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A news briefing recently released by the Discourse Party of Yamatai has come to our attention. Firstly the Yugumo Kiesatsu cooperates with the Yamatai National Police on a regular basis and shares reporting lines. The Yugumo Kiesatsu responsible for policing the building like many colonial assets which are managed by Yugumo Corporation is conducting an investigation and have begun to piece together a timeline, and a list of suspects, and are close to concluding its investigation. Governor Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Tetsuya visited the site personally earlier today and approved the designs for the new government complex as well as the memorial that will be constructed from the rubble. The First Expeditionary Fleet's Terrorism Task Force Led by Motoyoshi Hanabusa Miho, who has investigated previous attacks by the Tange has also been involved in the ongoing investigations.

Tange Terrorists have plagued the region since their attack on the citizens during the fall of the United Outer Colonies. While maybe triggered by views that fall in line with theirs or anything which may support their dreams of restoring their failed state no public allegations have been made in connection with any Yamataian political party. Ultimately the responsibility is looking like it will go to a Tange Terrorist Cell which has remained in operation following the death of the traitor Motoyoshi Kiyoko.

In addition to comments regarding the ongoing investigation, memorial plans, and plans to rebuild the facilities on Jiyuu III, the Governor shared that the previous press release by the Discourse Party was disrespectful to the population of Jiyuu. It shared a part of history without context, referring to garrisons of the Star Army during the fall of the United Outer Colonies. It failed to mention the assistance the Star Army, Sunflower Corporation, and years later Yugumo Corporation provided to make Jiyuu and the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector the prosperous, stable region it is today. A region that has extended a hand to help the rest of the Empire recover from the Kuvexian War as the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector was less affected than some other regions. The Governor has requested that the Discourse Party respect the views of the Regional Government, The Motoyoshi Clan, and the people of the region which is currently in process of seeking the enshrinement of Imperial Rule and way of life in the region. The governor was quoted saying, "The Motoyoshi Colonial Sector is a unique region of Yamatai with a special bond and gratefulness to Her Majesty Himiko I, whose generosity through the Ketsurui-Motoyoshi led to the recovery and prosperity of the region. Certain views and ideologies are sensitive in this region, and comments regarding its past should be made in consideration of the millions who live here. The roots of these colonies stem from the ashes of Taiie, and it has grown prosperous, wealthy, and strong."

The Motoyoshi Colonial Sector offers thanks to the Discourse Party for the offer of donations, however, all colonies in the region are managed by the Yugumo Corporation and the Motoyoshi Clan, recovery efforts have already been compensated as well as funding for the reconstruction and memorial. Governor Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Tetsuya and his office will be forthcoming with more information as it becomes available.
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