Star Army

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1. About the Nepleslian Arms and Munitions 'Waffle' Combat Drone
The Waffle is a series of thin, self-replicating, portable weapon platforms designed to fit the defensive needs of a planet with minimal spare production capability to devote to producing ships devoted solely to combat rather than economic needs though the concept of bacterial starships design and matter condensing reactions which are normally used to produce anti-matter for the weapon systems of other ships. The weaponry and the units themselves were designed to be disposable and universally effective, relying on either remote control or programming directives for guidance to a target. The Waffle's weapon system was designed around a rack of FTL shearing missiles to be effective against both small and large ships even in interdiction field situations. The ability to deploy small, spaced out waffles in large numbers is the key defensive system of the Waffle. Because numbers are such an important part of the weapon platform, propulsion systems were designed to accommodate bringing in large numbers of waffles from a spread out deployment pattern. Do to the prevalence of scalar field weapons on the battlefield an anti-gravity system was also included late into the design of the Waffle. Computing systems of the Waffle were designed to be fairly lax in comparison of raw power to other system to allow for ease of construction. Processing power was planned to be left to a dedicated control system for the Waffle later on. Late in the design phase of the Waffle a rotating thruster assembly was built into the bottom of the craft and landing gear to help facilitate aiming and recovery/launch with other ships.

2. History and Background
The Waffle was designed in late YE 29 by Heram J. Wazu after given control of a large part of NAM. The Waffle was the first ship designed by NAM and is acting as a testing ground for various technologies that NAM hopes to use in future ships including self-replicating designs, smart materials, and shearing weapons. After independence the Nepleslian shipyards lacked credible shipbuilding companies and with minimal capital ships of their own and long design times in-between ship designs, a smaller ship was more economical to use to support the aging ships of the Nepleslian fleet as NAM designs upgrades and new ships to help replace the older ships in service. With Yamatai keeping the SMX busy in the south, NAM is planning to not have to deploy the weapon against living targets anytime soon, relying on the political capabilities of the Nepleslian government to ward of most threats.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
Organizations Using This Vessel:
Nepleslian Star Army
Type: Automated Combat Drone
Class: NAM-D-01 Waffle
Nepleslian Arms and Munitions
Heram J Wazu
Manufacturer: NAM
Production: 100 units for the first production run.

Crew: 0
Maximum Capacity: 0

Length: 3 meters
Width: 70cm
Height: 5 meters
Decks: 0
Mass: 1.8 metric tons fully loaded
4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): .20c
Speed (FTL): 100,000c
Speed (Aerial): 250kph
Speed (Water): 35kph

Range (Distance): Infinite
Range (Support): Infinite
Lifespan: 1year, virtually infinite if not deactivated
Refit Cycle: continuous via internal systems

5. Inside the Waffle

Under the exterior casing of the Waffle is a series of components including sensors, engines, liquid smart metal transfer tubes, power lines, synthetic muscles, and computer systems. There is no spare room on the inside for storage aside from the openings inside of the fabrication printers which are normally used to house the spare parts created by the printer. The casing of the Waffle is often removed for either self replication or part replacement in which case the long strands of synthetic muscle wrapped around the very angular internal components are free to move to perform maintenance. The cluster of missile racks is taken up mostly by the missiles and the smart plastic covers which block off access to the interior of the missile racks.

6. Ship Systems
Aether Generators: The Waffle uses one main aether generator and siphons power off of 10 additional generators inside of its missiles. The energy is used to produce large amounts of matter for use in replication as well as to power the other systems of the drone from communications to computing. The Aether generator is located outside of the main casing of the waffle in its own box of dragon scale blueberry off the central axis.

AI: The waffle's AI is a simple program by most standards, but allows basic autonomous actions by the weapon including threat assessment and target acquisition. The AI is programmed into a decentralized computer system with multiple processors and redundant memory banks located in various positions around the waffle to maximize the probability that one will survive a direct hit. The AI uses various forms of quantum encryption to protect against hacking but generally relies on computer systems further up in its command hierarchy for information protection and orders.

