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[VR Environment] Motoyoshi Bakufu Council


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
RP Date
YE 42
RP Location
VR Environment

After the meeting in early YE 42 ( See: Episode 3: Forty-Two Part 2: I Run This Show ), Ketsurui Motoyoshi Katsuko had a VR/Telepresence environment setup featuring a virtual replica of the New Motoyoshi Bakufu Council Room located under the Fuji Hotel in Atarashi Tokyo (Alternate location at Jiyuu-jo has also been set up for use at Katsuko's discretion), so that issues regarding the Clan, their Corporation and other matters of importance could be discussed via secured communications when members of the council are not present on Jiyuu III (ie. 1XF Deployments).
The feed from RP (18+) Resolutions Of The Ghost - Episode 6: Shadows of The Evening Orchid

VR Simulation - The New Bakufu Chamber.

"I hope you can all hear me, I will keep you tied in as long as I can."

Taro appeared in the virtual environment, the retired Shosho was seated in the chair at the head of the table. The feed from the YSS Mazu and Taisa Motoyoshi Kauro was delayed but it held his interest none-the-less. Thirteen years had passed since Motoyoshi Kiyoko and the Tange Clan had made the moves that had led to this final showdown, and even though he was not still in service for it, he would enjoy every minute detail of its end.

"You would almost think that you were her father, Taro. The way you keep your eyes on her. It has come to the last shots and here we are, finally on the right side of the blade." the words of Chujo Motoyoshi Kotoku Sui came almost in interruption of Taro's train of thought.

There were no doubts the rest of the clan would join them in the session soon. The day would be the day that so many of them had been waiting for. The actions of Kiyoko and the Tange had led to lies and prejudice, a wound in the very fabric of the Motoyoshi that just had to heal. "Hm. She's Yaichiro's daughter, can we not start more gossip? They're all our daughters now, the new generation will lead the clan, and hopefully once that malignant waste of molecules Kiyoko is dead, the rumors and lies will die with her," Taro said, his tone calm despite the emotions he addressed.

Sui laughed, she waved her right hand in his direction in a dismissive manner, "Sure, overnight the uneducated will suddenly change their minds? Come on Taro, don't go utopian on me. The lies benefit those who tell them. As long as they lie and claim that our entire clan is unworthy or traitors they benefit. It has been well known for years that it was only Kiyoko, Tio, Mayumi, Saito, and a bunch of Tange. Katsuko is going to retire, charge headfirst into politics and it won't be a week before some halfwit will be accusing one of us of something to do with that failed cesspit of 'peacekeepers'. " Sui didn't butter anything up, she was not going to start, she figured she had better speak her mind before Eri joined the simulation.

Taro shrugged, "Fact is fact Sui, liar can't stand up to fact forever, the fact is that most of our elders, including us, never were apart of it. We've stood with Katsuko and you need to stop sounding the alarms. The sector has changed, the drama from the YE 30s is in the past and this is the future. That Taisa on the other end of the feed, that daughter of the great Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko about to end the life of one of the greatest villains in our history is the future. Now calm yourself, the rest of the family is likely about to log in." Taro forced a smile and watched the feed, ready to see what would finally unfold.

@SageShooter @Toshiro @KoreHytaria @RaWolfe @Wolf626 @The KrimsonWulf @Charaa @Soresu
Being in her uniform, Kazue appeared into the room. She noticed some of the clan already being presence, the clans elders so to speak. Taking a deep breath to calm down her nerves, because dealing with family matters was not one of her strong skills. Kazue looked at them and gave a soft nod out of formality and respect.

Sitting down at her chair she thought about the last time she actually saw the whole family. Kazue was not that much involved with them all but at the same time did her best not to disappoint the family. 48th were deployed as requested and relief forces where send to the respective designated areas, but there was more work waiting for her after this. She just didn’t know what her play in the clan would eventually be.
Yaichiro logged in over the VR system, checking in on events. "Apologies for my tardiness. Greetings from the YSS Tokyo. The Battle of Glimmergold has ended in victory, though the Tokyo is not in a condition to lend support." Yaichiro was a more polite form of terse as he looked over the data not only from the fight, but also from the battlefield. There were some Suzumebachi drone ships at Minato that they might have been able to slave into the Mazu's computer systems with some jerry-rigging, but it'd take consent from the 2XF, ten minutes of travel once the allies escaped the star system's gravity, and making that world more vulnerable to attack due to the redistribution of forces. Sending Kaoru aid wasn't really practical.

