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Approved Submission [VNE] Species-specific Articles


Part Time Llama, Full Time Dude
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Species-specific articles
Submission URL(s): https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:kudah

Faction: Valsh'Nar Empire (VNE)
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) Yes, Me (Riko) , just now
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Yes, currently working on it

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes for the Karshvicks clans and culture section.
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: The main species page has been approved, these are the specific species notes that need to be approved. I meant to submit these earlier but my moving/lack of internet has perturbed me a bit from that.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I just want to make sure here that the psychic stuff is OK. The original article was approved a year ago, and the discussion thread didn't include any talk about psychic ability.
So is that an approved doshii? Or just a check on that you got the psychic chat part?
Currently we're still waiting on artwork to be produced and also the Telepathy and Magic rules prohibit telekinesis, which the Kudah page includes. The articles also need spellchecking and style checking (especially look at the headers).
Ok aside from artwork and spellcheck, if I were to remove the ability to move things would it be fine?
I think so. Do you went me to start hunting for an artist or will you do it?

Also what's the plan to introduce these guys in the RP?
For an artist I have been communicating with one sent a message to him about it a few minutes ago will let you know if I need help.

As for introducing them I have been discussing a Story Idea/open rp thing with Gunsight1 to feed them into SARP, however, I also have no problem working with other people if anyone is interested or potentially working on a plot myself.
Reactions: Wes
This isn't really a big deal to me, but my species was forced away from its original name, "Nehothaki," because @Wes thought it was too similar to Nekovalkyrja. So @Revolver and I chose "Kudhacari" instead because it was really unique and couldn't be confused with anything.

I see you're using "Kudah," and that's honestly closer sounding to "Kudhacari" than "Nehothaki" was to "Nekovalkyrja" when you say it. Dunno what you want to do with this informationโ€”if anythingโ€”but there it is, if there's still any interest in keeping species names relatively unique.
Reactions: Wes
I haven't seen any changes to make them comply with the rules against psionics/telekinesis.
Blah, sorry been stupidly busy this past month for some dumb reason or another aka holiday gearing up and actually getting my fat butt to work out.

Updates and such:

1. ART! I Has it, well more so it is in the somewhat final i would say stages of being done, the artist had some family issues and such but now is apparently back on track and I would say they're in the 80% complete range.

2. Names are not being changed, unless to much hubbub is made which I can go about changing stuff.

3. @Wes so I know exactly what to do, the telekinesis issue is they can move crap right? Or is it something else specifics would be amazingly helpful.
3. @Wes so I know exactly what to do, the telekinesis issue is they can move crap right?
Ok another update time seeing as the holidays have calmed down a bit.

1. Fixed the moving things with their minds I believe aka deleted that paragraph section.

2. Art update, mostly done a bit of confusion with the artist but a good confusion I guess mostly quality/money issues so nothing major really.

If anything else needs to be fixed let me know as usual.
Riko has an update, the bugs now have art! Also, I think I removed all the telekinesis stuff and did a few more spell checks, will go over again most likely tomorrow to make sure. I will also add pictures to all appropriate articles after i resize them so it's a proper size and not gigantic or too small.


Those are really fantastic drawings you got man, I really dig the style they have been done in!
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