Star Army

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RP: Origin Washing the worries away.


Retired Staff
An alarm clock sounded, the incessant noise going on, and on, and on. Finally, after several minutes, motion began beneath the covers of the bed next to the dresser the clock sat upon. It writhed, and shuffled, and soon, a smallish arm appeared from beneath, reaching for the alarm. It couldn't find it. The shape shuffled closer to the edge. Still couldn't catch the alarm. Closer. No dice. Then there was a Swish and a thud, as the owner of the arm fell out of her bed. As if to spite the woman, the alarm shut itself of just before she could press the button, denying her the satisfaction of having turned it off herself. She huffed, glowering at the dresser for a moment, before stretching, pondering what to do for the day.

Presently, the woman was wearing only a pair of black and green-striped panties, but, given that nobody was around, that didn't matter. She pulled another, similar pair out of the dresser, and stood up, stumbling over to the shower. The press of a few buttons prompted a hiss of water as the shower head turned itself on, water already hot enough to steam. The woman slipped off the single article of clothing she currently wore, throwing them into a nearby hamper, and stepped into the steaming glass cubicle that was her shower, and got about the business of making herself presentable.

Several different types of gels and liquids quickly turned into suds and foam as she went about getting at all the nooks and crannies that sometimes went unnoticed- the insides of her elbows and knees, behind her ears, between her fingers and toes. Her long, black hair had a dull sheen to it from a buildup of grease caused by having not cleaned it in several days, and when the sudsy shampoo was washed off, the green streaks near the tips were once again visible. She washed her face, the light colored skin suddenly becoming a shade lighter, before she rubbed the water and soap from her eyes, which presently blinked, revealing their eccentric color and genetically-altered design, that looked like a model of an atom.

The shower shut itself off when the woman finished, and she slipped out, pulling a terry-towel off the wall, the white rectangle of fabric emblazoned on one corner with the Origin Industries logo. Drying herself off, she retrieved the pair of panties she had selected earlier, and slipped them on, taking the towel and using it to wrap up her hair to dry. Dressed thusly, she made her way to the sink, and brushed her teeth. She did so messily, never counting the strokes or caring too much about the flecks of paste and spittle that flew about the place as a result. Finishing this, The woman took the opportunity to inspect herself in the mirror, making sure that everything was satisfactory. pinching a miniscule bit of flab here, Pushing on her biceps to pretend she had muscles there, She took her time and was quite rather thorough.

Finally satisfied, it seemed, she spat out the now frothy toothpaste, along with her toothbrush, and simply rinsed them in the sink, before cupping her hands, taking a gulp of the water to swish her moth out and using the rest to wash her face once more. Another squirt from her mouth- this time the solution of mostly water that she had just swished, the woman removed the towel from her hair and dried her face, before throwing the towel into the same hamper as her dirty underwear had gone into, and moving on to more exciting things. Well, sort of. She just grabbed the several bottles of perfume on the counter and contemplated each, before settling on a more playful fruity scent as opposed to one of the more business-like parfums she had available.

Once she was satisfied that she gave of the proper scent, the woman walked back to the dresser by her messily unmade bed. She rummaged through the top drawer, selecting a well-fitted bra that matcher her current pair of panties, and put it on, snapping the straps to ensure they were on all the way. She then made sure she was comfortable with a short cupping of her bust before moving on to her closet.

The mirror-clad door was cast aside, and would have slammed into the frame were it not well-made and designed to slow down before hitting, and began rummaging through her clothes. Mostly, the closet held several sets of the same clothes- An Origin uniform, though this one was a bit more special, befitting the woman's quite high rank in the company- but she decided to first amuse herself by pulling out a shimmering blue dress, which she laid upon her frontside, and looked over in the mirror. Dissatisfied, she placed it back on the pole, and selected a much less modest dress- not that the deep-v neck of the other one was what one would call modest- and hung that one over her front instead. Low cut and sleeveless, without much for a skirt, it was certainly much more playful than the previous. She seemed to ponder its use for a moment before, too, putting it up on the horizontal pole that served to hang her clothes.

No, The woman instead grabbed one of the uniforms, and slipped it on, which was easy enough, though the laces up the front took a bit of work. With two different skirts, and the laced up-vest on, The woman buckled a belt around her waist, tucking it under the vest before grabbing the final piece of the uniform, a custom-cut and fitted jacket, which handily completed the look. That accomplished, the woman made her way back to the bathroom, and began rummaging through drawers, pulling out various tubes and little cases of makeup, choosing carefully which ones she wanted. today's tones were subtle, and one probably wouldn't notice them, especially since they were mostly unneeded for one with a Yamataian body, that lacked flaws and never aged. Still, a slight tint was added to her cheeks and lips, and her eyelids were given a very faint shade of green to match, well, everything else she wore.

