Star Army

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Interest Check What's been happening with the ASE, and possible revival


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So I'm the FM of the ASE(Abwehran Star Empire) currently, but those who have been around have probably noticed, there isn't much going on with the right now. I'm making this thread to speak about that and ask for help in some ways. It's not in the Faction thread cause I might find what I need from people who are not currently GMs.

Let's start with why I took up the FM title for the ASE. Originally I had no intention of becoming the FM of the ASE, I jsut liked the faction and enjoyed using their species and locations in my plot, I also had one of the few active Abwehran characters at the time, but I was an independent player, I didn't have any experience RPing in the faction itself. But then the time came when old factions with no FMs were being cleared out, and the ASE was on the list.(Which was indeed the right call, nothing wrong with that.) Well everything I had built up for my RP was pretty strongly based in operating out of ASE space, so this was really bad for me as a GM. Me and someone else decided we'd take over the FM and Co-FM slots of the ASE in order to keep it around since we both liked them. We decided that I'd be head FM since they were kinda already one foot out the door of the site anyway and I had no intention of leaving any time soon. And that's how I came into possession of the FM title of the ASE, it was in order to keep the faction from disappearing.

Now that I had the FM rights though, I had to do somethings to try and get the faction running, I didn't want the faction to fall apart on my account. So behind the scenes I got the ground work going and some arrangements. At the time I was over booked myself and couldn't run a plot for the ASE as well as my own stuff. Some plans were laid out and it looked like everything was going well, but well things fell through, and then as I like to call it "The great kerfuffle" happened and things had gotten really bad for SARP. People were acting a fool left and right. Even before that happened I had moments where I was considering leaving, but ever since it's been hard to want to throw myself fully into SARP and invest super heavily in something like running a faction.

So that brings us to now, the ASE still hasn't made any big moves, but it's still around. I want to ask if there are people who would like to work together with me to try and get the ASE back on their feet as a living breathing faction. I still have my own plot that I'm running so I don't think I can fully solo GM another plot myself, so GMs and people with ideas would be a great help. And of course we'll need players too.
The USO is always around if you’re looking for someone to interact with.

I put you on ignore a while back for good reason but I think I’m willing to try things again. If you don’t want to deal with me you can always try speaking with @Jack Pine as well.
In terms of the is there someone around for the faction to interact with, Essia is close to the ASE (one of the space lanes runs right by it). Also because of the war and the ASE technically being neutral in the Kuvexian conflict, allows it to be in contact with both Yamatai and Occupied Essia. So I think there is a lot that can be done with that.

In terms of players and what not, I'd be up for playing in a ASE RP.
While I won't be able to GM or play, if you need any assistance you know how to contact me :) plus the Nesh-nesh are always looking for allies, or anyone else that can make good trading partners.
I like to consider Abwehrans and Nepleslians friends; it's always been a thing that I think they share very strong pro-nationalistic views on their empires. As you know, I've always had a penchant for including them into my plots and stuff; I'd be more than willing to help get them rebooted and breathing whether it's as a subfaction, true faction, or just helping you find a GM and help promoting the plot. I'm one of the few folks who's tried to help 'em out and definitely have the position to do so with Nepleslia and its great playerbase at my side.
I'm not sure where aberwahn is on the map, but if not yamatai space, I'm fully game to throw my group into help. Even of not accessible, I have plenty of gear and tech to offer if they need it. I've always liked the Aberwahn gear, it's odd in design, but that's what sets them apart.

oocly I'm game either way. ^_^
The Abwehran homeworld is completely surrounded by Yamataian controlled space at this point, but Yamatai is cool with them and happy to interact with them as needed. If them being a faction doesn't work out I'd also be down to have them become part of Yamatai (fully or just a suzerain) and have more four-armed dudes start appearing in the Star Army.
The Abwehran homeworld is completely surrounded by Yamataian controlled space at this point, but Yamatai is cool with them and happy to interact with them as needed. If them being a faction doesn't work out I'd also be down to have them become part of Yamatai (fully or just a suzerain) and have more four-armed dudes start appearing in the Star Army.
Abwehrans are in a mixed bag. IIRC, they have a few worlds outside of the net, but that might have been before [redacted].

