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RP What's a Group of Awkward People Called?

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40, 4 months after exodus
RP Location
Sirris VI: Obsidian City: Local Mall
The day was cool given being so late in the year, as well as technically winter on the world of Sirris VI. People stayed home, or went out despite the weather, with the added effect of rainy weather making it worse. It was indeed raining a decent amount outside as citizens flocked indoors, particularly inside the local mall of sorts. It wasn't as large as those found on the highly developed worlds of other nations, but it still had that home charm quality about it. Shop and stalls filled its common areas, as well as along the sides of all three stories. The array of goods ranged vastly, with local goods, a few commercial stores, food vendors, and even some of the more militant hardware dealers were present.

Though this was the last thing on Talo's mind as he quickly strode in out of the rain, the poor man having been caught outside as it had begun to rain, but thankfully made it inside before the rain turned heavy. He wasn't soaked, but he was a bit more wet then he liked, though everyone else here had the same issue in varying degrees. The bi-colored clone had his hood up of is zip up hoodie as he progressed in, his boots giving feint squeaks. His cargo pants had fared the best out of his outfit, even his grey t-shirt under the jacket feeling rather cool from the rain having soaked in a little bit. Even as he leaned against a pillar near the entrance, he kept his hood up, hiding his hair that was black with half being white streaks. Most would only see his heterochromia of blue and red.

"Damn, must have arrived early, neither of the girls have arrived yet.", He grumbled to himself.

Armora arrived in a much more calm manner, having casually walked in like the weather was not even raining, but a normal day. Her drab grey clothes that were as plain as the color, were soaked to an extent. The snow white haired woman only looked even sadder to her rather mute expression, crimson eyes passively looking about until settling on Talos. She immediately made her way over to stand before him, "Hello major, I have arrived as requested, has our siblings arrived on location as well?"

"Oh hello Armora, no I just got here....Why didn't you wear a coat, or...you know..an umbrella?", Talos greeted, giving the woman a sad smile at her state in greeting.

"I do not currently own such items, I believe that was purpose to attend this activity. To obtain such items yes?", she replied back to which he nodded.

As they were talking, the sound of small plastic wheels would be heard before Nora rolled up with a small stroller. She was dress in her black and white camo cargo pants, boots, a black t-shirt, and the cloak she always wore. "Oh sorry guys, I actually got here a bit early, Little one needed more diapers."

"Ooh, jigs up, been caught by the niece.", Talos joked after she greeted them, "This is Armora by the way. How you doing kiddo?"

"Greetings Nora.", the female clone said with a nod.

"I'm doing a bit better thank you, supposed to be meeting with someone else as well today. When I heard everyone was going clothes shopping, I had to jump.", Nora replied with a smile as the trio moved to a bench a couple feet away. To be honest they looked quite odd as they took their seats, Armora on one end, Nora on the other with stroller next to the end, and Talos taking the middle. Armora simply looked around before watching as Nora played with her baby as they waited for the others, Talos chuckling quietly at the two of them.

They had invited each other, a couple of their other family, as well as a few friends. In earnest, it would be quite the small gathering, and all with the mutual goal of shopping about having fun. It had been a long time for a few of them to have a day this peaceful, and even more stronger feeling to enjoy it. Even Armora was more attentive then usual.

Two more familiar figures entered under the cover of a shared umbrella, one of them being a rather unexpected sight indeed. Mark Tazar lowered the umbrella and collapsed it before he and a familiar demoness entered. He was wearing boots, jeans, a white t-shirt, and a green old style army jacket, the umbrella now tucked under his arm. Orias however wore a sweater with her skirt and thick leggings, some decent shin high winter boots finishing the seasonal appropriate outfit. Her bat like black wings fluttered as they shook off excess water. "This is why we should have taken a jeep, and not that blasted cramped car. Took such an annoying amount of time to get my wings in.", Orias complained in an almost whiny sounding tone.

"Well sorry, but it's not like I have the money to just buy a new jeep. Besides, after the meeting, I figured you might want something with more class to ride in to the mall.", Mark sighed as he found her complaint annoying. It's not like the man was made of money, or even asked to play babysitter to a member of foreign royalty.

