Star Army

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Virtual social network?

nite train

Inactive Member
It may be that I just haven't dug deep enough to find it, but does SARP have an interfactionary social network? If you know of one, please link the wiki. If not, I think it would be a cool thing to implement.
I imagine there to be parallels/equivalents to things like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and somesuch. Hell, there's probably a Craigslist-like where people hock hokey looking stuff or a Nepleslian Etsy for guns, or a Yamataian version of Tumblr where the utopian citizens complain about first world problems and get into arguments with Lorath 4chan. In addition, news spreads through 'em.

I don't think each app would be specific to each network, I'm sure there's a dedicated app to each of the major service providers in SARP, namely:
  • SYNC - Yamataian Civilian network created by Emrys Industries to separate Civvy from Military communications - prior to its creation, everything Yamataian ran through PANTHEON...
Well I don't think there is a specific thing/app/program/website detail I could find on the wiki, though my character Amatsukaze Noa on the Yss Ryujo does make parody jokes and references about what she is going to post on it...
I imagine there to be parallels/equivalents to things like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and somesuch. Hell, there's probably a Craigslist-like where people hock hokey looking stuff or a Nepleslian Etsy for guns, or a Yamataian version of Tumblr where the utopian citizens complain about first world problems and get into arguments with Lorath 4chan. In addition, news spreads through 'em.

I don't think each app would be specific to each network, I'm sure there's a dedicated app to each of the major service providers in SARP, namely:
  • SYNC - Yamataian Civilian network created by Emrys Industries to separate Civvy from Military communications - prior to its creation, everything Yamataian ran through PANTHEON.
  • InterNEP - Nepleslian Civilian network. (Doesn't have its own article, but it's common enough in Nepleslian player lexicon)
  • Lazarus Network - General Purpose/Independent Civilian network. It has its own forum.
  • PANTHEON - Yamataian Military network - I'm only listing this because it's still where a dedicated application could go, but it'd have to be under strict Yamataian scrutiny, and all data that the app would normally bring would be on PANTEHON local servers.
A lot of communication open to the public, though, runs through the Lazarus Network. The link to the forum's above. Take a gander at the following articles for more social media consumption funtimes:
And on top of all this, there's a news from each faction, in each forum:
The Lorath are the only exception, but any communications or news releases are kept in the Lorath Matriarchy forum:

Hopefully this covers all the bases. I'm going to go grab some lunch now.
Thanks Luca! I think I will make my character play some of those FPS in actual RP now. :) I did also invent a VCE game in her likes secion that parodies the IRL Call of Duty series named Duty Calls: Black Spiral. Wonder if I should make a wiki for it sometime like you did with the others?
Thanks Luca! I think I will make my character play some of those FPS in actual RP now. :) I did also invent a VCE game in her likes secion that parodies the IRL Call of Duty series named Duty Calls: Black Spiral. Wonder if I should make a wiki for it sometime like you did with the others?
I think I've already got the market cornered with NSS DeathWish and YSS ShiKaze. I'm sure some friendly competition could be welcomed though - some people like Doom, some like Call of Duty, some like Battlefield, others like ArmA III after all.
It helps to think of the Lazarus network as a cross between something like TOR or 4Chan: Potentially speaking anything goes and everything is anonymous by design until you say or do something that reveals your location. As a result, characters who'd normally never meet eachother or who would (if they knew eachother) cut eachother's heads off can sit down to simulated dream reality tea-parties in their brains while drooling on the carpet or blow eachother to bits like Quake/Halo/OtherFirstPersonShooter/LolGoldenEye.
The Neshaten's version of a social network is actually rather similiar to what @OsakanOne had just said. Their social networks allow indivisuals to take on an avater different from themselves (in fact, they can't USE their actual appearance) and then converse in virtual chatrooms, depending on the indivisual though, they could theorically be in two places at once - in a VR Chat talking with friends while at the same time playing a game.

And, like what Osaky said, a person won't know where the other is living, or their name, unless that person states it themselves - as their location, name, and everything about them is encrypted; hidden away from the main servers that those VR areas operate on.

This also means that their social networks are a closed system, in other words - outside factions won't be able to access those networks. But then, the entirety of the Neshaten internet based systems are closed off
The Iroma have which people can get sucked into. There are Iroma that believe ogneir is a terrible thing based on the people that get sucked into it, though most Iroma have it.