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Well Helloooo there!


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A being of unknown gender and species steps to the front of the audience, with a deep intake of breath they turn to the Audience and spoke to them ”Hi, I am Charaa, and I am an RP addict” they say with some fear.

I have been roleplaying since I think later 2001, to early 2002 I believe, and for the next 7 years since then, I was on a roleplay browser-thing called Furcadia. I eventually left simply because 7 years after I discovered forum roleplay. Of course, this discovery wasn’t the only reason, that I left Furcadia, but I will leave it at that. I will admit, at first my writing wasn’t as good as it was now, but over time I got better. Of course, it helped if I used a word program. I hadn’t thought to do so, until thanks in part to a rather robotic human I was given the push to actually use one.

Since then I have been on a lot of sites, some I have chosen to leave, some had died, but for the most part I have been on the X-men type sites, but ever since this incident on another site, I have chosen to give x-men a break, and now I am here thanks entirely to the one I know as Rad suit.

One last thing, I’m not going to say what my gender is, because, in the past, I have received abuse when I revealed it, so you all are free to label me by either of the pronouns I won’t be bothered by it
Now then with your questions
What do you call yourself?

What do I call myself, well, if the above is any indication, I call myself a roleplay addict, but I probably shouldn’t be doing so. I like calling myself a friend. though Charaa I had chosen because character to be is a bit long.

How'd you find Star Army?

Since my break, I had mentioned to a friend named rad suit that I was interested in a sci-fi based roleplay.

What interested you in joining?
I was nervous about joining, but seeing how everyone seems friendly, which was confirmed by Rad suit, I thought I should give it a go

Ever done this text-based roleplaying thing before?

Any previous experiences you want to share?

Now for the questionnaire!

Do you prefer:
  • Playing male, female, or other-gendered characters?
    I’m used to playing female, characters and I have done plenty of male ones, I kinda prefer female
  • Spontaneous or planned RP? either or
  • Military or civilian characters? I have no preference.
  • Humans, androids, anthros, or aliens? anything other than human [no offense]
  • Being on a starship or being on a planet? I haven’t done either of these before
  • Roleplay via forum posts or in real-time? forum posts
On a scale of 1 to 3, what's your preferred level of these in your RP:
  • Language:2
  • Violence:2
  • Sexuality: 0
What's something cool you'd love to RP?
*points at the site, basically anything sci-fi
Hello! Welcome to Star Army! I'm Immortal and I play a whole bunch a Nekos! I'm not sure what sort of plots you're into, but if you're interested in Yamatai, I would recommend YSS Kaiyō II, YSS Sakura II, or YSS Ranger III (which I'm trying to help get off the ground with @Soban). Anyways, I hope you enjoy you're time here, and if you're looking for more people to socialize with, please join the Discord!
Hello Charaa! Welcome to our community! I'm Yoerik, one of the NTSE Reviewers here. If you are interested to creating your own content, feel free to share them with us. I'd like to point you to New Players Guide and Roleplaying Guide on the wiki. If there's any questions you'd like to ask us, please don't refrain from asking any of the Staff.
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Greetings fellow RPer. Wolf626 here. I'm still kinda new to the whole SARP Universe but if I can help in way, just say the word.

Take it from me a super nervous and socially challenged person both IRL and online, that this community his one of, if not the best, I know of. Everyone is helpful, considerate and ready to enhance your experience. I have a character in the YSS Kaiyo II plot. If you want an easy plot to begin with I recommend this one. But may that's just me being biased.

Gone Hunting Pizza
Hello! Glad to see you took the first step and joined us here. I've had my ups and downs here, but this place has been more consistent in the long term than any other place I've joined.

I definitely think, from our interactions before, that you'll find several good plots to create characters for. I already pointed @Ametheliana your way. I think you'd also get along well with @Noodlewerfer. @Legix might have a few good ideas for you as well.

I hope everything goes smoothly!
Once upon a time, I started my RPing on Furcadia. It's a rare thing for people to graduate from there to forum/larger RPs tho; Allegria (AI) was a hotbed of RPers once upon a time when I played.

TBH I was surprised when I spell-checked that I actually remembered the name of the place from how long it's been. I'm not a furry so my time on Furcadia meant I wasn't dabbling much with other locales beside AI and one other world (it was also RP heavier but was more for adults but not NSFW-type stuff) but it definitely helped build my initial interest in RPing.

Anyway, welcome to SARP. I'm the FM of Nepleslia - greatest faction in the entirety of human creation TBH - and I can definitely point you at a plot of quite a diverse pool if you need help.

Reactions: Wes
Legix is a lying hecksnek, he can’t be trusted o3o

Hi... I’m FM of the adorable wholesome fox peeps, all else are inferior.
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