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What Year Is It?

Current Year is YE38.

New question that I think pertains to Calendar.

What... Month... Is it?

I don't see any months? Now @Wes, you may have noticed that when I sent you that diplomatic message, I used the Japanese Months. Oldschool ones at that. There are 12 of them.

In the terms of Linear time, I think Missions should be the big things for characters. Those are like your... Checkpoints so to speak. When a Mission starts in the real world, is whe it starts in the setting world. Every Year real time is a year in SARP time based on the YE Standard Calendar. Beween threads? Go nuts with you Asides and what have you.

Make a rule that all threads must have the first post time stamped with the date it happened. Have Misc threads be marked as happening between such and such a mission.

The heartbreakers Aside system works rather well. M#A# M3A7 happens after Mission three, and is Seventh aside in the continuity. Which means you have six other asides to read to make sure you understand everything that is happening.
Reactions: Wes
Converting from IC time to OOC time is a pain or vice versa. I've often considered making a javascript converter to handle it for me.
Reactions: Wes
The current in-character year is now YE 45!

I've updated as many pages as I could find updating the current year, but if you're an FM, please check things like your faction calendars, history pages/sections, and character creation guides to make sure they're updated.
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