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What is the NH-30?

Scot, you forget, Yamatai has ALWAYS had power over the bodies of their population. Geshrin plague.

Furthermore, nobody KNOWS the plague was created by the corporation, though I believe there is strong suspicion amongst the populace that (uhm, whats-his-face) the Emperor had a hand in it. So this particular example is essentially invalid in this context.

But anyway, fwoo! You guys wrote a LOT. That took me awhile to read. Time for more of my say (sorry if you don't want to hear any more, Fred).

Let me first say that I'm not nay-saying here, nor attacking the NH-30, but I'm simply expressing concern about how the intended use of it doesn't mesh well with the IC cultural dynamic. In essence, Yoroko has the basic concerns down. I think it's pretty much factual to say that there are strong racial tensions between Yamataians and Nekos. There's just too much evidence to argue contrary to this.

With that in mind, having this NH-30 that would be made the new 'standard' body for EVERYONE doesn't seem realistic. While it varies based on the individual, I think few would care for switching to it.

Allow me to explain in example.

Take your stereotypical Nekovalkyrja. She obviously loves fighting, being strong, and thinking she's all-around better than any other race (considering, honestly, that they were made with that intent). She has her nice pretty NH-29 body, and has peacefully retired to the recreational life of being an empress politician. She still has great pride in her physical attributes. "Silly Yamataians, you can't fly." Culturally, she finds it difficult to understand the non-militaristic mentality of these civilians. They really have a completely separate way of thinking from her war-machine-mind. Lack of understanding leads to disdain. Disdain leads to mild hatred. The NH-30 is released. She considers how the switch would affect her. She would lose all her beloved warrior attributes, becoming merely an average person. On top of that, she would be completely indistinguishable from Yamataians who have switched, considering anyone can opt for those lovable Neko ears! She doesn't feel comfortable being considered the same as them. She isn't.

Now, take the stereotypical Yamataian 'NH-22' citizen. She lives a life of leisure on Yamatai, becoming a craftsman of (whatever). She's ignorant of the Star Army. It's pretty much all Nekovalkyrja, those sentient war-machines who are grown rather than born. While she has nothing against them in this regard, she finds the personalities of those that she has met to be bizarrely strict. Orderly, aggressive, demanding, and conservative. Born soldiers are nothing like a girl like her, who grew up in the suburbs wanting to become a veterinarian. She's maybe even a little afraid of them. The NH-30 is released. She considers switching. Physically, it would be no different, though she could get some cool cat ears! But that would be kind of weird. Only soldiers have cat ears. She considers the only other notable characteristic of it: military capability. Why on Yamatai would she ever need that? She isn't a soldier.

Now, before jumping to any conclusions, allow me to summarize my overall view: NH-30 is fine, it would probably be something the Star Army wants to have all its soldiers switch to. Optimal characteristics: full combat capabilities when serving them, average humans when they're not. Star Army would probably strongly consider making it mandatory that all new Nekos are of this model, as well as strongly encouraging soldiers to switch to it. In this regard, this would only affect very few Yamataians. This is the capacity that I would see the NH-30 serving. It's quite realistic.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems this is not the express purpose of it. It seems it is meant to be a medium to merge the Yamataians and Nekovalkyrja into one race. From the slightly presumptuous examples above, it's doubtful this would happen, at least immediately. If this is the intent of the NH-30, it would take many IC years for the Nekos and Yamataian subcultures to merge, and probably not completely. The fundamental gaps between engineered soldiers and regular civilians is inescapable. Therefore, I do not believe a goal like this is realistic.

Hopefully this clarifies the fact that I am concerned this is just a quicky attempt at combining Yamataians and Nekos.
From what I heard, the NH-30 is only Mandatory for Nekos in the service, and for Yamataians and other civilians is optional.

Also, it is common knowledge now that PNUgen made the Plague, and popular belief is that it was Uesu's fault.
Really? I thought PNUgen's involvement was still a secret. How did that get out?

Anyway, I'm just trying to verify here that the NH-30 isn't going to be an instant cultural transformation for the Empire, since that would just be silly.

