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Laz Public Network WANTED: Power Armor with Large Chest

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Inactive Member
I'm a Nepleslian salvager and courier who would like something better than just a space suit when I'm out salvaging debris, since I work with mangled and torn supermetals and high-end composites. The job also has a risk of attack by raiders and pirates, so I'd like it to be armed and durable. Something ex-military isn't off the table, I suppose.

Here's the kicker, though. I've got huge knockers, and need something with a roomy chest area, or at least room to play with or alter a bit. That limits my options a bit. Get back to me please!

I've got some recently damaged Impulse Power Armor around that I need to sell. Long story short, I'm the victor of a battle where Impulse PA were fielded.

1 precision with strike to chest
2 with LASR fire across body
1 with upper body blown apart by missile
1 Gaussed and Rifled, lower torso is a mess

I'm willing to sell these. The one with a precision strike to the chest is the easiest to fix, though the ones with LASR fire across their bodies can be fixed...and a unit could be cobbled together out of the remaining two. Are you interested?

If you give me a price cut, I'll take the two blown apart ones and cobble them together...how about 15,000 DA for the pair?

I was thinking 30,000 DA for the pair. That's still a vast savings to you over a new Military Spec one plus spare parts...

...27,500 DA. I do have to put in some work to get these fixed and modified to my needs, and you're less likely to sell the ones that need parts swaps.

Dear Ms. Burning,

You will be pleased to know that the intelligence you gave us regarding a hitherto unknown NMX facility has proved actionable. As such, we are in your debt.

We can offer you a cash payment, as previously agreed, or, considering your recent acquisitions, we have another offer. The Impulse is a highly customizable platform and X-Tech is a highly skilled division of NAM. With a word to the right place, we can offer you access to X-Tech's power armor team to ... improve your personal suit.

At this time, we cannot give you details for the purposes of secrecy and there will be some limitations since it would not behoove us to introduce military grade power armor technology to the civilian market. But, we are sure something agreeable can be arranged. If not, the cash option is always there.

Do let us know via the usual means.

Best wishes,

Your friendly, neighborhood IPG
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