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Laz Public Network Wanted: Privateer Ayame


Inactive Member
Seeking to purchase one or two Privateer Ayames, in serviceable condition. Not as much interested in becoming a privateer and getting a freebie in exchange for service as much as buying outright and possibly refitting.

Please contact me with responses and descriptions of conditions.

Contact information attached
We currently have two Privateer Ayame available for purchase although due to demands from the current hostilities, the asking price is 200,000 KS a piece.

The first ship is fully converted to the Privateer variant and ready for service.

The second is 90% complete, the new civilian computer is on board but has not been installed, and the original reactor was removed and the new one is in engineering, but has not been completed. This ship requires approximately 24 hours of work at a standard shipyard.
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