He tried to analyze what options they had, and look over what little data they could glean of the Akuro III. It seemed that stealth coatings were employed to confound sensors. Yaichiro wondered how much of the vessel was still Yamataian at this point. Playing back the footage of Kiyoko from the bridge, he attempted to analyze the background for clues. He may not be there in person, but he could still try to provide Kaoru with what support he could.
"Is she dead yet?" Venom oozed from every word as Eri logged into the environment, oddly enough with a piece of pizza in hand that she nibbled on with small bites. Blues eyes were narrowed and locked on whatever she could see, ignoring Taro and Sui and Yaichiro for the moment. She let out a breath through her nose as she tried to calm herself though did little to the effect she wished for. Instead the simple anger she felt at those on the ship they all watched and waited for the confirmed capture of seemed to make anger roll off her body. She had caught the last bits of the conversation between Taro and Sui, and for a moment her eyes flickered between the two. How would things have ended up had Sui and Taro gotten together? Would they still be together, would her and Sui have such a hatred toward one another? Or would things be just as they are now...?

She shook her head for a second before she spoke up.
"I pray any of those cowards who would think we had anything to do with that... place... would be taken care of by you Sui, should they decide to flap their lips like Fugu." The idea of the dangerous delicacy made Eri take a larger bite of her pizza, perhaps with a bit more anger than she had planned, but regardless she let out a small growl as eyes focused again on the feed they got.
"Kazue-Taisa, It has been a while since our lunch are you adjusting well to your command?" Sui asked, she rolled her eyes as Eri joined into the conference; the woman still made her want to stab herself in the eye.

Taro shook his head, "Shhh...on topic, the future is unfolding in front of us." It was unusual for him to be uptight, but there was no doubt he was on the very edge of his chair. As the feed continued to come in, the serious look on his face deepened, each communication that went back and forth between Kaoru and Datenshi had him worried about their safety. It was unusual for him to worry, but something Blues had relayed in his communication had changed that and it was a reminder of the lengths Kiyoko would go to. "Playing wounded, she wants them to board that ship," he said in observation.

He regarded Yaichiro with a nod and said, "The Tokyo did well, we're proud of you and Eri both. Now is the time to sit and listen though, our young ume blossom is on the edge and we need to do whatever we can from here, even if it is just listening and provide insight when we can. Everything is at stake. We can't afford for Kiyoko to get away again, this cycle ends here - it ends today. Else she's going to disappear with those Kuvexians and that ship and it all starts again." He shook his head as things began to heat up for the armor team, "Come on, get in there... cut that tin can open..." he urged, almost like a sports spectator.
Hearing Sui speak to her and wanted to reply to her, Kazue bites her tongue when Taro requested that there was quiet in the room. She gave Sui just a slight nod to acknowledge her and looked back at the screen. The unit was getting deeper into the ship as Kazue was witnessing an event that made her feel even more disconnected from her clan. She had to speak with Katsuko soon about very things that were happening, outside of the clan and inside of it. Kazue looked at the action and wonder how much she could have prevented this to even exist.

"She is baiting them...they should stay focused and not get distracted" Kazue finally spoke but didn't continue her speech as they all wanted to see how it was being formed.
Motoyoshi, Kazumi, youngest of Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko's brood with Kage, Yaichiro spoke up. "Doors and Corners," her voice, mature, a little deep, but entirely professional seemed to echo Kazue a little. A friend of hers called her overly dramatic at times, Kazumi sort of agreed with that assumption. Especially during game night. Or in general when the need or whim arose. The VR simulation of her parents, soon-to-be step-mother Eri, firey aunt Sui, the old man urging her sister on, and Auntie Kazue. It was like a spectator sport for them. Yet they also seemed intent on offering support if they could. Still, the Analyst kept to just using her simulated voice-over suddenly popping up. It was like she was stepping into the adult's conversation and trying to make a child's observation.

But her words were a warning. One that she felt was needed. This was her job. Sniff out the enemy, sift through data, hack, research, and put it all into action or pass it off to others. She was more in the technical field, yet loved to apply such skills into the more personal, visceral fields of plucking at knots and strings that were people. Unravel them, and you had the upper hand. Well, most of the time. Her palms itched in real life.

The visible need etched on her features at wanting a crack at the Akuro III's systems. Break them down, disable or, turn them on the enemy and dig through its datastores with a fervor borne of one with a mind for uncovering secrets and turning them into weapons or shields.

