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What are the policies for murder?


Well-Known Member
What policies do Yamatai, Nepleslia, and any other faction/government have for the act of murder? Incarceration or simply capitol punishment? Or can they be given a choice to join the respectable armies? Is the policy different for mass murderers? These questions have been bugging me for some time. I think that it would be interesting to know for future reference.
Yamatai believes in execution for murder, treason and desertion. I also believe they will execute rapists as well; but, I can't find the punishment list. Oh yeah... that new proposal...passed so tampering with an ST back-up of any person for any reason is also a death worthy offense.


SEoY Unified Law said:
It is illegal for a nonmilitary person in Star Army territory to kill a sentient being that he/she does not own, except when acting in self-defense (Proposal 13, Item 1).

Any person who in time of war is found acting as a spy in or around any place, vessel, or aircraft, within the control of the Star Army, or in or about any shipyard, any manufacturing or industrial plant, or any other place or institution supporting the Star Army, or elsewhere, be punished by torture, until death (Proposal 37, Item 1).
SAoY Military Law said:
Misbehavior Before the Enemy
Proposal #36

1. Any Star Army soldier who
(1) runs away;
(2) shamefully abandons, surrenders, or delivers up any command, unit, place, or military property which it is his duty to defend;
(3) through disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct endangers the safety of any such command, unit, place, or military property;
(4) casts away his arms or ammunition;
(5) is guilty of cowardly conduct;
(6) quits his place of duty to plunder or pillage;
(7) causes false alarms in any command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces;
(8) willfully fails to do his utmost to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy any enemy troops, combatants, vessels, aircraft, or any other thing, which it is his duty so to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy; or
(9) does not afford all practicable relief and assistance to any troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft of the armed forces belonging to the Star Army or their allies when engaged in battle;
shall be punished by death, unless he is a Taii or below that is following orders.
Deletion of ST back-ups and probably a gun blast to the head; snapping of the neck; OR guided Seppaku. We don't usually go into detail about how we execute criminals.
I would guess firing squad for official sanctioned execution.

For immediate execution, a bullet to the forehead. On the battlefield, we don't have time to wave swords and get our hands icky with neck-sweat.
MoonMan said:
I would guess firing squad for official sanctioned execution.

For immediate execution, a bullet to the forehead. On the battlefield, we don't have time to wave swords and get our hands icky with neck-sweat.

Summary Execution. How utilitarian.
Thought it was more for Nep soldiers...

Anyway... Yeah. Its probably one of the bigger things in Yam that I don't like: No fear of death. Because there little chance of pure death. Memories are still cherished, sure, but still...

However, death can still happen to Yam and Neps... Just not ones in the military. At least, the milly ones get a better net of respawn. :P
So tell me.

If a non-Yamataian kills a Yamataian, what is the punishment like?

Isn't it outside of their jurisdiction?

Also, Yam's a military state.
I'm so glad I don't play a cat.
Non-Yamataians (excluding those nations Yamatai has treaties with) don't have rights in the eyes of the YSE, so the door is wide open for the Star Army to commit extreme vengeance.
It'd be a good idea to update this information into a new wiki. Maybe a Q&A-styled sheet with each faction's stances on the question represented in a table with their answers? Dunno, it's a simple thought but it seems like this might be a good way to establish and pool "laws" held throughout the setting into one sheet.