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Interest Check Want to play an Admiral? A General?


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Yes, that's right. You heard me. Want to command a battlegroup of gunships? Want to march thousands of troops into glorious battle, with you as the shining figurehead?

Welcome to War Games, where these dreams can be realised. This is a pilot of a plot unlike any other the site has ever seen. We've got plots where you can play the lowest peasant to the captain of a capital ship.

What don't we have? High Command roleplay, which this plot seeks to bring into the SARPiverse for the first time. If you like grand strategy, planning, unit management and bringing your resources to bear against a formidable foe, this is a plot for you.

Everyone in the plot will be at the rank of Taisa (from a facility, ship or battalion of your choice) participating in an advanced virtual training course at Kyoto War College that - if passed - will qualify them to advance to Shôshô and other admiralty/general ranks.

Following evaluation, you will select your starting force from premade loadouts (balanced or specialised) and this will be your force to look after, lead and battle for the duration of your course. You will be pitted against enemy forces where swift communication, intuition, strategy and luck will be paramount.

Depending on your performance, Renown Points will be allocated by the simulation supervisor. The more Renown Points a player has at the end of the plot, the higher the chances of "graduating" which will allow admiralty/general ranks to be open to them.

These Renown Points can be sacrificed for additional units, specialist training, equipment and more at various points in the plot. Renown Points will also be allocated depending on random events, general aptitude, specially assigned tasks, other events and most importantly how expertly you handle the numerous battle simulations.

With each battle, you will control directly - from the POV of the subordinate officer - the platoons/ships that constitute your force. For additional points, you can issue orders to them from the War Room without controlling the officers directly.

The GM and player will take turns moving their units to try and gain the upper hand in a given battle from their respective sides. Depending on your tactics, communication, battlefield conditions, RNG and other factors you will gain victory or defeat.

You may be in a training facility but your force needs constant attention, just as a real one would. Random events will happen at inconvenient times and how well you resolve the situation will determine changes to your Renown Points.

So, do you have what it takes to command the strongest military forces in the known universe?

Welcome, Taisa, to War Games.

Bumping this - Set at Kyoto War College - Some interest has been shown for Enders Game esque RP at this iconic location, so I thought I'd run an interest check

It should blend big, grandiose battles with the out of combat RP of personalities of various candidates brushing against each other during life at the College!
Reactions: Wes
I've done stuff like this before in another RP (Commanding the equivalent of a PBP arma op), and that experience leads me to believe that this kind of RP tends to rely heavily on fictional positioning. Do you plan to use maps of some description? I know that maps aren't super common on SARP anymore.
This is awesome. I do not currently have any characters in high command as I am newer to this but this would be a neat rp and even something that could be completed a few times with different characters. Maybe an annual or semi Annual plot set up?
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