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What is a good range for measurements?


Inactive Member
That question came up when I was making my newest character, and I decided to finally say something. I can deal with just not including measurements, but it bugs me that the spot is there, but there is no guidance on the wiki for anyone who knows little about it. So, my basic request is, could we either put a section in the character creation part that explains measurements and gives some average examples, or should we just take it out of the Auto Template? It bugs me as is, since just about everything else is detailed on the wiki, or is VERy readily available.
Yes, but if its going to be on the template there should be some guidance. For example on the Neko page it provides information on the range for height and weight, the same kind of thing could be done for measurements. Especially for a genetically engineered race.
But it also varies from person to person, and on the creator. Not specifically genetically engineered species.

Nepleslians are essentially humans. We, as human beings vary widely in our measurements. Setting a predetermined point for that is flawed. Yamataians? They have a little leeway. You'll never see a tubby Yamataian, but you may come across a muscular, tall and rugged one. Or a dainty slip of a thing. Truth be told, we tend to break that measuring stick on here quite often. Hense, why I say flawed. Not to be an arrogant guy, I just see people not following what is outlined often enough to think nothing of it.

Like I said. It varies and is solely dependent on you as the creator. What is listed is guidelines, not necessarily there to follow, but to act as a learning tool and measuring stick to the normal average joe NPC.. If you don't want to do measurements, don't do them. Leave it blank or place an applicable 'N/A'. I do so on my male characters and instead describe things through the appearance sections.

As for females... Honestly? It is easy to learn, just apply yourself. If you don't want to learn, look at a famous female you find appealing, borrow some of her measurements, and do a mix and match to spice things up a bit. Curves are nice. :)

Protip: You can also delete the measurements portion from your template you know.
I find a lot of japanese character and idol profiles include measurements. Just remember they're likely in the metric format rather than inches if the numbers are in the sixties, seventies, and eighties.
I'm not saying it has to be perfect, or people should be forced to follow it. What I'm saying is that someone like me, who has no idea how those work, sees no purpose in having any kind of spot in the standard format if it's not explained. If you want to add it in, go ahead, but unless we have something that explains at least generally what the measurements are, and how they should average out at least, it simply doesn't make sense to include it as standard. I know I've never included measurements for that reason. Whether it varies or not, that has nothing to do with it. I mean, everything else on the wiki says 'these are the average, but people can have things that are out of this range'. I think at least provide some examples from already approved characters with artwork, just so people can see as an example what the measurements mean.
...Measurements fall under the appearance category. Right there with height, weight and so on. It is blatantly obvious what it means. Like I stated in the above. If you don't understand it, it is fairly easy to learn without going through much trouble or effort at all. If you do not wish to do so, MissingNo, and myself gave you suggestions on how to go about things. Or, you simply just erase the measurement section from your bio page. But overall... measurements aren't that big of a deal, simple and easy to understand, or apply.

Honestly, I have no idea where you're coming from with this. And I do not mean this in a bad way. I've just never come across someone who did not understand it before. So if I'm being insufferable, I apologize.

Also, the one thing about measurements in relation to art is, Aendri, it does not fully translate into the art itself which makes it harder on you to do comparisons.
Basically, we need to have some our our girls on board come sit down over here and explain how measurements work... and perhaps provide example as to what the numbers and bra sizes will end up meaning.

Because, that's basically the problem. "I want to use it, but I can't really make heads or tails of this. Help?" I know I've scraped and dug around the internet to get my own values, but then again I still can't vouch for their credibility. A guide in this aspect wouldn't be unwelcome.
SARP cast 5, 'girls discussing boobies'?

This would seriously be helpful, I know I was really bad with the measurements category when it was first introduced and I'm still pretty bad at it.
Soresu, what Fred said is basically where I'm coming from. I've looked it up, I've looked into it, and I still don't really get it. How am I supposed to verify whether the source is accurate or not, or whether it's a standard system, or a privately used system? Honestly, When I can find three separate theories on which number means what, I find myself desiring someone who knows what they're talking about to tell me what's going on.