Emotion didn't factor into it like some of the old folks. They knew Kiyoko in a way she never would. Interacted with her. All the Kohosei had were audiovisual files and the words of people like her parents, Taro, Sui, and the other founders.

Kazumi had always been that kind of girl who liked to poke and prod at her targets in an indirect manner. Using those real-world responses versus just relying on a psyche profile on PANTHEON or the private, and secure networks she utilized daily. It was always looking for that one chink in the armor along the dragon's belly. So hidden, yet there, ready to be pierced and fell the beast. If that didn't work, she'd continue to pluck at her knots, unravel more, and try again from a different approach. The dance of information and its use. Right now Kazumi was learning. Trying to untangle Kiyoko's strings. The obviousness of her playing, luring, or baiting them sent up red flags for her.

That was her advice. Hidden enemies, turning that metaphorical corner only to find yourself face to face with something you were not prepared for. Opening that door only to find someone on the other side and expecting you, though perhaps not exactly who or what you expect or want to be there.

But for her, it meant so much more. Would the oldest, disowned sibling just be there screwing with them? Wearing them down? Distracting? The woman could've been doing this for those obvious reasons yet it didn't sit right with her.

It felt more like Kiyoko was stalling for time. Preparing something to take out the insertion team and Kaoru. On the other end of the spectrum, it could be Kiyoko was using the opportunity to make her escape. Tangle up her sister, the soldiers, and disappear. If during that time she could kill two birds with one stone, Kazumi felt she would. Save her skin, kill the heir, make her intentions known and send a message. Kiyoko would keep coming. Picking them off one at a time. Let that implication set in. Using the Akuro as the grave marker and as symbolism. Here was the Motoyoshi's pride, blood, and bone, dead, the ship forever stained if it were retaken. Forever a memory of their failure. And in the process whatever work the upper echelons of the clan had slaved over to repair their respect, honor, and presence amongst the other members of the Yamataian peerage be ground into dust once more. All if the woman wriggled through their grasp.

A means of mocking them in the process. Then on to the next. Moving up the ladder one member at a time. Sewing the seeds of discontent, paranoia, and despair. One life at a time until only those closest remained and then snip. The red thread of fate cut for each and everyone until only her mother remained. Alone, in the dark. The candle flame being snuffed out without fanfare. Her clan's death rattle come and gone.

It is what she would do if in Kiyoko's shoes. Ditch the ship, return to the shadows and come from another angle while dangling for a twofer.

Kiyoko was cruel, sadistic, but she wasn't stupid. With or without support, the youngest sister just felt something was coming. Even a cornered, rabid animal could be vicious to face. Unpredictable in its actions to those unfamiliar with how they ticked. Whether her assumptions were right, or wrong, she voiced the same opinion again.

"That's how she'll get them. If they aren't careful. One wrong turn is all it takes." a notable amount of concern laced her call with a healthy dose of wariness, just near the end. Kazumi let unseen eyes wander over to Taro, sending him her theories, possible predictions, and feelings on the matter. How she'd do things. How Kiyoko would do things. Would the two overlap in some ways? None?

He'd seemed to take an interest in their development, her eldest sibling, her middle, and herself. Even if he could be a bit insufferable, he at least listened to her at times. Offer advice in his usual ways. Point out the holes and how to patch them. Build her up, help her improve, and sharpen.

Even a slight comment, acknowledgment of the concerns she raised to him would be enough to assuage her fears just a little. Kazumi, forever thinking, even when she wasn't wearing her armor, her uniform. When vulnerable off duty. There was always a puzzle to be solved for her. A person, place, or thing to be laid bare in her mind. Kiyoko, at least for the moment had top priority. And yet she felt as if she was merely scratching the surface of this stain on her family with which she shared blood with.

But... her mind turned over. The gears of curiosity spinning. Just what had driven the woman to such extremes? With a wave of an imaginary hand, Kazumi let the question be compartmentalized in a part of her mind for further contemplating later. This was the here. The now. And damn it felt like this was all walking on eggshells, on a tightrope or the razor's edge. The scale could tip either way. And that sent a shudder through her in the real.
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Concerns of the Elders​