On another note, I had a dream last night that the Empire dissolved, and the Yamataians and Nekos were on the verge of going to war against each other. Heh.
Really? I thought PNUgen's involvement was still a secret. How did that get out?
Yeah, as far as I knew, only Hanako's crew and a handful of others in high places knew. If it's publically known, I want evidence in the form of a past newscast or something that would have informed the public. Otherwise, it's just your OOC opinion.
Alright, glad that's cleared up.

Wes said:
Yeah, as far as I knew, only Hanako's crew and a handful of others in high places knew. If it's publically known, I want evidence in the form of a past newscast or something that would have informed the public. Otherwise, it's just your OOC opinion.
Fred said:

:lol: Amusing.

Anyway, Wes, could you tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing with the introduction of the NH-30? I honestly have no idea what you have in mind, but my given theory would make it seem nonsensical. I could really use clarification here, because this could potentially create a large inconsistency in the Yamataian/Neko dynamic.
Still in development.

See it as "Fred creating the NH-29 and watching it go for three years before starting to think about seriously creating a new 'improved' version" for the moment, seeing it's very little more than ideas up in the air.

The NH-29 can still last awhile. We're not even in a hurry. The whole idea for Wes was born the very day he actually posted it.

Right now, it's looking like the NH-30 is a being which will be able to attain either a civilian-acceptable default configuration, a standard 'augmented' military configuration and a possibly even the super-soldier configurations that are in the NH-27 power levels (my ongoing label for the NH-30 by default is "Aesir", the augmented versions "Valkyrja" and "Einherjar" for females and males respectively, and "Berserker" for the NH-27 similar configuration).

I suppose one impact would be that the nekovalkyrja whom need to body transfer down to a Yamataian body. Another impact is that the NH-30 will likely be far more open to variants than all the previous neko types (we have 29 previous possible NH variants before... it makes sense to learn from it and make a new one which will be more versatile, in the very same vein as how the Mindy 2A improved on the Mindy 1F).
Ah, I see, so it's still a ways off. Sorry to bring up all those questions now before you've really determined much about it.

On the matter of what the NH-30 will be like, though...

Fred said:
(my ongoing label for the NH-30 by default is "Aesir", the augmented versions "Valkyrja" and "Einherjar" for females and males respectively, and "Berserker" for the NH-27 similar configuration).

Coolness. I'm with Scot on this question, though:

Scot said:
I think the new stuff sounds pretty cool from what I have heard, though why the men don't get like dog ears beats me, since only the female race getting cat ears makes the race as a whole kind of unbalanced in my mind.

Will the Einherjar have dog ears?

This question is actually somewhat... significant. On the one hand, it could possibly degrade the image of Star Army to "Kawaii in Space desu!!". But, on the other hand... Dude. Dog ears. Badass.
Well, Wes said that the enhanced soldier thing being only for females in Star Army is something he'd like to make a thing of the past. However, he still seems to want to make the ears for the females distinguishable - probably either out of tradition or to give them a recognizable theme.

I haven't really delved in the repercussions of making the NH-30 available for males. I know culturally the nekovalkyrja see males cropping up in their own bodies as wierd.

However, Wes currently wants it, so, I figured that if the females were "Valkyrja", I could name the men after the fallen warriors of old that the Valkyries selected to fight by the sides of the gods in Norse mytho: the "Einherjar". Basically, I'm thinking it up for him in case he really does want to go in that direction. I mean... aside from tradition, there's no reason why the NH-30 could adapt females better than males.

As for ears, I'll be blunt: I've never really felt that the nekovalkyrja aside from in-name really lived up to their 'catgirl' icon. The way Wes portrays them does not make it stand out very much, and other players only rarely make the most of the cat theme. When I actually joined the site, I thought the nekovalkyrja I saw on the advertisement banner were a kind of 'space elves' similar to the Abh from Banner of the Stars universe.

Hence, I've few second doubts on throwing the 'neko' out of 'nekovalkyrja'. Valkyrja is fine, and I feel with the NH-30 it'll actually have a more compelling and thematic functions in identifying our 'warrior-maidens' or 'female amazons' archetype.

