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RP: United Outer Colonies Waiting for an Assigment...

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The former crew of the Asuka wait on Jiyuu for a new assignment.
Lolion Listened to the sound of the waves splashing against the shoreline at Yaichiro's house. His bag was next to him as he was sitting a few feet away from where the waves reached on the shore. His arms crossed on top of his knees and he had his head rested on them staring out at the vast expanse of the ocean.

The ocean reminded him of the desert his town bordered and the times he spent out there hunting and practicing his survival skills. He remembered his close friends from his home planet and all the fun times they had together, only to remember that day. That incident that never left him alone, haunted his very dreams and just as now harassed him in his only last refuge.

Lolion saw a stone lying there on the ground washed up from the waves. He stared at it as his mind mulled over the dark thoughts that had forced their way to the front of his mind. He stood up and grabbed the stone and with as much force as he could use threw the stone back to the ocean. The stone skipped a few times before running into a wave and sinking below the surface.

He sat back down this time using his bag as a pillow of sorts and he gazed back out across the ocean. He still blamed himself for what happened to his friends that day and still wondered if they would ever forgive him for it."Shirai,... Samantha,... I'm sorry" he muttered barely loud enough over the sound of the waves. "It should have been me instead" He pulled down the brim of his hat, shut his eyes and drowned out his thoughts with the sound of the incoming waves.
Minami knocked on the door again, hoping someone would answer...she'd heard Yaichiro had left, but that his daughter and CO, among others, were still around.
"That must be the delivery people." Miyako cupped Mist's cheek in passing, squeezing it a little. It was the fastest ways to push on through her own turmoil towards the man who had left to sort himself out.

"Can we lay down when they're gone?" The officer asked before reaching the entrance, and opening the door. She was still very much dressed in a civilian outfit.
Mist flushed slightly at Miyako's touch, but responded shortly, "Yes, I'd like that very much." She nodded, still wearing her new uniform as her gaze went about the inside of the house once again.
"...Hello, Sub Lieutenant Kotonoha...Have I come at a bad time?" The former sprite in full uniform asked the off-duty XO.
"Maybe a little, but I'm sure it's important." The woman bowed, recognizing the rank of Lieutenant on her uniform. "What may I do for you ma'am?"
"I have come to inform you stat a ship is being prepared for your use...before to long, you will be issued orders to investigate the Mitsuya System."

The Lieutenant stated, glancing around.

"Are any of the others around?"
Mist walked up from behind Miyako, glancing at the Lieutenant. "...a mission?" she asked, wondering where the Mitsuya System was. It sounded pretty simple, but surveying uncharted stars had its risk, too.
"This is Kage Mist. She's our medic. I think a few other crewman might have come here with him. Haven't seen them inside yet, ma'am. They could be wandering." Miyako answered the last question first, motioning for the delivery team to go around them as they spoke, and into the house with her things. She would probably keep half of it on planet, and the other half in the ship just in case.

"We'll be ready to go to Mitsuya when it's time. Is there an ETA or is the queue backed up, Lieutenant?"
"I expect a ship to be ready for us sometime early tomorrow." She replied, checking a datapad...

"...I will be your CO for this one, since your old CO seems to have gone on sabbatical."
"Is there anything else?" Miyako asked, already drafting up a notice to the crew. It felt a little strange having Minami there, and she wondered if the woman was on the design team for whatever ship they were supposed to have the next day.

Either way she wasn't Yaichiro, and it was her job to make the change of command no matter how short or long smooth with everyone else.
Lolion sat there on his bag still doing nothing but listening to the ocean. After he finally sealed away his old memories back to where they wouldn't bother him for a while he realized he was thirsty and hungry as well. He picked up his bad and after brushing off the sand on his clothes and gear headed back for the house.

Lolion entered through the back and heard voices near the front of the house. He noticed Mist and two new people he hadn't meet before. He slowly moved up to the group but didn't say anything and noted that one of the newcomers had noticed him. He gave a quick wave and moved up to the conversation.
"That is all...please enjoy your day, and keep an eye open for word on the matter...I have granted permissions for you to access what little we now from our initial scans of the Mitsuya system. There are five worlds, two inhabitable...if all you haven't switched bodies, please do so in preparation for the mission."

Minami nodded to Lolion, regarding him for a moment.

"...Have you any questions?" She spoke in general.
"Something to eat might be ni-" Kichiro smiled again, but made a slight frown as he glanced down at his communicator. He read the update on their mission status, and what seemed was going to be an extended session of shoreleave turned out to be quite short, so he'd have to scrap his plans. Again, but really, it wasn't too much of a bother.

"Yare yare, looks like we have our assignment already. My fault for assuming we'd be loafing for weeks."
Yuki nodded, disappointedly. "Un, ano... lets go get something to eat then," she agreed. Now the caretaker's mind was wondering what kind of food to get. She felt rather indifferent on what to eat. Her mind accessed a list of various restaurants, which she started skimming.

"Ano, Kichiro-san, what... do you want to eat? I'm.. fine with anything."
"No ma'am, thank you. If you'll excuse me, I'll review the scans soon. I need to get these things moved in." Her eyes went to Mist, then she tried to find any spot in the house that may show where she was supposed to put her things, maybe there was a marking for Mist's room?

When you're done help me unpack some things? I want to lay down.. She was feeling tired after everything, and was still not happy about the body transfer. Not having her SPINE felt..weird at best.

The vibrate function on Noboru's datapad jerked him to sudden and alarmed awakened-ness. He checked the message quickly, then pocketed it and walked out of the bookstore to vent. After about five minutes of walking up and down the street and cursing loudly at random intervals, he decided to find one of his team-mates and head that way as fast as possible. He didn't like being bored so much.

So he headed out and sent a full-broadcast message to all of his known shipmates.

Akio's Message said:
To: All crewmates
From: Akio Noboru

Where is everyone?
Lolion recieved the message from Noboru as he was walking out the door of Yaichiro's house. He quickly typed out a reply and then moved on to the Vangard.

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