Maybe they could have some paranormal thing happen that allows their planets to move and make a cohesive nation?
Just saying that I think Abwehrans should appear in the NSMC first, since we're big-armed bros.
I do appreciate all the offers. This will help with getting them back in the plot of things. But I'm gonna need some help actually working with the faction too, not just IC allies.
I do appreciate all the offers. This will help with getting them back in the plot of things. But I'm gonna need some help actually working with the faction too, not just IC allies.
Well, we could work together; I know players have been wanting a horror plot since I mentioned my hook for the Vordachibeans; maybe they could organize and Abwehran defense effort when one of the pods lands on an Abwehran world?

Tis an idea and I know people want a horror-type plot; could serve as a good ground and middle to promote Nepleslians who want Vordachibeans but also encourage experimentation as an Abwehran.
Well, the way I figure it? It does make sense for a lot of cool instances;
  • Tunnel Wars are easily feasible; it could also see a new part of the military culture and use the Maulwurfhund for seeking out Vordachibean nests.
  • Abwehrans can carry more guns; this makes them easily one of the most cinematic-wise awesome to facedown hordes of Vordachibeans; they can be firing guns in each hand or using multiple assault rifles.
  • Vordachibeans are an enemy asset that could attract players already, but maybe we could even see new strains of Vordachibean evolution; stronger ones make sense considering they'd be on worlds with higher gravity. The ideas open up to turn them into a more complex antagonistic species of swarm-like attackers.
  • Nothing is scarier than being in a Vordachibean-attacked colony where the lights don't work but the Abwehrans have both flashlights and folks with eyes devised to see perfectly in the pitch black.
Been planning to do a horror plot my self, an NPC for Section 6 was originally in the UOC. She was on Mayer station and is carrying a dormant version of the virus carried by mishuu parasites. It basically makes necromorphs, and have been wanting to play with that for a while now. Don't know if the Aberwahn faction would want to be part of that, but I'm just throughout ideas out.
Personally, I think there's potential is having something like an officer exchange program. Abwehran PCs being able to appear in Nepleslia and Yamataian plots atop efforts made within the faction itself seems like a solid and proven plan.

More than a decade ago, Nepleslia had become independent from Yamatai. Nepleslia had a bit of roleplaying going on... but it wasn't a whole lot (Tom's Street Wars come to mind), but aside from that it seemed more like a seedy roleplaying locale than a faction. In the meantime, Nepleslian characters kept being created to be played in the Star Army of Yamatai.

Back then, Wes and I were admins, and one question I raised was how Yamatai had more Nepleslian characters than the Nepleslians themselves and - with the age-old complaint of Yamatai is getting all the new blood! something had to be done to funnel Nepleslian characters towards Nepleslia.

The 'Species Restriction Order' was made for that. In character, it was, "be the optimal soldier by having the best body possible to serve in our ships, or get out". Boy, did it rile people up... but the move actually did what it intended: it put the Nepleslian PCs in an uncomfortable spot, with Nepleslia being the safe haven... but once they'd go in Nepleslia, what would happen? That galvanized people to band together under a plot that Tom started - the NSS Alliance - along with the Nepleslian flag going to the Greens, and then that momentum (there was a lot of it) eventually matured over the years into the faction Legix is helming today.

The process with the Abwehran doesn't have to be that contentious, of course, but that prior experience tells me that planting many seeds and making something in the faction happen that would given the active Abwehran PCs something to care about regarding their home would be an ideal way to spur things into motion very efficiently. Nepleslia and Yamatai are juggernaughts; I see it as wise to use them.
I htink we can work something out with a horror plot that threatens Abwehran space. That could be a pretty good draw and there aren't many plots like that in the setting at the moment. (Plus as a bonus it doesn't require a deep dive into the military which needs to be restructured)
So I think I have some ideas for a plot that'll work, along the horror vein. However I need a location for it. I'm thinking of running the plot in the Schongebiet system. So what I'm asking now is how do you guys think I should submit it into the NTSE? Should I start with the system and approve it, or get the planets first? It looks like the old FM worked out a lot of it, but never went around to getting it approved. (there's a lot like that)
Shinpi used the system as I’ve always viewed it as light canon/one of the “approved but never modified” things.

I’d guess if you’re gonna do something official, it should start with the system and then a planet.
Okay so what I'm thinking for the plot is going to be that on one of the planets in the Schongebiet system, haven't decided which yet, there is going to be an infestation. I'm looking around for species that suitable, but I want a hhorror setting as described, but I also want it to be a sort of 'biological war' like the people on teh ground need to wear hazard suits, and they're going to be using some dangerous thigns to try and combat teh infestation. So it's also gonna need to be something that isn't sapient, or the issue of 'war crimes' comes up.