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Neshaten Information Network Vi'cana Pharmeceuticals Announces Immediate Future Plans

Vi'cana Pharmeceutical's has announced today their plans for the immediate future.

Vi'cana Pharmeceutical, a subsidiary of Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing, CEO Viz'lieun'varya He'uiasye came forth today to release their yearly statement about the plans the company wishes to take in the future. Much to everyone's surprise, they announced that they have entered the testing phases for a new previously undisclosed drug. She admitted that while she couldn't tell us much about the drug at the moment, she was able to tell us the name at least and the general purpose of the drug.

The drug will be called Uni'horu, and the general use of the drug will be Medical Military, meaning whatever the uses the drug will be most likely used by the Medical Corp of the Shukara Volunteer Navy. According to Viz'lieun'varya the drug will be a joint effort between the heads of the Military Development and Medical Development ; Kim'mie Dee'nais and Wil'yam Jun'yor'e. While a lot of people are skeptical about what this new drug could accomplish, a lot are optimistic that it'll be used to better ensure the survival rate of those brave men and women in our Navy.
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