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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

w2906 50mm Gauss Bazooka

I'll let Doshii handle the majority of this as he lurvs the Daisy, however. Set DR please. I understand it uses kinetic force, however this is just to make things simpler and cleaner to avoid assumptions of one-shot, one kills.
... Five, I'm asking you for a set DR. Even though the Mindy's cannon lacks one, it still has to impact upon a shield before hitting the armor after all and it'd be nice to know how much of that damage is transfered to the plating itself. So, a DR please. If you require help on setting one, I would advise you ask Ex or Doshii as one has experience with weaponry of this nature, and the other knows the Daisy like the back of his hand.

I cannot go further this until the revision is made. However, I do ask that either or both of those people come in and share their thoughts on the overall weapon.
Since this would be first produced in YE 30, and would be the first Daisy weapon made this year, its nomenclature would be Ke-M6-W3000.

Nothing new will be approved without a DR. Those are the rules.
Very Much So. :| If you're giving it a DR of Eight, I'd at least like a very good explanation of the ammunition this thing fires to warrant it having that kind of stopping power. In addition to the fact we need to know exactly what it fires to begin with.
DR 6 is more likely. The gauss weapons on power armors are for sniping and wrecking other armors; DR 8 would damage actual starships.

I would appreciate it if you dropped the anti-matter shells. I know DocTomoe loves anti-matter as the equalizer, but Daisy armors are not meant to rip apart starships. The AP sabot round is probably the max DR this weapon can produce. Keep in mind you're going to be firing a 50-mm round (nearly two inches in diameter!) at supersonic speeds at a target several kilometers away. Anti-matter is just silly.

So basically, with the visuals of this weapon, am I thinking Gundam bazooka, with the handle pushed back and a large helical magazine attached to the back? The 50 mm gauss round has never been given definitions, so it might pay off to finally set some. If you want, I could do that.

Honestly, no matter the size, an 18-round helical mag makes for a big, wide target from the back, something that could be struck by an opponent. I'd more likely go for a smaller, 6-round magazine, to give the weapon a better profile and balance. We're not talking about a Mindy here, after all.

This weapon seems too bulky to be used in conjunction with the Daisy's Heavy Thruster Fusion Pack. Can you give us some dimensions of this thing? Length, widths at places, height from lowest point, total barrel length, exact location of the magazine, so on? Also, where are you storing extra rounds on the armor? The Daisy doesn't have just "space" to store extra rounds.

Basically, do more than used to suffice for weapon description, before other players really got involved in using them. Players will want to know.
APPROVED. Please add its link to the lists of Daisy and Mindy accessories.