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SANDRA [via SANDRA] Premier Yuumi announces new addition

Citizens Rejoice!

New Imperial Princess To Join Strong Royal Family Lines

Princess Yuumi Ketsurui, Imperial Premier of Yamatai, has announced her pregnancy this evening with much jubilation to public.

The announcement was made quietly from her office in the Imperial Palace, but it spread quickly throughout the Empire, causing crowds of undulating admirers and media to swarm the palace within hours, prompting a doubling of the guard in front of the palace temporarily.

The Premier made a brief statement as she left the building later that day, in the company of her secretaries and uniformed security personnel. Already showing subtle signs of carrying, she stated that she intends to take a three-week-long sabbatical in the Empress' Palace to focus on her new daughter and take a break from the hectic pace of imperial politics.

Afterwards, she was driven in a large black sedan escorted by YPD patrol cars to the Palace, where it is expected she will remain for the interim period, but not completely disconnected from the political sphere.

The Premier's most famous act after being returned to the Empire was the formation of the Defense Arrangement Treaty Alliance, or DATA, forming the basis for a strategic friendship with neighboring Nepleslia and more distant Lor. The treaty removed some of the tension that had been building up between these powers for some time. It has also earned her much respect from the leaders of many political groups, and it is expected that she will be receiving limited visitation from high dignitaries.

The new princess is the first of Yuumi's line in the royal lineage, adding another branch to the imperial family and increasing the strength of the Ketsurui clan. The new child's name has not been announced. No details of any possible contributor have been confirmed despite rumors from some elements.

It is requested that any public gifts of flowers or other well-wishes by citizens for the Premier to be left to the sides of the entrance of the Empress' Palace in designated areas to prevent clutter.
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