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SACN Wakaba recommendations for Valor.


🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.4
RP Location
To: Mistress-Taisho Ketsurui Yui, COMSTARARMY

From: Taisa Thomas Canterbury, Acting CO YSS Wakaba

Mistress-Taisho Ketsurui, I am Taisa Canterbury, Acting CO of the YSS Wakaba. It is with much joy that I am able to report that we have returned. After being MIA for nearly 2 years, the Wakaba has returned to Yamatai space. I was the XO when the ship was lost but had to take command shortly after our disappearance when we lost our Captain, Taisa Kazue.

For nearly two years, the Wakaba encountered one hardship after the other. We were engaged by Mishhu forces and pirates many times. We had infiltrators infiltrate our ship and destroyed all of our ST backups. We encountered a Mishhu shipping yard, which we severally damaged. Finally we were engaged in an overwhelming fight against five Cruisers which forced us to crash land on an uncharted planet, we destroyed all five Cruisers before we went down. We were stuck on that planet for about 7 months before we were found by the YSS Resurgence, Taisa Aoba commanding. After a brief fight with a Mishhu Dreadnaught, we made our escape with the Resurgence help.

Throughout all these hardships, the crew of the Wakaba acted bravely and in an honorable fashion. Every hardship and blow they received they kept on going, never giving up. Never stopped fighting for their crewmates and the honor of the Star Army. In my whole career, I have never seen such determination and bravery. They never gave up. From the officers on the bridge to the Santo Hei techs who never stopped working on the ship to keep her going. If it was up to me, I would reward each and every one of them with the highest award the Star Army gives, but I realize that isn't in my power. However, there are a few that I would like to especially recommend for special citations.

Shosa William Fletcher II. Shosa Fletcher was the Chief Medical Officer aboard the Wakaba. Fletcher worked tirelessly to save our wounded and injured when the Wakaba first disappeared. Shortly after our disappearance, we were attacked by a Mishhu Dreadnaught that launched a massive boarding group to try and seize the the ship. At that time, both Taisa Kazue and myself were out of commission. Being the highest ranking officer, Shosa Fletcher took temporary command of the ship. When the Mishhu boarded and began poring into the Hanger Bay, Fletcher led a counter attack into the Hanger bay that broke the boarders will and drove them off. Even though Fletcher is primarily a doctor, he never hesitated to step up take command or fight. Without his intervention, the Wakaba would have surly been lost. For this reason, I am requesting that Shosa William Fletcher II, be awarded The Order of the Blazing Sun.

Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei. Heisho Meiosei is the leader of the Angels of Death squad, a squad that has a very impressive record. Meiosei finds the fiercest and most loyal of soldiers for the Angels. Most of the Angels aren't even primarily infantry. But they are loyal and suburb fighters all. Heisho Meiosei was at the heart of every fight the Wakaba encountered. During the first Hanger Bay fight, Meiosei encounter a NMX Neko whom was simply referred to as the Warrior. The Warrior is responsible for more kills against Wakaba crew than any other single Mishhu. Meiosei was the only fighter with the skill to combat the Warrior. Also when the Wakaba was ambushed by five Cruisers, Meiosei led a team and boarded one of the Cruisers, taking it out of the fight and evening the odds against the Wakaba. Without Heisho Meiosei, I am certain that the Wakaba would have never have won so many of the attacks against us. For this reason, I am requesting that Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei be awarded The Order of the Blazing Sun.

Santo Hei Calandri Valtok. Santo Hei Valtok, a seven-foot-tall four-armed random female alien science officer comes from race of warriors. Santo Hei Valtok had no fear engaging her enemy. Multiple times she was reported wielding two rifles and two blades at once attacking the enemy with utter disregard for her own safety. She was present for every major engagement the Wakaba was in. When the battle was over, Valtok refused to stand down, no matter how badly she had been hurt, until she was sure there were no more threats to her crewmates. For this reason, I am requesting that Santo Hei Calandri Valtok be awarded The Order of the Blazing Sun.

Santo Hei Runa Seo. Santo Hei Seo may have a colorful record but she is a fighter through and through. Size does not determine ferocity nor bravery. On several occasions, Seo showed her bravery by fighting off Mishhu and pirates, even though she is just a mini-Neko. However, her true act of heroism came when the Wakaba was trying to make it's escape after we were found by the Resurgence. Seo, along with another pilot from the Resurgence, Itto Heisho Zanven Brax, took to space in our remaining fighters and between the two of them shot down over 40 fighters and 20 bombers. Then escorted the Wakaba and Resurgence through a hell of a fight against overwhelming odds until we were able to reach the safety of a Wormhole. For this reason, I am requesting that Santo Hei Runa Seo be awarded The Order of the Blazing Sun.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the heroism and bravery displayed by our rescuers, the YSS Resurgence and her crew. Without them, we would have surly been wiped out after fighting for so long. The Wakaba needed an Aether Generator to return home. An away team consisting of Shosa Trowa Yamamoto, Joto Heisho Cassie and Tanaka Yoshiro, Itto Heisho Asakura Yayoi and Nitto Heisho Sanda Hoshi, along with Nitto Heisho Pidole Henitot boarded a Mishhu Cruiser and stole it's Aether Generator. Teleporting it to the Wakaba so that we could take to the heavens again. For their bravery and heroism, I would like to recommend for them to be awarded The Order of the Blazing Sun.

It has been my greatest honor to Captain the finest ship and crew in the Star Army.

Taisa Thomas Canterbury
YSS Wakaba, Acting CO

Taisa Thomas Canterbury,

I completely agree with your recommendations for special citations. Shosa William Fletcher II's actions as the temporary commander during the Mishhu boarding and his courageous leadership in the counterattack in the hanger bay truly saved the Wakaba. What a remarkable feat for a Chief Medical Officer. The Order of the Blazing Sun is definitely well-deserved.

Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei's leadership and combat skills in taking on the Mishhu Warrior and boarding one of the Cruisers during the ambush clearly made a significant impact on the outcome of those encounters. The Order of the Blazing Sun is a fitting recognition for his invaluable contributions.

Santo Hei Calandri Valtok's unwavering dedication to her crewmates and fearlessness in the face of danger is truly commendable. It's not every day you come across a science officer with the combat abilities she possesses. She undoubtedly deserves The Order of the Blazing Sun.

Santo Hei Runa Seo's bravery and exceptional piloting skills in fighting off the overwhelming odds during the escape and protecting the Wakaba and Resurgence are truly remarkable. Her efforts alongside Itto Heisho Zanven Brax in taking down a significant number of enemy fighters and bombers demonstrate her courage and resourcefulness. The Order of the Blazing Sun is certainly warranted.

Lastly, the bravery and heroism displayed by the crew of the YSS Resurgence in rescuing the Wakaba cannot be understated. The away team's successful mission to retrieve an Aether Generator from the Mishhu Cruiser and bring it back to the Wakaba was a crucial turning point. I completely support your recommendation for The Order of the Blazing Sun for this team.

Once again, I extend my congratulations to you and your crew for their incredible accomplishments. The YSS Wakaba has undoubtedly shown the true spirit of the Star Army. Well done, Taisa Canterbury.


Taisho Ketsurui Yui
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai