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What's your favorite medium?

I just discovered Flash's drawing tools and with my tablet, I just rushed this up in under 60 seconds.

Considering the same would take me 20 minutes in Illustrator, I am thuroughly impressed. Give it 20 minutes and I could probably clean this up into a nice diagram.

Now, I thought this was interesting because there must be billions of little methods of creating good looking stuff.

Tell me what's impressed you and what you've stuck with.
Hopefully, we can learn from one another and discover some awesome CG techniques or apps. Anything from your technique with a dodge tool to custom brushes or tricks with a scanner or tablet!!
OpenCanvas. Not because of any tools or anything, but because of the ability to network. When I'm doing SARP commissions, I tend to be indecisive. I keep hopping back to bio info to see if I drew the character write, or waiting for someone to log onto YIM so I can badger them with questions (yes, I'm nitpicky like that). With OC I can get play-by-play feedback without worrying about drawing something "wrong," and having to redraw it later.

Other than that, I just use Photoshop. Haven't tried anything else, but only because I'm too lazy to re-learn the interface of another program.
0.5mm Mechanical Pencil + Sketchpad - I then ink the work with some fine markers, scan it, and color it on old Paint Shop Pro 7 (old software, I know) or occassionally GIMP. I also have the latest Photoshop but I haven't really used it much.
A Sketchbook, A scanner, a Fineliner and Photoshop CS2.
Also in the arsenal is Flash 8 and Illustrator.
My prefered medium is metal and a hammer... I can't draw for nothing, but I can sure beat the living crap out of something and make it into something else.
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