"Spark, you're a well behaved lady as usual aren't ya. I took this because I wanted to get away, I need.....some time away......from the family, from.....that orb. I miss Koro every day Spark, and it hurts, because I know she is never coming back. You of all people should understand that feeling, but hurts more when it's your spouse. Thank you for the company, but please, don't cause me any more grief then needed." Mark said inside the room solemnly, knowing she would hear outside.
Setsuya gave him a sympathetic smirk, her fingers giving a gentle squeeze, "Kinda right on the first, definitely on the second. Just needed to let you know....i'm here to help, despite ya know, being here also officially as a representative. Regardless of the star army's stance, I care, just as I care about the NDC. People are people, and we should be there to help each other, otherwise...what's the point if not to be connected with those we share this part of the galaxy with?"
With the situation averted, the escort resumed, until they were brought to orbit. Transports were sent up baring engineers, and materials for repairs, as well as units for fabricating parts needed. A message was sent to every ship, requesting lists of supplies needed among anything else they required. The Sojourner would receive a text based transmission requesting a meeting to start talks with the NDC governing body.