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SANDRA Voices from Glimmergold

Prerecorded Footage, received from the retrofitted Kyoto class carrier YSS "Presurgence":

As the scene fades in an androgynous dragonesque woman wearing an AMES sans the helmet would take the center stage, behind her was a damaged section of ship which was scored by aether fire. "Hello people of Yamatai, it is my pleasure to talk to you for the first time as Santô Hei Tatsugami Kozakura. Some of you have seen my face before, or perhaps heard my name said before footage shown several hours ago. For those of you who have not yet become acquainted with me, thank you for joining us and tuning in to this SANDRA broadcast." She paused her speech to give a bow of respect to those viewing the broadcast.

"I'm coming to you from an old Kyoto class carrier, nicknamed by it's commanding officer as the "Presurgeance" and happy to share in the victory celebrations after a long fought operation to deal a decisive blow to the Kuvexian threat."

As she spoke, she began to walk. Her camera following along smoothly and dutifully. As she moved more damaged sections of the ship could be seen and eventually they arrived in the power armor bay. It had numerous sections scored black, and damage resulting from fire was evident. There was even a lone power armor with a strange clam shaped rear sticking up, laying on the floor still. However it was far off and somewhat blurred via editing.

"This is the power armor bay, it's not only where the crew of this ship heroically repelled boarders, but where the operation to aid the Giretsu Infantry in the fight to retake the Sakura Fleet Depot was launched from. Though I'm sure they would love to be here to say hello my sisters in arms who joined me on that mission were both injured in the subsequent battle at Glimmergold and are currently undergoing medical treatment. Though a harsh reminder of the price of victory, both are expected to make a full recovery."

The Camera panned around for a moment to show some of the damage done to the power armor bay again before returning to Kozakura.

"Thank you for listening, now back Yiitora Ryunosuke." The footage from Kozakura would fade out before returning to the main host of the hour so that he could transition into more reports from the battle.
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