Star Army

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What Can We Do To Criminal Scum?


Inactive Member
What can our Neko soldiers do with prisoners?
What counts as torture?
Can we use enhanced interrogation techniques?
What can we do to a criminal prisoner who isn't a prisoner of war when we want to extract information?
I see in the rules on the prisoner of war page it says prisoners are not to be mistreated so long as they cooperate and submit to their captors. Does not divulging information count as not cooperating and submitting?
What counts as mistreatment?
If someone used Kaserine on a prisoner to change its gender would that be considered torture?
A prisoner of war that is not resisting or causing issues is cooperating. IRL a POW does not have to provide information.

Changing a person's gender against their will would be mistreatment. IMO
To the winner .. it's an interrogation technique. Whether it is right or wrong according to the regime that uses it, knowingly or not.

To the loser .. It's torture no matter what you do. Unless it beneficial to the captured.

97 % of the time, any information given under extreme duress (physical torture) is something the Interrogator wants to hear is going to be falsehood, unusable information, or information the interrogator already knows, or made up to gain respite from the abuse, (physical).
To the winner .. it's an interrogation technique. Whether it is right or wrong according to the regime that uses it, knowingly or not.

To the loser .. It's torture no matter what you do. Unless it beneficial to the captured.

97 % of the time, any information given under extreme duress (physical torture) is something the Interrogator wants to hear is going to be falsehood, unusable information, or information the interrogator already knows, or made up to gain respite from the abuse, (physical).

Yup, although this is also why its never a good idea for militaries to act on such information quickly but instead to verify its authenticity.
Also, would anyone care to share their SARP IC stories in which dealing with criminals was significant beyond blasting them? Have there been some cool interactions with crims for Nep players recently? Anyone really ever got to do any policing of their crew to ensure order? Anyone ever play a Yam cop beating a suspect with a space future phone book or a bag of oranges in a PANTHEON dead zone?
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well Hanako beat up a crew member then kicked him out of the service. Fun shore leave that was.

There is another story about a crew member being stuck in an airlock .... Never knew what happened to him.
Well, my character Rin in the old YSS Senbu plotline actually shot at a fellow male crewmate who was going to injure himself and others with a knife because he was love crazed... then I got reprimanded badly for it by Shizuka Endo. Now she is on Heartbreaker as first officer and it is her job to keep order, heh.
What constitutes as torture... What would constitute as torture? I think it would be a balance of what A is willing to do to B, and what B is able to handle.

Obviously physical torture is bad.
Warning! This video contains a willing person undergoing Waterboarding by a Torture Defence Group. The whole video is done safely, with the consent of the Victimized party for the sake of explaining the effects.

Warning, contains imagery and detail of various torture techniques use in the modern day.

Mental torture is also bad.
So is Emotional

Les take Vekimen! The best way to torture them is to keep them at a temperature just warm enough to keep them conscious, but uncomfortably cold. Vekimen are by nature TERRIFIED of the cold, which is why they do not have a cryogenics system despite how well they take to being frozen solid. This is why Edtoto was always complaining about the cold on the heartbreaker, and why all my other Vekimen will probably start complaining about the cold on other ships. Edtoto simply got used to functioning in the cold, ad was able to keep her baser instincts down long enough to acclimatize.

You could also leave a Vekimen in a wide open space with nowhere to hide. Throw in some bright lights and you will do a serious number o the Vekimen.

The only downside is that Vekimen have this really nasty habit of going completely feral when under enough stress. You won't get any information from them at this point, and this would be what some would call the point they start to "Sing like a bird".