Anti-Gravity Distortion Generator: The waffle is equipped with an Anti-Gravity generator bulging from the front of the ship. The system's power is tied directly into the missile bay and the onboard aether generator allowing the waffle to dump the entirety of its power output into the generator to cause widespread anti-gravity effects. This was designed solely to protect against scalar weapon fire directed at a planet from an enemy ship.

Combined Field System: The Waffle uses a combined field system for movement, defense, and stealth. In effect, the CFS sustains a small "pocket universe" around the vessel by nesting electrogravitic and electrostatic fields. Objects inside the bubble are protected from both solid and beam weaponry, because the projectiles or beams pass through the curved space and around the Waffle.

Communication Systems: The waffle carries basic communication systems for interfacing with other starships and to guide the missiles that it fires. The majority of the electronics are internal are located in the upper segment of the craft while the communications antenna extends out from the front of the craft.
Subspace: The subspace communications system consists of both a wide broadcast system and a directed subspace distortion to communicate in real time with missiles in faster than light transit.
Radio: Mainly a backup system, the radio broadcasts radio waves to communicate with other ships.

Replication Systems: The Waffle is capable of creating another waffle over the course of a several hours provided enough resources are present or over a few days without an outside source of resources, relying solely on the aether generator. The exterior casing of the Waffle is designed to split into two parts along the center from top to bottom and each segment taking five of the missile racks, each with its own rapid fabrication printer and smart material appendages capable of constructing and assembling new parts for the ship as well as maintaining the interior as needed after construction of the additional interior components, aether generator, and weapons. Mass for creation of the components is either taken from resource modules sent to the waffle or from an anti-matter/matter creation reaction generated by the aether generator. The anti-matter is vented off into space while the remaining mass is converted into usable materials and then printed into parts. The fabrication bay is located below the aether generator and above the rotating thrust assembly and contains its own set of opening panels on either side of the main body.

Rotating Thruster Assembly: The lower segment of the Waffle contains a thruster assembly that rotates 360 degrees and contains a small chemical thrust engine and synthetic muscle appendage positioned on opposite sides of the rotating segment. The rotating assembly is designed specifically to allow the waffle precise movement control while the appendage is designed to help facilitate the acquisition of resources into the waffle's fabrication bay.

Smart Material Casing: The smart materials that make up the casing of the waffle are a combination of self-repairing metals, and plastics. The outer casing itself is constructed of layered plates of a smart metal dubbed 'blueberry' during the design phase of the waffle. Blueberry is designed specifically for ease of construction and use, also making up the majority of the internal components from the casings to the synthetic muscle. The material is extremely resistant to heat and self repairing to some extent. The material is also fairly flexible and the layered dragon scale plates provide considerable resistance to warping effects and small arms fire though it is generally ineffective against dedicated anti-ship weapons and radiation. The thin plastic covering of the ship of the ship is built from a material dubbed 'raspberry' and is a self repairing plastic that is sensitive to electronic signals to change its pigmentation, allowing for customization of color through electronic input.

Sympathetic wormhole drive: In action to the combined field system the Waffle is also equipped with a miniaturized, fast forming wormhole device designed specifically to connect with other wormhole drives in other Waffles to allow for the quick transit of reinforcements from one area to another. The sympathetic wormhole drive requires two of the drives on either end of the wormhole to be activated, vastly reducing the transit time that would normally be associated with a wormhole drive but eliminating traditional wormhole capabilities.

