Star Army

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What's Happening In Your Plot?


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Can everyone (particularly GMs) give me an update of the current events happening in your plot? I want to keep up with your stories. Please post a brief summary of the latest action from your RP.

Also, please let me know if you're having any issues such as absent players or GMs, overly slow pace, etc. Players are welcome to post in the thread too.

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For Eucharis, we are exploring in the "Wild West" frontier area of the HX-series star systems and have ground teams on HX-21 (to pick up some pirate's stash) and HX-24 (to investigate a colony to see if it is NMX). On HX-21 we found a Lorath ship and an ID-SOL guy who'd been stuck there for months. Our team on HX-24 is getting hunted at by a local assassin because we mouthed off at some rich noble kids. Next we plan to visit some other worlds, possibly making contact with the Norians and/or Hidden Sun Clan.
In the Byakuren plot, we're borrowing the Asamoya to do... something. Kotori hasn't told anyone yet. My crew assembled on Luna Bianca, transited to the shipyard, and are just getting settled on the ship.

Things were a little slow when transiting around the moon and that worried me a bit. I was hoping to give this time for player characters to get to know one another, but very few actually seemed interested to invest in such. I'm trying to change my strategy in the future to both cover for the more casual posters while trying to find ways to reward the more active ones.

For more info, I'd point you to my plot thread in the GM-only plot forum. I've been pretty transparent about anything that's in the near future, I think.
Allright, here what's up with Bounty Hunts.

At the moment our little band of hunters is dealing with complications with the mission. Pirates are attempting to rob the star liner that John McRenar, the target, is on. The pirates are operating from their own ship nearby, though what ship it is, is unknown. The pirates are attempting subdue the onboard flight marshalls, and the Pirate Captain, Kara, is having trouble "convincing" the ship's Captain to comply. There is hints of a "surprise" in engineering, though what it is hasn't been revealed. It was revealed that John McRenar is associated with the pirates, but not in what way.

The team doesn't know that they are a team yet, they have yet to actually get together and introduce themselves, however Nicholas and Helric have met up, and decided that helping each other is in their best interests. Jacob has been wounded, though the wound is minor. Kendra is trying to find McRenar among all the chaos, and Desmond is attempting to reach the other Hunters.

As for problems, there are none as of yet, as I can keep contact with the players within the plot. I plan to have a discussion with the players to discuss what's next. There ya have it!
The YSS Sakura II is about to head out to UX-10 I to pick up a stash of purchased loot as well as to investigate reports of the illegal looting of ancient ruins. 1 SSS person has been killed by these raiders. The mission is still ICly being discussed in the briefing, and roles handed out.
Its not technically a plot yet but...

*takes a deep breath*

Miles, Sana and Rebeka are still alive. The Maras was destroyed a while back. They're not handling it well - Rebeka being hit the hardest. Their unresolved issues are starting to waver out of control. Miles is getting engaged to Sana and Sana's memory problems (see original Sakura for details) are getting harder to manage. There's speculation she might not live another year.

Rebeka is starting to lose it a bit and has left in search of greener pastures (in the form of the Phoenix) to do some soul searching.

Aboard the Akahar, the construct the real Aiesu was using as a proxy went into a recursive error and locked her in, then Hakahn, the ship's XO raped her -- the construct, brutalizing and scalding her first.

Elsewhere, the real Aiesu ended up cutting her way out of the immersion suit she uses to act by proxy with a scalpel, terrified by the experience. Unable to see what she was doing, she nicked a vital artery and nearly bled to death.

Miles Gunn, on station at the time managed to patch things up. The blood-loss caused minor brain damage but nothing microsurgery couldn't fix.

The two (Miles and Aiesu) no longer hate eachother.

A few weeks later, Miles decides based on Aiesu's borked aspectation that the cause is psychological. With her step-father being her shrink, the two agree there's something he isn't telling her.

Miles wants to meet in orbit, acting some form of assessment body for the board of psychiatric health on Lor (a lie, obviously) but its shot down.

Why? New rules instated say those living on Lor with an empty bed have to fill it on dormatory grounds after its revealed that there's a financial defecit in the University and one of the buildings is due to be knocked down and the land sold off (mirroring a real situation in British politics with 'the bedroom tax').