Both Nora and Talos laughed at the exchange as Armora only looked confused. "You two bicker like a married couple.", Talos chuckled before Armora turned to him, "I do not understand the joke."
Elisys was already at the mall when she notices Mark walking in with the Queen. She tries to walk over as nonchalantly as possible. As overhears the tail-end of the conversation, she adds “It’s because she’s married and he isn’t.”
“And think of the tabloids, royalty and her high end escort? Oh, they’ll have a field day!” Came another familiar voice, accompanied by that distinctive sound of hooves on a hard surface. “Appears I’m not the only one who escaped the rain into here, am I?” Aztec said, his own jeans and hoodie showing the same signs of early rainfall. His eyes traveled over the group, stopping when they fell on Armora. “Armora, didn’t you wear a jacket or something? You look rather wet...” Aztec said, clearly a bit puzzled.
A rainy day. Much of the pain staked navigation.that came with touring a major city, though Lynn seemed more than content with it. Using her steering wheel as a makeshift drum set, the Jane clone tapped along with the heavy drums of what could be considered extremely disturbing loud music. But even then, there was still room for conversation.

The grey haired woman was mouthing the lyrics with the vocalist. Though it was way better than when she was actually screaming and grunting along. Taking only a break to take a sip from her drink.

"Here left, right?" She asked for confirmation.

Jacky sat in the passenger seat with her hood pulled up though not enough to cover her face, simply to keep the black roots of her artificially whitened hair out of sight and out of mind - with the red eye poking out and her blue eye hidden she looked just like any other Jane clone, which was the intention. She almost missed her sister's question and turned to face the other woman, brow ever so slightly creased from just how loud Lynn intended to have the music.

"No, right," she spoke back, giving her twin the correct directions.

"Well, fuck~" Lynn chimed happily, turning the indicator to the right, before throwing the steer the other way. Tires screeching softly as she took the turn, before pushing up in gears again. "Sooner next time, please," she added with a grin, before leaning back in her seat. A straight road ahead as she took a soft sip from her drink, scratching at the back of her neck. Leaving the car to find its own straight path. Only providing minute course corrections with her knee.

The Heterochromatic one of the two girls cocked her head slightly in confusion before a hand snaked down to lower the music's volume considerably, leading to Jacky letting out a victorious sigh before continuing, "What did you say, sorry?"

"Sooner, please," she stated slowly, creasing an eyebrow and glancing over at Jacky, before jacking the music back up again. "Just shout if you need to!" She called out, before letting out a bemused chuckle. People might wonder why she didn't use a GPS, her explanation was that this was just far more fun.

Jacky's one exposed eye of a crimson hue narrowed slightly at Lynn's actions before the white-haired woman simply slumped back in her chair and looked out the window to try and peek at the passing street signs that were partially hidden by all this rain, "left at the end of the road, alright!?" she tried to yell out over the carcophanous music, being loud wasn't exactly Jacky's strong suite though.

"Right at the end of the road, got it!" Lynn answered in response, letting out a soft chuckle. The indicator blinked, though this time, she made a far safer turn.

"Lynn No~" Jacky called out as she sat bolt upright in her seat and then slouched forwards as she realized they'd gone the wrong way, once more her hand snaked across to turn the volume dial down and speak - this time the porcelain paw remained there during the dialogue however, "We~ were meant to go left there, like I said."

"Oh." Lynn glanced at the volume dial, before turning the music all the way up on the buttons on her steering wheel. "Well, Fuck this, I'm in no given mood to get my cloned behind in late, so-... We're walking the rest of the distance!" Her hand shot down as she suddenly turned the wheel. Tires screeching as she positively drifted into a parking spot, just inches away of the car parked in front. A sleight of hand on the gearstick, the thing was turned in reverse as she parked in neatly. Glancing at Jacky with one of her famous, shit eating grins.

The other clone in question sat in the passenger seat, hands white-knuckled as they gripped onto both the handle in the roof of the car and the centre compartment - eyes glued to Lynn with even the blue one exposing itself partially before Jacky's gaze eventually drifted to stare blankly out the windshield. "Anything to get out of this death trap~ I think I'll be driving us back," she muttered, voice hollow and whispy before Jacky opened the door and hopped out into the brisk embrace of the rain.

Poor girl's chest was thumping something fierce as she shut the door and shoved her hands into her jacket's pockets, each relieved exhale leaving her lungs as a thin trail of white vapour.