Continuum Distortion Shearing Missile (10): The missiles loaded into the waffle are miniature continuum distortion systems each with their own independent generator. The missile uses the distortion bubble effect to pierce shielding and outer hull armor and burn/shear/cut/liquefy and generally destroy the interior of a craft by pulling it apart along the distortion boundary. The missiles carry no defense systems of their own besides the pocket generated by the distortion device, counting on the speeds of near 100,000c to get them to their target and sensor information from its parent to locate its target. The Missile is designed specifically to work inside of an Introduction field by expending more energy to burn through the effect, reducing the distortion field's size in the process. Though the missile is designed to be remote guided a subspace sensor is located in the nose to be used in lack of remote guidance. The Fabrication bay of the Waffle is capable of producing more missiles, one every 40 minutes, with enough resources on hand or within a few hours running on the Waffle's Aether generators alone.
Location: Central Storage Racks
Primary Purpose: Anti-Starship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
Damage: Minimal to heavy armor, extreme to ship's interiors.
Area of Effect: egg shape, .2km long, 2 meters wide
Range: Aether dependent
Rate of Fire: up to 10 simultaneous launches.
Payload: 10 missiles
Hmmmmmmmm ... a fairly effective combat drone.

1. Dimensions. I'm lost, even with the picture. Three meters long means (using top view) from the bottom of the picture to the tip on the right side? Where as height is (using top view) from one end of the vessel to the other? And 8 cm thick? I can dig it I guess ... though (using side view) those diamonds make the ship appear thicker than 8 cm.

2. Out of curiousity, you realize that even SMX pods are faster than this thing, right? Only the Demon Power Armor is slower than this.

3. Er ... help me here, Wes, as I don't have access to the Senate boards. Aren't Aether Generators restricted tech?

4. Combined Field System is also restricted? Or is it just reasonable to say the Nepleslians know how to make this tech and are just taking advantage, treaties be damned?

5. Ummm ... this thing has no energy weapons? All it has are missiles? That seems like a death wish; SMX pods and Ripper armors would simply rain holy fire down on the Waffles and eliminate them post-haste. Surely the Waffle's pretty agile and could benefit from some kind of energy weapon ...

General questions:

If one of these ships is destroyed, is it still capable of cobbling itself back together, or is that it?

Is this Blueberry armor comparable to anything?

How strong is its CFS? +/- Mindy?

This thing replicates enough, it essentially could produce enough to form a near-solid wall around Nepleslia. Frightening.
The CFS isn't banned exactly, but is so advanced that only the most advanced SA ships and equipment have it. Nepleslia is not at that level of sophistication as of yet.

What is the area of effect for the dampening field?
Not approved.
What is the reason for the not approval?

1:The width does need to be changed to reflect the bits sticking out from the sides.

2: I'll put in a speed increase

3: NAM has no tech restrictions

4: NAM has no tech restrictions and deffinitly has the capasity to build this tech.

5: Energy weapons are not necessary

The ships would be able to repair minor damage, wear and tear, ect, but it is more than likely they will be completely destroyed on the first hit.

Blueberry is less resilient than other starship armors. If it was comparable to anything I would think Kevlar-esque strength would be most likely.

Less for the CFS
I think the names could be a blatant reason. I mean, what's with the trend of naming military hardware after... food?

I mean... c'mon... it's a bit hard to take this seriously without rolling the eyes...

"Look out! Waffle-class combat drones are heading this way!"

What's next? Spaghetti-class destroyer? Oatmeal-class repair ships? Meatpie-class battletanks? *rolls eyes*
So I should just call it the Penis and be done with it?

I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to name everything I make after breakfast items.
You know I actually quite like those names ...

But I do wonder if the hardened, down to earth and deeply American based Nepleslian military would name its newest technology over a rather nice variety of cooked goods. The name shouldn't be that important, but it is a point for IC characters to say without laughing.
Are you kidding? The names are inspired by actual events! After all sense the N. Koreans called their missile type o' dong I don't think anything is off limits.

A few edits made to the waffle, speed increased, size changed and a few minor edits made to the casing and replication discription for clarity, picture edited.
The aether generators are too small, CFS isn't available to Nepleslia, materials that don't exist in the SARP (not approved), dimensions unreasonable (missiles under 8cm long?), the name is terrible, and self-replicating nanotechnology has shown itself to be detrimental to the RP in many PvP military RP plots.
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