Instead of going with a room-mate who'd reveal her situation and ruin things, Aiesu chooses to rez a construct of one of the less disagreeable people she's met on her travels, one Seiren Isbala and alter University records so he's a first-year student. Waking him up was kinda funny..

Effectively anchored, Miles has decided he's going to visit as a psychiatric consultant to the University's research department and worm his way in -- with his promised reward being access to a ROM-reading (essentially an ST backup) of Sana and Rebeka - Rebeka's being especially hard to get at after her resurrection from the early days of the Maras and buried under red-tape.

Elsewhere, its agreed that the group want to begin assembling a taskforce for a heist and bas began recruiting.

Elsewhere, one of the many constructs has met with Schlock Grunder (Sichylokgyunyadri), a Type 32 Mishhuvurthyar with allusions of forming a culture for his people and integrating with the 'lesser species' by assimilating them culturally instead of genetically, to co-exist. They've begun negotiations to produce a staging ground and share intelligence -- but what Shlock really wants isn't money. Its Aiesu, the real one, as his own personal plaything - pushing her buttons while mingling their philosophies of the universe and what both speculate aether to really be. He's even offered to fix her screwed up aspectation (and he's proven he can do it). His offer, while tempting, would likely result in the destruction of who she is and what she stands for based on what she's seen of the company Schlock chooses to keep.

Aboard the 147th Kith, another construct is acting as a scientific and tactical consultant, to recover stolen Lazarus apparatus while also negotiating the rights to reverse-engineer an NMX ship.

Whoa, that's some wild stuff Osaka. Certainly an especially unique plot. Do you want me to set up a forum for you? We could call it The Sourcian Conspiracy or something (open for suggestions).

Also, I want to note that the 147th was archived today due to plot death (inactivity).
The 69th is currently on its second major mission. This mission revolves around the elimination of pirate groups plaguing the Two-Jaspis Spaceway, which has been harassing both Abwehran and Non-Abwehran shipping.

To do this, they are using a loaned civilian transport as bait. While the squad is onboard with the new Jaeger Heavy Infantry Armor, a Weltraumflotte Cruiser is nearby and can be at the scene with a short FTL jump.

Currently, the Pirates have been detected and are closing in on the transport. The squad is gearing up and getting ready for the inevitable boarding operation.
After a rough and unexpected combat landing, Legion I and XII's scattered landing forces began their push into HX-13's deadly force. Operation Kozan on. The Mishhuvurthyar garrison on the planet is more fearsome than SAINT intelligence suggested and includes at least a regiment of elite NMX Neko.

Tamahagane Kaede (ShotJon), John Blair (warrior1x), Baek SeonJi (Revolver), and Yamashiro Sakura found themselves ordered to form a makeshift squad under Nitô Heisho Eikan Takeo. Their mission: destroy one of the dug-in anti-air batteries preventing more landing ships and air cover from establishing a beachhead with heavier equipment. Some other soldiers were lost along the way for reasons related to the intensity of combat (SSharp, Sigma), and the squad rescued a shellshocked pilot, Ume.

Now, the four soldiers and the Neko they've been assigned to follow continue their fight at the NMX gun battery. Split into two fire teams, they hope to traverse the trench system more quickly to take out some of the guns causing mayhem for the Yamataian invasion. But though they've faced the NMX's elite Neko shock troops and even a mighty Ravager mecha, the Advanced Type NMX manning the anti-air emplacement appear as another menacing foe for the infantry to deal with.
My plot? Well, the Tenth Fleet's own YSS Sakishima is still gathering up a crew and player base to start. It'd be a good time to try and hop in if you're after a plot with plenty of space available. Be a part of a plot from the very start to whatever untimely end it might have.

(Yes, this is thinly veiled advertizing for a plot/thread nested in a place that is very rarely visited by its target audience.)

Beyond that...

The Sakura II is... Really dragging its feet and not pushing much anywhere, but we're getting there. About to start a mission, even! Also a pretty solid time to join, maybe you can help slap things back into high activity.
Okay, here goes!

The Phoenix team have touched down in a town on Nepleslia Prime called Handler's Reach. On the outset, everyone in town appeared to have lost their minds and a gang of Yamataians delinquents had moved in. However, that gang was also under the town's eerie thrall. The only person they met with their wits intact was a pink-haired Yamataian girl who upon being pressed for questions rudely by the team's more uncouth elements, disappeared in a puff of volumetric polygons.