I understand you may understand it, and may find it incomprehensible that others can't, but please, do try to believe that I flat out am lost. I know pictures may not be accurate, but at least that would give us an idea of what they might look like. I'm not looking for "The Definitive Guide to Womanly Measurements", I'm looking for a generalistic guide on how they work, and what they mean, in layman's terms.

Uso, I think you may have hit on one topic no guy on this site would have a problem with. At least, I can't think of any man who would. :D
More power to you man. Realistically speaking, womanly measurements come in three catagories. Hips, waist and bust. Cup size goes hand in hand with bust. And then your numerical measurements are either inches, or centimeters.

I wasn't attempting to say you shouldn't ask for it. I however was unaware that you'd done some indepth research on the matter. Art may provide somewhat of an answer. That, I cannot fault you for. If you're having this much of an issue with it. The best person to ask would likely, as Uso put it one of our lovely ladies on here.
A female human's "measurements" usually refers to the following:

Measurement 1, "B": The distance around her bust (this I'm not clear on...but apparently it's not the actual distance around her breasts, but the rib cage under them? aka the band size of her bra. There was a rather informative thread on this earlier in this board's lifetime. Tip: Just read the first page and the first post on the second page. The thread rapidly degrades after that.)

Measurement 2, "W": The distance around her waist (above the pelvic bone. The measuring tape would cover the belly button.)

Measurement 3, "H": The distance around her hips (below the pelvis).

With a classically-figured woman of average height (which I presume is around the 5'-5'6 area), I have heard that optimum measurements are somewhere in the 36-24-36 area. This is going off memory, so I could be way off, but generally the waist is the smallest measurement while the bust and hips are close to being the same.

If you want more examples, I took a wild guess and found that clothing sites have the best resource. Take your pick: preppy clothing store websites, adult sportswear websites, the Speedo website...basically anything where you would need to know how to find your measurements and then need a chart to match your measurements to a clothing size.

There. Research done.

Where were you looking?
>.< I guess someone who's as much of a nerd as me should have thought of doing that. I just typed in Measurements, and then used other tags to attempt to narrow down the search. Is there anyone who could put that in the wiki? Makes sense to me now, but I'm not wiki savvy enough to want to mess with our CCG. Just another link, possibly directly from the auto-template would be perfect.
Google isn't good with words that are used in mutiple ways. I haven't tried it, but combinations like "B/W/H measurements" or "women clothing measurements sizes" might yield closer results...but I don't trust any sites aside from businesses, which is probably why I went that direction.

I've heard so many people comment how models are unrealistic that going to modeling agency or similar sites probably wouldn't be much help, especially since they'd likely just give the numbers with no explanation of what they stood for. At least with the clothing you can see the relation between the numbers and what your character would wear. Also, one site I found gave a height range that would go with a certain range of BWH measurements in order to find the clothing size, so that'd be further help figuring out the relation between height and measurements.

Of course, as noted in earlier posts, those're just averages. You probably wouldn't have any visual reference for variations, so it'd be a safe bet to stick with them.
I found looking up actresses' measurements in order to get my characters' measurements worked pretty well. Though, I have to say, not many people know what the measurements mean, myself included, when we run across them on the wiki and they seem like dead weight, when in reality I'm sure they serve a purpose for people like Wes that know what they represent.
It would be really convenient to have a way to list these measurements that simply described someone's proportions, so that no one would have to worry about trying to figure out how to scale them appropriately. Especially for mini-nekos, since... what the heck does 1AAA/0.7/1 mean?

The standard three-sizes were developed for clothes-fitting, not for describing builds, and when repurposed for that, they're confusing for anyone who isn't just about average in size. It's even worse for cup sizes. For someone who's under 5', B-cup is huge, and for someone who's over 7', D-cup looks small.

We could just use phrases like 'small/below average/large/very large' for each measurement, but besides looking stilted, that wouldn't give everyone the same idea, either. Maybe someone's come up with a system for this, somewhere. I've just been sticking with more vague descriptions.