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Vinross Yu-Cranker Materials


Inactive Member
A new mega-corporation, which has plans to be involved in many RP events around Nepleslia and even a select few other nations. This is something of a GM submission for plot-reasons, but I want to receive the same scrutiny as any other submission.

Vinross Yu-Cranker Materials!

Also included in this are two NPC bios of the two Presidents of Vinross Yu-Cranker,

The Big-Time Gambler and husband of Lady Luck, Laj Vinross Yu!
The mistress of prime-time fashion, both in clothing and security, Marrisa Cranker!


There are some minor companies that Laj and Marrisa run as well; a shipyard company and large casino for Laj, and a fashion design company for Marrisa...but I haven't written them out yet. They do little more than their allotted jobs, other than a few shady things under the table. I'll submit those at a later date, but right now I'd like to get the main Vinross Yu-Cranker Materials things ready to go for Nepleslia.
VY Cranker is an unusual name, I have to say.

Does the involvement in the black market mean they could commission them to build something with black market parts?

It might actually be worth building a city and a series of factories ON the sink-strip to accelerate expansion of the mining operation and create a new import/export capital.
It looks like a cluster instead of a vein or strip so you can likely go ludicrously deep and still find the good stuff. In short: This WILL last and once depleted, you'd have a hefty industrial arm to aid what you're already doing.

It might be worth mentioning your exports: Hafnium is getting a little hard to find and it's critical for the QnC's operation: All modern LoCars and the like will be using it soon.
Laj Vinross Yu hails from Delsauria; that's how the naming scheme is to natural Delsaurians, I think I once read. If it's not...well shoot, I guess it is now. I kinda like the name; has some bite to it.

The heavy affiliation with the Black Market means a lot of things that I'd rather not state in the open, for plot-related reasons. You're welcome to bring it up in GM Planning and Communication, though.

Actually, the Sink Strip *is* intended to be both a mine and a heavy industrial area...it's just fairly new, so it hasn't reached full steam yet. Good call though, and a very good suggestion.

Exports include...well, pretty much every natural metal and even manufactured alloys, as well as precious minerals found in excavation. If it really will enhance the quality of the submission, I'll try and form up a list.

Good suggestions overall.