With a few swipes and pats, the woman seemed to be completely satisfied with her looks, and closed the closet's sliding door, ignoring the mess that was her bed, and made her way through the small kitchen/entryway of her apartment, to open the door upon the somewhat cavernous corridor that was outside. She checked her wristwatch, and looked to either side, apparently expecting someone, or something.

Coming down the corridor with a clipboard in his hands and his face lighting up upon seeing Aerin emerge from her apartment was Tommy Yismin. One of Aerin's loyal servants, and messengers of news, both good and bad. He had his start doing manager work for hotels in Yamatai and eventually found Origin to be an excellent offer. Packing his bags, he shipped off and proved competent enough to rise to the side of Aerin after a couple of years: "Ah, Aerin, good timing." His crisp Yamataian/Nepleslian accent always carried an air of trust, "The engineering team has finished looking over your designs, they were rather pleased."

Aerin grinned, glad her assistant was being thorough as usual. "Well, I had to get them something nice after their complaints about the Serendipity class. Why can't they just understand that I engineered that ship's interior to be horrid so that we could figure out something better through trial and error?" She shook her head in a bit of frustration. "Honestly, why they have to get in such a tizzy over it is beyond me...."

"Its their job, Ma'am," He looked out across the hallway, and out the Window to Dawn Station, all abuzz in the wee hours of the morning, "They don't see the world as you do, have your perks, or your problems. If they had half of what you dealt with, they'd crack."

"I'm surprised *I* haven't cracked... I haven't had a party, gone out, or gotten laid in much much too long..." just after answering, Aerin seemed to stop for a moment, seeming to realize something. "Hey, why didn't you drive my car up here today?"

He smiled and held up the keys, pressing a button and looking down the corridor. A lime green Advent Hovercar could be seen lazily manouvering itself through the corridor and eventually coming to rest in front of Aerin, "I walked this morning. Good for the circulation."

Aerin looked glum at this. "You know, we have perfect bodies bio-engineered to let us be lazy. I fully intend to take advantage of that." She hopped into her car and seemed satisfied that her weight didn't make it dip at all, being easily countered by the vehicle's propulsion system. "Now, What am I supposed to be doing today? I better not be locked up in an office again, that's just cruel to do to me all the time."

"Of course not, Ma'am," He held up a datapad from his marine days and checked the day's schedule for Aerin, "Let's see... At ten thirty, you have a meeting with the board, as is the case every Monday, then you have a quick morale tour of the A-12 factory at noon..." He paused, "Isn't that the factory wherein there was a slight bump in production when that interesting man showed up?"

Aerin bit her lip as her car drove its way down the hallway, remembering back to the incedent. "Well... it wasn't so bad. And not nearly as bad as when OAW's test team demolished a portion of Sector Nine." Tommy chuckled a little in response.

"I hear they hire anyone for OAW today, even an actor!" he then cleared his throat and continued with the day's events, "Finally at five o'clock, we have a prototype unveiling for..." He touched a pen to his lips in thought, "Remind me. What was it again?"

"The last new thing we really made was a gun. That's Rob's deal, reschedule that, put it on his list. he hasn't done much lately, anyway." Aerin got a bit of a grin on that one. "And, I approved the actor, besides, Miss Tenner can handle them for me. Speaking of getting someone to handle things for me, I think You get to have a turn today going to the board meeting in my stead. Just tell them I'm going on a trip for research purposes. I might take off for a while."

Tik tick tickitey tick tick. It was surprisingly easy to shuffle people around in Origin, doubly so if the orders came from the big cheese herself, "Certainly. Rob has been a bit slack, and the board trusts my word. Where do you have in mind, Ma'am?"

"hrrmmm... Do I have to have a destination in mind?" she asked, before putting a finger to her mouth in thought. "Though I can't decide what ship I should take... Do I take the Raider, or maybe go the luxury route and take a little yacht?"

"Aerin," It was always strange when Tommy addressed Ms. Tatst by first name, "Take whatever you feel comfortable with," He gave her a smile and a wink, "I hear Nepleslia Prime is good this time of year."

"There's also more manly men there." Aerin answered, Grinning. "That's the biggest problem with Yamatai. Too many women. Men are an endangered species." She sighed, and noticed for the first time that they were speeding their way down a lift. When had the car gotten into it?

Tommy was checking the weather and headline news for Nepleslia Prime, and blinked, "Ms. Tatst,"

Aerin snapped out of her minuscule revelrie. "Hum? Yes?"

