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What exactly happens when you exceed a teleporter's weight limit

Sunny D

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The warning says "Do not exceed as partial teleportation may occur."

I was originally under the impression that if you exceeded the settings of a P4003 for example, it would be able to prioritise the Mindy and user inside, and would then take a chunk of what ever it was trying to take with it. Imagine getting into close combat with an Advanced type, its got you all wrapped up, thinking its won then all the sudden you teleport away with all its tentacles and half its body.

I think it was mentioned in the discord offhandedly that it would simply take a percentage of the total mass of targets evenly. So the P3000 has a maximum weight of 125KG and you attempt to teleport a total of 250KG? Then only 50% of the mass is teleported, creating two of you which in short order probably collapse into a puddle of water as the user and what ever they were trying to teleport no longer have the structural integrity at the atomic level to stay coherent. All their proteins have been cut into pieces.

Both results are pretty metal, but what actually happens?
So, when you use the teleporter:

1. The teleporter ATTEMPTS to teleport the Mindy armor and whatever the Mindy is holding or has strapped or physically attached to it, but not walls and floors around it, or things not touching the Mindy. It does this with gravity fields and sensors, and tries to direct the teleporter "flash" to the right places. In practice this works pretty well. This is known as the "selection area."

2. If there's too much mass the teleporter flash isn't strong enough to teleport all the material in the "selection area." The teleporter will attempt to warn the user but if teleportation happens anyway, you may end up in a situation where it doesn't teleport all of you. Imagine the flash as a fuzzy neon teal circle...
So, when you use the teleporter:

1. The teleporter ATTEMPTS to teleport the Mindy armor and whatever the Mindy is holding or has strapped or physically attached to it, but not walls and floors around it, or things not touching the Mindy. It does this with gravity fields and sensors, and tries to direct the teleporter "flash" to the right places. In practice this works pretty well. This is known as the "selection area."

2. If there's too much mass the teleporter flash isn't strong enough to teleport all the material in the "selection area." The teleporter will attempt to warn the user but if teleportation happens anyway, you may end up in a situation where it doesn't teleport all of you. Imagine the flash as a fuzzy neon teal circle from the teleporter in the center where the middle of the circle is completely opaque and as you get further from the center, less and less of the area is covered up by it, because there's less probability of teleporter "flash" interacting with that mass. In practice this means your chest and head are probably going to be relatively intact. There's not a hard edge to the teleporter area in this case.

Does this answer your question?
So if one was to use a teleported offensively, tuck and roll? Get as much of your mass near the teleporter as possible.

Also if you can define a selection area couldn't you define an area that intersects with the other item, thus taking a massive chunk of whatever with you?
I don't see a situation where you could teleport offensively since the enemy would have to touching you and the mass amounts would have to work out right. The selection area is also automatically selected by the teleporter, not by the user, and the closer to your body, the better it works. If you're somehow inside a giant space dragon because you accidentally RPed with the "vore" game master and you want to teleport out, yes, you would want to tuck and roll to maximize the amount of you that arrives and minimize the amount of space dragon.
RPed with the "vore" game master
You joke, but we do have tentacle monsters as the primary antagonist that like to eat people.

When you say Automatic, I can see how the current firmware on the Mindy wouldn't support it, but I also don't see a reason why the firmware couldn't be updated.
So my sense of the problem was that it was random which bits of you would go and which wouldn't. Something something quantum randomness probably. My sense is that it wasn't something that wasn't really well controlled by the technology and would probably result in a rather gory spaghettification similar to what happened with a malfunction in Kaiyo Mission Nine.

I don't get the sense it's made to be directly offensively used.
I think if you're using a p4003 you could pull this off since it's specifically designed to carry more mass/carry others with it, especially if assisted by a MEGAMI.

Also, am I the vore GM? Look, that scene where Hercules was inside the three headed monster and it felt like all hope was lost but he cut through it heroically changed me somehow. In the most sfw way possible, it's just quite a challenge to go from in the belly of the beast to killing it!
It feels to me like the offensive capabilities of teleportation (more like offensive side effects) are generally limited to organic matter being at the end of a teleport rather than the beginning.

I know Wes gave his answer above, but honestly I’d imagine that the teleportation devices used by the the SAoY have many technological failsafes like
  • First the -IES checks for the mass within the confines of the armor it is attached to, which is automatically set for the base teleportation parameter.
  • Then it checks for total mass of non-structural objects in contact with the armor.
  • Then it gives the user a warning and refuses to execute a teleport unless overriden.
  • Finally, even if the user overrides, the module automatically re-calculates power levels so that the teleport only takes the armor and leaves the overweight payload behind.
But that’s just how I’d reason things out. Offensive options for teleportation seem mostly limited to the flashbang effect on the target end of transit when in-atmosphere. A soldier could probably also teleport inside of an enemy’s organic matter to blow them up by displacing their guts with a Mindy 4, but such would require strict coordination with another soldier feeding precise telemetry, and would still probably pose a risk of severely hurting the teleporting soldier when their armor appears in the same spot as, for example, a Mishhu tentacle beast.
You know, you're right, I forgot that just happened in the RP!

The vore GM was a joke, it's not an actual person on the site (though one time this person wanted me to RP Hanako getting eaten by their character).
A soldier could probably also teleport inside of an enemy’s organic matter to blow them up by displacing their guts with a Mindy 4,
Telefragging Lets Go!

Yeah, thats a method that never made sense to me because while damaging to your target, its probably equally damaging to the user. Though lazing a few targets and all the sudden there are stone obelisks covered in gore where the target used to be seems pretty metal.
probably equally damaging to the user.
I don't see how. Maybe because the displaced heat and sound bounce off of the creature's internals and back on the armor? But the Mindy can withstand that.

I forgot that just happened in the RP!
I've done it before and better in 2020 for award-winnning RP Kamiwaza. It's okay, Wes. As long as people know it's not a weird nsfw thing to me lol.
I don't see how. Maybe because the displaced heat and sound bounce off of the creature's internals and back on the armor?
There is a split second of the solid Mindy occupying the same molecular space as the soft flesh of its target before displacing it outward explosively. That moment's pressure and the violent displacement of soft organic matter afterward could likely harm the teleporting soldier. Not even to mention if part of them ends up intersecting a solid part of the Mishhu's metal-like carapace, which could be strong enough to remain after the teleport is finished and end up molecularly bonded with the teleporting soldier.
There is a split second of the solid Mindy occupying the same molecular space as the soft flesh of its target before displacing it outward explosively. That moment's pressure and the violent displacement of soft organic matter afterward could likely harm the teleporting soldier. Not even to mention if part of them ends up intersecting a solid part of the Mishhu's metal-like carapace, which could be strong enough to remain after the teleport is finished and end up molecularly bonded with the teleporting soldier.
This reminds me of the reddit "explain it to me like I'm 5" lol. I can see the getting into the hard bits of a Mishhu being a problem, but I don't think the pressure and displacement would be enough to truly mess a Mindy or its soldier inside up. I need more convincing >:|
So I'm in the presure and displacement would be enough, but also frankly even with soft things like people it's not like you are transporting into a block of ballistic gelatin, you have lots and lots of bone which cause the same problems. It also may be the case that whatever causes the displacement isn't powerful enough to displace flesh or water or whatever.