Lynn only grinned and thumped back in her seat. "Oh come on, driving's my gift to the world." She answered, flicking the key in the ignition, before pulling herself out as well. Swiping the umbrella from the backseat, before clicking it open. Slamming the door shut behind her, Lynn fell into step next to Jacky. Pushing close against her, wrapping an arm around her sister's before flicking the umbrella up. "There we go," she hummed, offering a gentle smile over to her twin sister.

"Your driving is going to send me out of this world~" Jacky muttered back before letting out a final sigh, she couldn't stay mad at Lynn no matter how hard she tried - her own arm returning the gesture as she leant into the other woman gently and they began walking off to go shopping, a small smile remained on the hooded girl's face even as they breached the building's front doors.

Nora Yamazaki came up behind Elisys, almost hiding behind her. She waved to the group but remained quiet, her coal black crop top ruffled from the movement of her arm.
“So what is everyone meeting here for anyway?” Elisys asks the group. She originally came here to do some clothes shopping to replace some garments that met their end in the washing machine. But if she can fluster her parental figure then it’s worth making a detour.
"Well most of the girls are here to buy clothes, dunno about the warrant officer and Orias over there, but as for the guys.....well we pretty much got dragged along more or less I assume. Still waiting for the sisters to arrive.", Talos replied to Elisys after giving a chuckle at Aztec's remark. He had just asked the same question when she arrived.

"I do not currently own any quantity of those items. Also yes, I am indeed very wet.", Armora stated blandly, "I was told I could acquire some here."

"See what I mean.", Talos said pointing a thumb to his left at the woman. Nora continued to play with her baby, finding her uncle's explanation apt, and felt no need to add to it, only giving a hello to Elisys and Nora. She was not familiar with the horseman.

Orias ignored the comments with a dismissive wave of the hand, "Says the two legged cavalry, bet you get rode into battle by mistake often, so sorry for you." Her face however lit up as she spotted Elisys, "Eli my dear! What a joy to see you here!"

Mark followed after with a roll of the eyes, "And things were so quiet after she left." he mumbles under his breath to himself.
“Orias! It’s been a while! How are you!” Elisys returned the kind gesture back to the queen and turned to Mark, “Hey Dad, Orias dragged you along?” She said in lighthearted manner. Elisys turned to the other members in the group, “I know where to find clothes at a decent price, so I can help! However....” Elisys turns to Armora, “I’m going to take a wild guess and say this is your first time clothes shopping. Am I correct on this?”
The two short princesses, Adi and Adria, climbed out of Sonia's jeep, albeit awkwardly with their huge wings. Adi was wearing a cloak to obscure her body, trying to stay behind Adria. Adria looked up at the mall, remarking "Well... guess we're here." The shorter, curvier, and technically newly sister shyly looked inside of her cloak, eyeing clothes that looked just like her old ones but were tailored to fit her. She didn't have anything else to wear, except maybe her school uniform, which she found... uncomfortable, to say the least. Hopefully she could find more clothes here, but both her and Adria needed a tailor to make practically any shirts fit over their wings- Even Adi's cloak had slits in the back so it wouldn't have to cover her wings. Adria turned around and glanced at Adi. "Did you really have to wear that?" Adria asked her formerly-brother-now-sister. Adi silently nodded with her long hair under the cloak and her red antennae towering above her head, then turning to look at Sonia.
Aztec smirked. “You’re just jealous you never got a chance to ride yourself.” He said, while taking off his hoodie. “Here” He said to Armora, draping it over her. “I know it’s rather large, but it’s dry. Wear it until you at least get into some dry clothes, Armora.”
Jacky couldn't help but gulp a little as she saw just how many people there were, the clone inhaled a deep breath and offered everyone a "Heya~" alongside a meek wave as her grip on Lynn tightened a little, her ample chest falling as the breath was released shakily - she wasn't expecting this many people, she was only told it was going to be a few... oh no this wasn't good.

~Please... don't leave me alone...~ was the message sent to the geists of both her fellow siblings, Lynn and Talos would feel the underlying sense of anxiety behind the simple mental message of their shared sister.
"You are correct, this is the first occurrence I have done of this "shopping".", Armora replied simply to Elisys, but paused as Aztec draped his jacket over her. Aztec as he did, would notice her hair was braided today, "Thank you Aztec, this should reduce significant loss in temperature."