Whilst invisible, she then whispered in Zeta's ear and told her what she knew of the disease and what she'd been doing to try and rectify it not for the townsfolk's sake, but for her friends in the gang. Her only given name was Aoi. Zeta's blood froze for a moment, knowing that a potentially rogue neko was involved in all of this.

While Luca and most of his team were looking around the city and communicating, trying to put the clues together, two of his team (Scott Smith and Panther) were left in Sargasso to work at a medical lab and to have a look at blood samples taken from the Miner, the one who came to the Phoenix team, pleading for their help.

They think that it might not be a virus, and it may in fact be a chemical after pictures and logs were sent back and forth between both parties. Eventually, Scott and Panther were shuttled and touched down with the others. Luca was attacked by poor phone reception and unable to brief them on his latest discovery of medical waste to help solidify their knowledge.

Allison and Echelon, the team's engineer and freespacer were monitoring the utilities and internet respectively. Allison finished compiling a baseline map of the Power Grid, and started looking for fluctuations. Then, she found that the Water Plant sitting outside Handler's reach, while activated and pumping water, is not connected to the power grid. Meanwhile, Echelon noticed a spike in web activity originating from an apartment.

Bronzi and Seiren investigated and the apartment. Seiren was able to spot freshly laid InterNEP cables, while Bronzi was able to discern that someone had been living in one of the apartments recently. They smashed a door open and found the Pink Haired Girl. Plastered on the walls were immaculate pictures of the faces of the Yamataian delinquents. She was an artist by nature, and couldn't stand the thought of killing people - so she ran away from the Yamataian Star Army with her NH body intact, and started learning how to do volumetric installations and solid hologram artwork.

As far as motivations went for running away from the army and potentially getting SAINT on your tail, this was pretty benign!

After a rude introduction (Bronzi's fault), she explained that she was looking for a cause for the problem too, and she was in the middle of trying to break into the water plant's security when Bronzi shot her monitor.

So, an olive branch was extended - The Phoenix team promised to share what they knew about the chemical to Aoi and in return, she fired a communication beacon towards Luca via fireworks. With full reception and a reasonable idea of what's happening, a plan can be formulated...

They sent the lowliest ship on the bottomest rung of the lowest ladder of the LSDF to go looking for a ghost ship that surfaced suddenly as a concrete, verifiable distress signal appears in XO Mar'zhaz Keib's lap one day.

With this assignment given, he takes on some new blood for his skeleton crewed ship, including the mysterious and downright nebulous Aiesu Kalopsia; the un-collared and formerly mistreated Helashio, Four-Six; the veteran Akahar Trooper, Bastion; the solitary ranger, Shrie'Keng; the fiery and catty Merril; a pilot named Vathr'dral and a Jiyuuian soldier, Shimakage.

The two strike a relationship up when Keib is asked to do something to her ARIA body that has so much potential for exploitation - he had to go into her brain and physically remove the hard limits given to her by her handler, as well as install overrides that only he has the access to. The surgery leaves him wondering if his past is something that he could escape. Unfortunately, the answer was no as he found out the extent of Four-Six's mistreatment. (I'd rather not tell you what happened here. Its grisly)

The two events drive Keib over the edge, and he ends up hurting himself. He is forced to take ill and recover, unable to keep an eye as to what goes on in his ship. They find a distress signal from an abandoned vessel, that wasn't the vessel they were searching for. Thinking that it was a good 'warm up' exercise, Hakahn, the ship's CO sends a portion of the Akahar's team out.

They find a vessel that belonged to a group of Freespacers. The away team manage to find a server and some bodies intact, and they communicate with them after the Bridge sends them a Lorath to Binary cipher to facilitate communication.

While the away team was out, two things happened: Hakahn took advantage of and raped Aiesu, and the ship was attacked by pirates who sensed the Akahar's deep scanning - or were drawn to the distress beacon too. Fortunately, Keib was woken up by the interruption and started trying to gather survivors. He found Four-Six, having recovered from what happened between them previously, and the two went out.