Thematic preference is up to Wes. We aren't there yet. My own personal preference would be to go for the furless pointed ears we've seen Zairyo come up with and leave the actual more beastly pivotable furred ear for the NH-30 "Berserker" (I'll admit the pivotable part was useful to convey emotions, though... mmm).

Why? Because the enhanced hearing rarely comes into play, and when it does it is usually to hear whispered conversations people took the pain to whisper so to not be heard. When that happens, the usual impression seems to be "Oh, look at the neko player trying to show off and screw up the secrets my character is trying to share with that significant other".
lol.... space elf....

I actually do play my neko out as a cat. It's amusing.

I suppose we'll just see where we're going with the NH-30 when....

we actually HAVE the NH-30. eheh.
About the dog-ears...

Didn't there used to be a race of demons in the SARP? Ritsurin was a dog-eared half-breed...though no one except Wes, Tyler, AOK, and Uso/Zack will remember him. I think the race was wiped out, or retconned...they just kinda up and 'went gone'.
He was not a member of an approved SARP race.

Please respect the forum rules by staying on topic. This is the "Your Questions Answered" not a discussion area. Any post that is not an answer to the OP does not belong in this thread.
Each race gets a discussion thread then? Would certainly fix that problem.

So anyway, I got a question, well two.

How long does it take for the "powers" to wear off?

What is the range of the "Power" thing? As it would seem impractical during a ground or stealth mission if they lost their strong abilities when they needed it the most.
I'm sure those questions will be answered when the NH-30 is written up on the wiki and submitted to the NTSE for approval.
Well, the concept already sort of exists. The NH-27 nekovalkyrja has a body which has advanced hemosynthetic and nodal functions. This allows the NH-27 to modify herself using the nodal nanomachines in her body to have her body adopt new functions.

One good example to that is how they disposed of their SLICS shoulder-hole interface in favor of SPINE without needing to change bodies.

The NH-30 offers a similar level of customization' It starts as a default base which can be adapted everybit as much as the NH-27 could. what it happens to be missing is its host of nodal nanomachines.

So, when comes the time for a NH-30 to be augmented as a Valkyrja, she steps into an hemosynthetic tank and receives what I've been calling so far a nodal infusion.

That infusion causes the NH-30, during her stay in the hemosynth tank, to have the nodal nanomachines she's been missing. Those help her develop her 'black box' functions, going from enhanced multi-spectrum eyesight to improved hearing, to optimized muscle mass, to increased regenerative capabilities, to improving neural pathway communication and reflexes and to finally developing their improved locomotional capabilities (levitation/flight/*however that turns out).

The concept takes into account that the reason why there is a limited running time is that a constant, steady amount of nodal nanomachines are required to maintain those body functions to their peak (otherwise, body memory will 'heal' the change back to the default state). Seeing those nanomachines will eventually wear out, the capabilities they have to keep the body at 'peak' capacity will slowly wane.

I compare the process a bit to a guy whom hasn't exercised in a while and whom starts noticing he's getting in bad form. Luckily, when around a Star Army military installation or inside a Star Army warship, those nanomachines are present pretty much everywhere - even in the air you breathe (though nodal fabrication areas have a dangerous airborne amount of those) - so keeping the count up is fairly easy for the NH-30 Valkyrja.

Once away from any such installation, the amount of time they should be active is currently one month. Individuals considered more trustworthy (example: rank) are likely to have access to stronger infusions which will last them a longer time - from 3 months to a year. Similarly, people whom operate away from favored environments may be bestowed with a longer lasting infusion in prevision of that. Wearing KFY power armor is probably good to stretch things out too (allowing an infusion to last twice as long would be my estimate for a flesh insert).

Strenuous 'pushing-the-envelope' activity (the NH-30 Berserker is like a Valkyrja that has a much better ability in pushing its limits), considerable bloodloss and loss of limbs may greatly contribute in hastening the 'deadline' to a nodal infusion wearing off.
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