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Approved Character Viktor Kingston

Linked the image for you.

The bio looks fine to me, although new characters starting with the Leadership skill area is always something we raise an eyebrow to.

I just need to you clean up the inventory section. To make a bulleted list, you put two spaces, then * then another space.

  * Item 1
  * Item 2
      * Sub-Item (4 spaces in front of the *)
I dragged you here, too? Sweet.

From what I've read, it looks pretty good so far, you've quite a good history and personality write up for the setting. You must have done your homework. Overall, very good, very clean, very interesting.

Also, I have Known blackbird for around a year, have seen his RP style and abilities, and believe he is capable of correctly using a leadership skill without overdoing it.

I know I have no real power here, but I recommend this Bio for approval.
When you said "there's another, better place," I had to come see it, Kai! I've been searching for ages for a place as in-depth, open, and challenging as this. Finally, someplace that makes me strive to do much MUCH better.

I tidied up the profile. As for the Leadership skill, I would consider it unrefined. As stated in the history, he has some experience in the matter, but it wasn't leading an organized group of trained soldiers onto a fast-paced, ever-changing battlefield. So, he's been a leader before, but making the switch from street gangs in school to the warzone full of tactically trained and armed men is a rather big one. For all practical purposes, his skills as a leader are simply more potential than your ordinary soldier.
Hey there Blackbird!

Moon Man here, one of the Nepleslian Game Masters. Just like to say that the bio looks pretty sharp! I'm sure Exhack, the GM of the NSS Acadia, will be excited to have another fresh body.

Here's to hoping I get to RP with you sometime, yeah?
Thank you very much! I take the compliment to heart; I've done a bit of a perusing about the forums, and you're quite the Legend, as your title entails. Most of it was about your womanizing (which is painted ever so clearly in your avatar) but I'd be honored to roleplay with you.

And when will I know if this is accepted?
Kai, you must tell me how you are able to recruit so many people. ._. Anywho, welcome to SARP, Lore! The bio looks good, and when either Doshii or GameroftheGame (unless his approving powers have been revoked without my knowledge) posts a nice APPROVED! saying, then your character is approved!
He RPs on Gaia, and praises you guys often. He even started a Star Army-esque roleplay, and borrowed a lot of the open-ended ideas (ie, allowing players to submit technology and the like). It's lasted awhile, but certainly isn't as widespread as Star Army.
Hm... yeah, I used to roleplay on Gaia until I found SARP through an ad off of an unrelated browser RPG. Gaia is.. alright... but it is nothing compared to SA, both roleplay and community-wise.
So far, I entirely agree. But then again, it's much more focused, and this type of sci-fi roleplay isn't for everyone. I like it, for sure. Love it, even. And the Power Armors... Well, I fell in love with them. I'm a hardcore mecha lover. Can't wait to get in one... UGH!
1. Skills (Leadership): the only thing I can say to this is, "We'll believe it when we see it."

2. Humanities, Strategy: These are two skills that make assumptions. "His understanding of politics gives him a leg-up when it comes to formal or diplomatic encounters with higher ranking officers and politicians, and puts him in a better place for advancement into leadership fields ... " Those are assumptions. They mean nothing.

The self-confidence he has will be borne out in the RP. So will his ability to be strategic and other things.

Overall: Combined with the history, you're basically angling to have your character become an officer very fast and in a very manly, awesome style.

You try and dilute that point down as best you can, especially on the family member who, as you write, was a "noted ship commander ... and by noted, I mean more of a footnote." But the point is still there. You, or the character, or both are ambitious and want to be respected and important among the setting.

A lot of assumptions I just made there, and I want to know your thoughts on them. Regardless, however, focus on being more of a soldier and less of an officer. Privates have that luxury.

This character is pending.
I see what you're saying; shall I edit out my assumptions?

As for your "guess," I would have to say you're very accurate. A very ambitious and eager character with the desire to excel and, as I put it, "make a difference." I figured that somewhere along the way, when the idea of promotion came up --if ever-- that I'd play it as a sort of personal conflict: he wants to move up, but enjoys his current position. Ultimately, that's how I personally feel about it. I'm not too sure if I want him to advance as quickly as I made his ambitions out to be... So we'll see.
Yes please, edit out the assumptions. That's all I think is necessary. Bump this when you've done so, and feel free to get going in the plot once you've bumped. I'm about to go to dinner, so I won't be around to confirm your work.
This character is approved for IC usage. Please file orders in the communication thread of your character's faction.

Welcome to the Star Army Role-Play.
Don't forget to post in the contact info thread, it's sorta required before you're supposed to get into any Plot.
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