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Implemented We should formalize a 'Qualification' system


Convention Veteran
One of the things that is coming up in the Second Officer thread is that it's not really quite a MOS, indeed it's something that someone from deferent MOSs' could be. I think we should have something like 'qualifications' in addition to MOS. It probably works something like you have a school that you go to for a number of weeks, take some tests of some sort and return to your previous posting with the Qualification on your record. This might go into the orders thread? I'm just throwing some thoughts out there. However, they are different enough that I didn't want them to get tangled up with the second officer bit.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Are you available to oversee this addition?
I'd like to note that TANTOs were never approved (probably won't be at this point) and SAINT operatives already do what they do better, as well as have been doing it for decades.
Revived Giretsu Infantry and moved it into the qualifications namespace.
Very cool to see this implemented. And I like the some of the options there were. I wonder, would something like Away Team Leader fall under this category?
If there's a school/course for it then sure. Though that may be more of a position than a qualification.
Can always make a course at the War College since SAoY doesn't have a NCO Academy. Something I need to do for the Rikugun.
Yhea, not all qualifications are on the same level as having your own base to train people in it. I'm not sure that all of them even need a wiki article if we can make the struct good.
Every time is see Yhea, snoop dog comes to mind for some reason doing his car driving dance. Or DMX... good times.

You can never go wrong with more information to help people know how to do the job they are acting as.
It seems like there's always some attempt to do what Saint Operatives do better, yet they always fail to actually understand what SAINT does.
TANTO is a perfect example of this. They work as a team, but so does SAINT. They travel in a stealth shuttle, but so does SAINT. Assasination, Off-the-books operatations, retrieval... It's all still SAINT. 1 SAINT operative is able to wreak havok and having multiple work together is commonplace. I do not see what TANTO does that is different from the Empress' literal eyes, ears, and quiet hand.
Were TANTOs actually ever RP'd? Because if not, it can just be ignored and whatever this is can just die off finally.
TANTO seems like a unit type to me rather than a qualification. I have thoughts about it, but they really belong in a different thread.
I think that the F occupations and perhaps D should be moved to qualifications. Having a Pharmacist qualification makes sense, as does Systems and Saftey, Advisor, CSAR, Scout, and Second Officer (although it might be more of a command officer type thing).
Limiting some qualifications to specific occupations makes sense.