"If you're going hunting, I think we've found a specimen," He showed her the datapad and the frontline news read: 'DOWNTOWN WARZONE - PHOENIX HEROES VS. ZEROES MURDERPUNKS, 2-0', the aerial photos didn't do the fight justice, "Isn't that the Interesting Man?" He pointed to a photo of Luca Pavone jumping over a car and dodging a shot from a Gauss Rifle.

"If By interesting man you mean an international action hero that I bagged, then, yes." The lift dinged as it arrived at the bottom of the complex containing Aerin's apartment, and the car drove itself out. "Let's take the Raider, then. It's faster, and he may want some help of some kind."

"Shall I prep your armour?" Tommy looked over to his datapad and showed her the schematics, "I can have it assembled in flight."

Aerin looked somewaht confused by this. "Which armor? You mean my mini-Impulse? Just throw it in a duffel bag with my luggage, I know how it all works." He nodded in reply and sent out the right messages to put the Mini-Impulse in the right place.

"Throw a couple of GP-ORV's and Versa's in the hangar.. and a couple scimitar's too, just 'cause," the CEO also suggested, leaning back in her seat to bask in the simulated sunlight coming from the roof of this level of Sector Nine, soaking in the 'rays' as it were. "Oh, and I want a pair of oversized shades, with pointy corners."

Tommy looked at the shade providers that the Advent came with and flipped one down to reveal a mirror and a pair of shades.

Aerin motioned over her eyes. "Sunglasses. Pointy ones. Rimless."

Tommy tilted his head curiously, then searched his datapad if such a pair existed. Lo and behold, there was such a pair, and they even came in different colours, including black, orange, lime green and more...

"Well, your pick, Ma'am."

"Let's go with the classic black with a semi-mirror finish on the front." she decided, poking Tommy's datapad to select the pair she had specified.

He tapped a request to an employee that was in the area to buy them for her, and assured that they'd be reimbursed, "They'll be waiting for you at our launch pad."

Aerin checked the speed of the hovercar, and adjusted it to go a little bit quicker. "Only if they can beat us there. Otherwise I'll be the one waiting." She grinned, but was finally having a bit of fun. She was going out somewhere, and it'd be an adventure the likes of which she hadn't had in a long time.

Meanwhile, across town, an unusually flexible, and unlucky man had just gotten the shades Aerin was after ... he was sprinting down the road, dodging one car heading his way and accidentally being cleaned up by another, tumbling over the dashboard and landing in the back seat - glasses miraculously unharmed. The driver stopped to examine the poor, unfortunate Danny Hanley-Lewis that'd landed in the back seat; He was lucky enough to not be injured too hard.

"To Launchpad H-72, please," Was all he had to say as he flashed the shades before her. The driver blinked, and nodded before wondering whether she should take him to the hospital and driving off.

By now, Aerin had flicked on the radio and was now banging her head to some rather loud rock music, as she pondered just which clothes she had left on the Raider and if she might need to get new stuff put on it. It obviously didn't matter, though, she could always buy something if she needed it. The Hovercar exited Sector 9 and made its way into Sector 8, where the raider was currently docked. "You'll have to get yourself another vehicle to make the meetings, Tommy, this one's coming with me." Tommy nodded and exited the vehicle, bowing to her politely.

"Good luck Ma'am," Tommy was always sincere when it came to how he felt about Aerin, and he did wish her the best of luck out in the open. It wasn't too difficult for him to get transportation. He was Tommy Yismin, after all.

After Tommy had disembarked, Aerin took off again, hastily making her way to the bay where the Raider was docked, looking around to see if the employee Tommy had ordered had arrived yet with Aerin's new sunglasses.

"Sorry, I need to be somewhere further up."
"What do you mean 'Further Up'?!"
"I have to drop you off here."
Danny looked down. It was a fair distance down, and he could see a lime green Advent Hovercar and a black haired person standing and waiting impatiently, "But I'll be a pancake if I hit th-"

Danny was aerodynamic, like a brick. He fell head over heels into a walkway, sticking for a moment before realizing that he was peeling away, and grabbed what he could and started climbing down. For Danny, it was always give and take. Get hit by a ride, get a ride, get pushed out of the ride and fall - into a convenient building that he could climb down! He wondered what else would give in the interim as he ascended from walkway to walkway, eventually reaching the ground and rushing over to Aerin.

"Your sunglasses." He held them aloft, they were miraculously unharmed in spite of everything that happened to the terminally unlucky man in the last few minutes.

"Ah, thanks" Aerin responded, simply, taking the sunglasses and putting them on. She walked away, seeming to ignore the man as he turned around and fell into an open maintenance hatch, inconveniently disappearing. She then turned, holding a KS card she had rummaged from a pocket, but, upon noting the man's disappearance, she simply shrugged, stuffed the card back in her pocket, and boarded her ship.