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What happened to this thread and page?

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Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Ok, so I went into the Gam'trosha's personnel wiki because I was going to remove Drenica, the man hasn't posted and I haven't been able to contact him. Upon doing so I noticed that an NPC I had added a few months back was no longer listed.

So when I went to add them I noticed that the npc's bio-link is now RED!

This is the internal wiki-link for the character: [[character:shi_sha_tra_je_ha_shue]]

The page is gone, going to it and hitting 'old revisions' shows nothing, like the list was wiped. So what happened? This is now the third time this has happened to one of my pages and I am quite frankly getting tired of having to re-add these pages to the wiki.
Mod note: Topic moved to tech support.

I don't see any indication that it ever existed. Even if was moved or deleted, it would show a record. When was the last time you saw it? Was it compliance with the wiki rules (no orphan pages, placeholder pages, blank pages, or pages that are just headers)?
Then I don't know Wes, I know what pages I put up as I keep copies of them. I'll just put them back up.

Just to note, this isn't the only DokuWiki this happens to me on, thus is why I know its not a problem unique to our wiki.
Is it possible that the URL you're giving me isn't right? The best I can come up with was:
  1. You made a page and nothing linked to it.
  2. It got deleted by me because nothing linked it it and it was old, possibly drawing attention because it was in the root folder or somewhere it shouldn't have been (?)
  3. Now you are providing a slightly different URL so the deleted page we're looking at doesn't have old revisions. Or, the page was extremely old and was caught in a rare attic cleanup (clearing out saved old versions from years before).
Based on the above I checked some other folders but I didn't find it.

Now as webmaster I backup everything too, on my external hard drive. So I looked at the attic files from mid-2012 to 8/9/14 and also an October 2011 copy and I didn't see any saved edits in character: or root folder pages starting with shi_

So I have think perhaps you made the page but never hit save, or made it some offline form but never transferred it to the wiki.
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