"I've been absolutely marvelous my dear. Though I haven't gotten to see you nearly enough my dear girl. Is Mark treating you well enough, protecting you as he should?", Orias fussed over Elisys, only pausing to turn to Jacky at the clone's introduction. "You two must be Talos's sisters, and I must say he has been making waves in Dovania. One man fireteam adventures and rescuing the princess, making me almost tempted to knight him.", she practically cooed.

"Yes, Mrs. Vek-Draguun here was just in attendance at a political meeting, and I got asked to play chaperone while she's here.", Mark sighed.

Talos ignored what was being said for the most part as he got Jacky's message, quietly stnding up to move to her side. He gave her a sympathetic smile as he took her hand, lacing his fingers between hers in a reassuring grip. ["You've always got me and sis by your side, and we'll always be here when you need us."]

Sonia hopped out of the jeep, her boots splashing in a shallow puddle as she did, "Does it matter if she did, she's shy of her new body. Be a little moe thoughtful of your sister." She gave Adria a roll of the eyes before offering Adi a hand, "Now lets get you inside and out of the rain, can't have you catching a cold on my watch babe."
Elisys laughed at Orias question and attempts to ensnare both in a hug “He’s doing fine, but he really needs to take better care for of himself! I keep catching him sleeping on the couches because he takes to many shifts!” She gives Mark a mischievous look “I swear at some point I’ll have to trick him into taking a sick day with how much he works!”

Elisys turns back to Armora “Thought as much. Well, we might as well figure it out from the ground up then! Do you have any more idea in what kind of clothes you want?”
The doors to the small mall burst open as a green haired Lorath girl with white showing in the roots of her hair seemed to barrel into the enclosed shopping area. She walked in and let out a small sigh and rather comically began to shake her head and upper body, like a large animal shaking itself free of water before she looked around the mall.

She was soaked still though thankfully she had worn a vest with a bit of pockets up and down the front, a nice black color that covered a white t-shirt, her pants the typical engineer type with the reinforced knees, big pockets on the sides and thick stitching to keep everything nice and secure. Her calf high boots were untied, but the laces tucked into the sides to keep her from tripping on them. She was on a mission today, to get supplies for the next few months now that there was an actual place to shop and maybe even just do a bit of window shopping.

A trail of water followed the Llamnel girl as she strode in and eyes searched back and forth around the new building to take in what all the offerings were.
Nora Yamazaki watched the girl that just walked in. She tapped Elisys's shoulder and pointed at the green-haired girl. "Who's that?" She whispered, trying not to draw attention to herself.
Elisys looked to where Nora was pointing to. She turns back to Nora “Don’t know yet. My guess she knows someone here.” As the new girl made eye contact with her, she gave the greenette a wave and motioned her to come closer.
Harmony blinked as she saw Elisys wave her over, and being her normal bubbly friendly self, plastered a smile on her face and walked over. A few feet away she gave the two a wave before she spoke up.

"Hiya! Anything I can do for you?" She asked Elisys and Nora, yellow eyes looking the two over as bother her elongated tri-tipped ears and her single wing twitched a little.

"I'm Harmony! Nice to meet you."
“Name’s Elisys, the person behind me is Nora! I’m going to bet that you know at least a few people here?” Elisys says as she gestures to the others.
"Fine fine..." Adria conceded, looking up to the sky. "Ugh, this stupid rain is already soaking my wings. Let's hurry." Both the insect sisters' red butterfly wings were visibly getting wet, even a little droopy. Adi took Sonia's hand and immediately huddled by her side, evidently already getting chilly from the rainwater on her wings. "U-um... a cold? I-I don't think I can get those... We have heightened immune systems..." she said. "B-but it is getting cold..." Adria inched closer to Adi until she was huddled by her other side too, evidently Adria quickly found her wet wings (And in her case lack of cloak) were making her cold as well.
"I mean not really..." Harmony looked around with an expression of apology as she tried to see if there indeed was anyone she could see that she knew. She frowned a little and shook her head before she looked back to the two she was speaking with.

"I spend a lot of time in the labs truth be told, I don't know many people outside of a few others."
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