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What's the bare minimum a ship needs to pass submission?


Retired Member
Inactive Member
I'm asking not because I'm lazy so much as I've got a few ships that will be faction-used rather than player-character used and skimming over a lot of NMX and Yamataian units, I'm seeing the articles are actually quite shockingly bare-bones.
I would definitely not use the NMX designs, most of those were bare bones. Most of the newer designs by the various factions and companies would give you a good idea.
Most FM's just keep a list of ship part articles in storage and plug them in when necessary. With enough you could get away with just writing a ship description, mission spec and a brief history and just copy past the parts list. Oh, and tweak the boring statistical data that you copy from any other ship.
Basically, you take the template and use linked articles to add the details: "Here's the info, stats, and history, and it uses these interior compartments (ordered list) and these systems (ordered list)."