elysian Hikael model would have been more comfortable. Still, everything on the AIES was showing green status, and the mods to the CFS they had developed were active. In fact, the engineering genius had even went a step further and outfitted the armor with additional capacitor cells in the shoulder and leg hardpoints -- normally these would be used as backup power for modules, but in this case they were actually defensive in nature, intended to provide overflow protection if too much electrical energy leaked through the barrier. Who knows, maybe she could experiment with some other uses for it...

Shamshiel adjusted her backpack module once to make sure it was mounted correctly, as the extra ammo payloads for her prized Pestris pistol, a Bola, and parts for Beryl she could swap out on the fly jangled together. "Thank you, Prefectii. It's a great honor," she assured Ambriel, while glancing briefly at the others before Charalampros then spoke in her commanding and motherly tone to the assembled. This prompted the scientist to add, "I know there's a great secret on Eudokia to unravel, lady Ambrosia, and we shall be the ones to do it. Our God and our pride demands no less, mm?"
YSS Anoiktos, Power Armor Bay


Oh, Machariel had a plethora of questions - why he (the firstborn of the prestigious Valeria family) wasn't leading the infantry or why he wasn't a higher rank, for example - but even with his admittedly hot-headed nature, Machariel knew better then to publicly question a superior officer's orders; the Prefectii, after all, wasn't responsible for the Patrician's current lack of standing within the Star Army of Yamatai.

Besides, thought the Semeai, partially distracted by the task of entering his offensively-equipped MCAS, the previous time I spoke out against one with more authority then I........

He shuddered, recalling that dark, dark day when his father had-

Shamshiel said:
"I know there's a great secret on Eudokia to unravel, lady Ambrosia, and we shall be the ones to do it. Our God and our pride demands no less, mm?"

The teenaged Archangel - by now safely ensconced within the relative privacy offered by the aforementioned MCAS - scowled at the fidgeting (and damnably gorgeous) scientist's words. Pride? Damn it, thou are a Caelisolan, not a Patrician! It's a waste to concern thyself with concepts as exalted as Kleos!
Charalampos looked around at the group for a moment, she then locked eyes on Shamshiel when she stated that their god and pride demanded no less. This is something Char agreed with so she offered a smile and said "Yes, that is very much true Topazios." After a second more the red headed archangel nodded towards the group. "Alright everyone." She turned and looked at the ship that would be carrying them. "Everyone on the ship! We have discoveries to make!" She said in a boisterous voice.

The other infantry let out a roaring cheer, despite what it may seem like they seemed to highly respect Charlampos. They would all head inside the ship after Charalampos where they sat and got strapped in. Athenis, a woman who had short shoulder-length blue hair and gorgeous yellow eyes and more noticably only one wing, turned to Reisha and grinned. "I'm excited, Finally being able to get down on a planet after months on this ship is going to be refreshing!" She said in a giddy tone.

Reisha looked at her for a moment, a serious look on her face. Reisha had really short blonde hair that barely went past her ears, and brown eyes with fair white skin, her wings were black like a Ravens. When she looked at Athenis, however, the looked softened and the Arch Angel grinned. "Yeah; I know how that is, I wonder what we'll find there. Those moving creatures that the Lekos woman found seem to be so cool.

Odysseus was rather quiet, the large and stocky built archangel with chin length white hair and blue eyes, and a noticable scar over his left eye wasn't much for conversation. However, he did look at the giddy girls speaking up for just a few words. "Remember to not lose yourself down there, new territory means danger." He went back to being quiet and just staring out the window.

The two girls, who seemed to know Odysseus from a previous job or station perhaps, both nodded and in unison said: "Yes Sir, we will keep our wits about us!" They then went back to chattering like a bunch of gossiping hens.

Charalampos taking a seat next to the exit of the ship, idly wondering how this would go... there was a wild card, she looked towards Machariel for a moment and then took a deep breath. I really hope he listens to instructions... and understands the gravity of the situation.
YSS Anoiktos, Hangar Bay - Shuttle

Machariel - having followed his fellow "grunts" into Passenger Cabin of the aforementioned Velcior-class shuttle - shook his head as he wordlessly buckled himself into one of the compartment's open seats. With nothing else to do at the moment apart from listening to females chat about extraordinarily mundane things, the Archangel leaned back and - to the outside world - seemed to partake in a staring contest with the (currently unoccupied) seat across from him.

Said Archangel's apparent calmness was, of course, a complete and utter lie; within the confines of his MCAS, the Semeai was, to put it mildly, fuming in rage at the seemingly carefree (and, worse, equal) relationship between Athenis and Reisha - especially since the latter ought to have known better, or was one of those detestable "reformists." Have thou forgotten that we Patricians are superior to those lowly Plebeians? That they have no kleos? - Machariel scowled - Despite our disagreements elsewhere, Father was at least right about one thing: Fools such as thyself, Reisha, are the poison holding back our blessed Elysian Celestial Empire.

The teenaged Patrician (unknowingly) clenched his armored hands into fists.

Fools such as thyself, Reisha, are the reason Mother had to perish that day!
Machariel found his staring contest with the empty seat was interrupted when luck would have it the scientist Shamshiel decided to take it, now staring a hole through her orange breastplate instead. The movements of her MCAS were still not unlike a little jittery "dance" as she settled the powered armor into place for the ride which was only made a little more difficult by all the extra things she was bringing along in the backpack module. When Ms. Topazios had finally found a comfortable position and become still, the Caelisolan didn't need a fancy AIES system to realize that the lowly-ranked Patrician soldier was not enjoying the boisterous atmosphere of the fellow recruits... instead balling his gauntlet-bound hands into fists.

"Is something the matter?" inquired Shamshiel over the speakers. "Everyone is excited to finally begin a new age of discovery here today, and yet you're there brooding." The woman paused for a moment, to consider something, before raising her voice again. "It's not my place to tell you what to do, but do try to relax. That tension will only put you in danger, my lord."
YSS Anoiktos, Hangar Bay - Shuttle

Mihral followed the others into the shuttle and took a look around for a seat. Much like her fellow scientist, she was carrying a backpack module to carry all sorts of things that they might need. She decided to find a seat between the two groups forming and took her helmet off and smiled to everyone. She didn't seem nervous at all in her extra wide power armor. She didn't know everyone's age or standing, so she didn't want to do something offensive, but she needed to break the tension. Then she got an idea, she placed a hand on her cheek and let out a sigh. "I hope my son is eating well." She glanced at everyone, but the men in particular. "You all know how it is with kids when they get to been teenagers right? They never want to eat anything but junk food."
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