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What has happened to the Kuvexians since their defeat?


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Heya! I've been going through kuvexian history while trying to work a couple of things out. I wanted to ask if whatever happened tp the kuvexians after their collapse was set in stone, like if it recovered, or what factions would've risen to power!
The various leftover remnant factions are on their own to sink or swim. Other than Quallox Vaibal's colonies (neutral) and the stuff Gello Kordoon is doing down at the bottom of the map (hostile), there aren't a whole lot left in the Kikyō Sector. Those latter ones, and the ones occupying places like Hanako's World have their days numbered, from @Andrew (Ayano/Tokyo) and @raz (Aiko/Kaiyo) respectively, the plots of the First Expeditionary Fleet's YSS Tokyo and First Fleet's YSS Kaiyo. The neutral ones doing okay (Quallox Vaibal) are the basis of the Sood Zadra and ISS Sobek plots. The Kikyō sector is well outside the Kuvexians' core region, being at the edge of their expansion, so the greater bulk of who is left is far...
All of them, including the emperor filed for bankruptsy and are now waiting for their space-capitalist unemployment checks.

Fr tho good question. Theres Sood that others can comment on more than me who know better. Prob millions of kuvexian mercenaries left behind in the sector tho that are likely acting as mercenaries, pirates, or creating a new space junta too. At least one or more of these mercenary groups are also involved in the Osman campaign as well.
The various leftover remnant factions are on their own to sink or swim. Other than Quallox Vaibal's colonies (neutral) and the stuff Gello Kordoon is doing down at the bottom of the map (hostile), there aren't a whole lot left in the Kikyō Sector. Those latter ones, and the ones occupying places like Hanako's World have their days numbered, from @Andrew (Ayano/Tokyo) and @raz (Aiko/Kaiyo) respectively, the plots of the First Expeditionary Fleet's YSS Tokyo and First Fleet's YSS Kaiyo. The neutral ones doing okay (Quallox Vaibal) are the basis of the Sood Zadra and ISS Sobek plots. The Kikyō sector is well outside the Kuvexians' core region, being at the edge of their expansion, so the greater bulk of who is left is far away, whatever chaos is unfolding for them.

Readings for what is going on postwar with Kuvexians:
RP: YSS Kaiyō - Mission 27: The Crimson Levy
What Yuuki said is basically the long and short of it. @Wes' epilogue in the Battle of Glimmergold thread is a good summary that basically stands to this day.

To expand on Yuuki's post with details on my RP:

By this point in the timeline, Hanako's World is already re-taken by Yamatai. In fact, it was liberated by Kikyo no Sekku in YE 45.5. Unfortunately, the way I set up my Crimson Levy plot made sure to include an Open RP event in its planning for everyone on the site who wanted to participate. But no one actually showed interest, so I basically decided to tell a good story for the players involved in the plot itself and not rush things. So as of today, only the character-driven prologue has been finished.

That said, I'm planning on still having that Open RP/Mass Battle portion soon enough to tie up the story itself. It's not going to be another year of waiting. November-January holidays simply took up a lot of real life attention.

Without spoiling things too much, I might have some of the Hanako's World Kuvexians (The Duchy of of Zzmyrneh) appear later on. Remnants of remnants. Love the Kuvexians, they're a great bad guy.
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