After finding Aiesu, Shimakage and the ship's doctor, Vithr, the five broke into the armoury that the Pirates were trying to get into, and tried to arm themselves, but Aiesu has a different idea, and all she needs is the trust of the others - meanwhile, the Away team returns, and they're cleaning out the ship bit by bit, hoping to get to the XO before the doors to the armoury give in.
The characters of the NSS Altomir are still stuck on Rok'Veru, in the capital city of Bal'Sharok. With the 1st Defense Fleet forced to remain in distant orbit due to anti-ship emplacements hidden within the major city hubs, extraction from the surface is currently impossible.

Currently, the soldiers have used an abandoned subway maintenance truck to escape a swarm of crab-type NMX, carrying with them a group of civilians that have survived the battle thus far. Now, thanks to one of the survivors, a Delsaurian named Jott Sarkis Yu, the marines are now in a secure IPG emergency bunker hidden within the recesses of the vast Bal'Sharok subway system.

From there, Grand Admiral Flint Vanderhuge is going to lead them on an assault of the major anti-orbital emplacement the NMX have, which is actually a large low-flying ship that is constantly moving through the city to avoid affirmed detection.


From a GM standpoint, things have been rough; I've been extremely busy as of late, and as such the Altomir has been suffering. However, after some work with my GMs Sigma and Kokuten, Kokuten will be semi-leading the plot until I am able to direct more attention to leading it. I'm making sure he knows the bullet-points of the direction I wish things to go, and I trust him to fill in the blanks with his experience. I'm not worried; he's quite capable.

I expect to be back into the swing of things and able to refocus some attention to my plot in a few weeks, give or take.
Squad XIII is finally up and running. Nothing especially intriguing has happened- the characters were introduced and given their initial orders in the prologue 'Pisces in Passing' And now the main plot has been started. so far the characters are located in the cargo bay of a transport that is being used as an impromptu assault character, awaiting their turn to go down and attack the Mishhuvurthyar base located on an out of the way planet, known from intercepted transmissions only as 'Lkihungfv'.

From there, we will be heading into action and seeing how the characters fare, some in their first real combat action.
Special Investigation is plot that is actually set in the past at the moment. Kyoto is still recovering from battle of Yamatai and tensions are there. In this time the mayor of Kyoto decided to go out and speak to people, trying to reassuring them. Someone has to escort him and rather then getting army on private security detail, the Yamataian National Police was chosen.

Special Investiagion unit 4 to be exact. Under leadership of Lt. Araih, they picked up their armoured police suits and went out to prove they can keep one politician safe.

At the moment the group met up with the Mayor and his people and are on the way to his first speech.

Taisho Morioka Naoko assumed control of Leo Star Fortress from Chujo Mitsuya Ember and stood up the 10th Fleet in the Yuugumo Cluster. The station having existed in the chaos and the aftermath of the UOC blackouts and the 2nd NMX war has created a hostile environment for the refugees living on the station.

Chujo Mitsuya (now Morioka Ember) and her Peacekeepers were able to regain control of 3 of the 6 arms of Leo Star Fortress before the 10th Fleet arrived but now Morioka and her Ryuusei must deal with the ongoing threat created by the yakuza families and gangs that operate out of the other 3 arms of the station. The battle to eliminate the gang presence and bring order back to Leo has just begun!
At this point in the story, the Atuan's "Frame Test Team" had successfully made planetfall on Morant. While there, they've been busily "Testing" new frame weapons and equipment on competitor company HIGA and its forces which just happen to have absconded with an early production Ashigaru during a demonstration not too long ago. During this "Test Run" of the equipment, the Frame Team has inadvertently ended up within an underground facility within the city, and proceeded to see what the upper limits of their weapons' overheat prevention systems were by firing near continuously into a horde of AI controlled "Black Ashigaru" reverse engineered from their stolen unit, as well as the factory equipment therein.

While there, they also uncovered the fact that their boss, Kensuke, was somehow colluding with HIGA to create damage to Origin Industries' Armor Works, and are now busily trying to "Test" how well the frames can blast their way out of a trap before the getaway ship passes them on its run.
Memes. I'm making memes. All over the place. With boobs. Boobs are there. It's boob memes.

But yeah, on a super cereal note? This seems a lot like another thread we recently opened (the one for people to discuss their plots all in one place?). It's also a cool look back at some of the plots that were going on/running back in 2013. Pretty neat window.