The pristine virtual environment of the Governor's Office flickered to life, replacing the Bakufu Council for an important and unscheduled meeting. Taro's projection was the first to enter the environment as he was on the origin end of the quantum call. The Ketsurui Princess /Senator ( @Soresu ) that he had summoned was on deployment with the YSS Resurgence, which made the meeting with Jiyuu's new Senator hard to arrange in person. The polished rainforest wood of Taro's desk sat before a window that overlooked the vast gardens outside of the Dome in Motoyoshi-Cho, a district of Tokyo. He was in rather formal attire, mandarin style white collared shirt with the Motoyoshi Mon bejeweled within a harlequin set in perfect center, along with a rather fashionable suitcoat which framed the clean white in an almost naval-pressed perfection that was indicative of the long since retired Shosho of the illustrious Fifth Expeditionary Fleet. The flag of Jiyuu III was to the left of the window, and the flag of Yamatai was positioned to the right. The projection had every detail, right down to the real wood-burning fireplace and the older wing-backed chairs that sat before the desk, and the larger version in which he sat. The green-haired Minkan waited patiently for the other attendee to arrive at the meeting.

Recently updated by the Premier, Katsuko, Taro was very concerned with the directions that some of the laws of the Empire seemed to be taking. It was no secret that the Elder Motoyoshi, especially he and the others who never left the Empire and had to dig their way out of the hole caused by those who betrayed them to begin the short-lived democratic nation of the United Outer Colonies. Such things were of the distant past but they served as harsh reminders about how politics was carried out in the Sector. The Motoyoshi's return and the establishment of the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector had all been carefully wrapped within pledges of loyalty to the Imperial Way which the family celebrated as one of their central tenants. The very rule of the Empress had been enshrined with the construction of the statues within the Motoyoshi Channel, along with her popular statue which was the centerpiece of one of Motoyoshi-Cho's restored parklands.

Taro's KAIMON Companion, in the form of a brilliantly colored teal and crimson hummingbird, sat upon his right shoulder, projecting the multiple screens of reports that he sifted through as he awaited the Princess's presence to finally ensure that Jiyuu, as well as the MCS, had the informed representation is required, although he may have only been the Governor of Jiyuu, in many ways he spoke for the MCS in general as Jiyuu remained the regional capital.
Taro's Virtual Office

At what would have been the snap and pop of logs within the fireplace, the volumetric representation of the Princess appeared. Her projection just at the interior, as if having crossed the threshold and into the office. Where once a Sentinel would have stood at a royal's side, there was naught but the comparatively younger Nekovalkyrja. In contrast to the Governer who was so adorned in white and bejeweled, Koyama's appearance seemed rather understated. Perhaps it was the differences in stylings of their respective capitals, a slight, or perhaps simple personal choice. But the kimono she sported was of black, shades of red, and stitched cloth of silver patterned with red spider lilies.

Her jet-black hair bore no adornments or elaborate stylings but was given to being well-maintained speaking of one of meticulous intent. Yet Kazumi had told him she was hardly vain. Preferring understatement and reliance on simplicity to complement and enhance her physical appearance subtly. Even after her appointment to the royal family, she hadn't reveled in luxury. Foregoing the lavishness one could have had with whatever stipends or status such could bring. His niece's description had described one of intelligence but possessed of a certain innocence, exuberant in her intellectual pursuits. Having taken the young Motoyoshi under her wing as a sort of mentor figure or otherwise merely friends as they both seemed inseparable when one found the other.

Beyond these simple things, Kazumi gave little else away. The girl enjoyed her secrets, both finding, and keeping.

Before she even spoke, her eyes had tracked the man who to her 'eyes' mildly obscured behind the various screens before him, then allowed them to drink in the details of the room. Here was a man who had served if his dress was indicative, proudly it would appear. Quite obviously of the ill-fated Fifth Expeditionary Fleet. The Motoyoshi held that Fleet in high esteem and intense regret to which she believed most if not all of them from her knowledge having served within its ranks. It had been well before her time when it had been lost. And her friend spoke of it very little. And from that looking uncomfortable afterward.

Even the position of the two flags she took into account. But, with her cursory observation complete, it gave an initial impression of him in this element. Having met him twice previously. If however briefly.

"Motoyoshi-sama," using the formal suffix, not for sake of rank, but of age and as a measure of respect as such, her tone warm, polite. He was her elder, and this was his space. Even if it was virtual.

"You called?" her question at the end of her greeting from a voice proportionately light yet somehow conveying a certain deepness. Despite the doll-like physical appearance of the figure standing near the door, it came off as either fitting or not given the individual she spoke to. One of her hands had been slightly extended, palm upward at her side as she had spoken.

Koyama had to forestall a few of her duties to attend this sudden meeting, having earned her a level look as seemed her Shosa's answer before giving his assent to do so.
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