Star Army

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RP: New Dusk Conclave When The Thunder Rolls

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
Sirris VI - Obsidian City -------> Guardian Hospital
The front yard was quiet, Rose's new car gleaming in the fading sunlight crossing the parking lot, thei apartment building lighting up for the evening. Through the livingroom window, one could see Rose's molten chocolate hair flowing in null gravity as her children climbed around her, the curtains fluttering in the breeze from the open window. The rich smells that indicated Rose had prepared a meal in advance for her wife's return wafted across as she gave a squeal, her giggling daughter tumbling through the air past her. With a push of thought, gravity slowly returned, gently pulling the children to the floor, where she stooped to gather her daughters. She had heard Sarah had jumped in at the edge of the system, and would be coming home tonight, and she wanted to know what her lovely wife had found.

But on the horizon, a storm was gathering. She could see the dark clouds forming, feel the icy chill on the breeze. She hoped Sarah could land before the storm came. Landing an Eye series personnel pod in storm weather was unpleasant at best, at worst, near suicidal. She remembered that. Frowning, she turned away from the window, walking to the nursery to put her daughters to bed with their bottles. Returning to the living room, she scooped up Michael, rocking him gently to sleep as she moved back to the nursery, singing slowly, her song in a language that had been lost to time. It didn't take him long to fall asleep, and she carefully set him in the crib, syncing the baby monitor to her Geist.

Returning to the dining room once again, the dinner candles found themselves lit, and Rose looked over the meal, making sure that the online cooking lessons were taking hold. But her eyes turned do the window again, watching, waiting.

The rains of this world fell hard and heavy, as if giving a dark omen. A small flicker in sky trailed towards the city, a small pod descending down towards the military district. Around almost half an hour later, a DR1 with a feminine figure in a revenant undersuit and helmet pulled into the lot, parking next to the van. The figure slowly disembarked, her stature and movements, slow as if lacking energy. It was if defeat and depression had been set upon the woman. She would disappear into the building's entrance, a ring at the door a few minutes later.Rose had seen the DR 1 pull up, taking its place next to her car. She didn't recognize the figure at first, not under the helmet. Still, she jumped up when she heard the door bell, rushing to greet her wife and bring her inside for dinner. The door swung open in front of the woman, and Rose moved to hug her. "Sarah! Welcome home! Oh, Gods, is that a knife? Are you okay?"The pocket knife she had stabbed into her own leg, was indeed still where it had been plunged, a small trickle of blood down her suited leg. Sarah didn't answer at first, her head hung somewhat low, her expression mostly hidden. However her mouth was of a depressed frown, but as Rose spoke, it turned into angry one. Rose would find a hand suddenly slapping her across the cheek. " used me to lie to her.", came the trembled words of Sarah as her head raised to show her glare, wet cheeks that were not so because of the rain now shown. " could you?"Rose staggered back at the slap, her eyes widening in shock as she brought a hand to her cheek as one reddened, and the other paled on fear and confusion. A sudden realization dawned in her eyes as she recalled what Sarah was referring to. "I... Thorn."Rose turned to the side, looking away. Her voice was low, hurt, and remorseful as she gestured to the dining room. "Dinner's ready, and you need that knife out. I'll explain while we handle this."

"I...also talked to your mother.....kind of a cold bitch....seems to run in the family. I had to use that knife, so I could focus through the pain that runs much deeper, the one you plunged into my heart.", Sarah said, not having bothered to enter the doorway. To be honest, she was wondering why she should even pass through it, as it felt less like home, and the woman on the other side was now the source of the war that raged in Sarah's heart. "We talk now, because you've apparently been busy when I'm not looking, and I won't lie that it's put a huge dent in why I should even trust you Rose."

"I have a lot of explaining to do." Rose's cheeks reddened as she kept her eyes away. "I don't exactly remember what I told her. I... I thought it would be easy to synchronize memories with her later, and I found out that wasn't... That wasn't something I could do. I was lost, and I wasn't thinking, and it was a stupid mess that I knew would bite me later, I just... I just didn't know how to come clean. Please, come in and let me take care of your leg."

"I know exactly what you said, I saw the memory. Thomas didn't help either, he lied to her as well. When I found her...she actually feared me...feared I was there to kill her, that the NDC was out to kill her. ME. Kill HER?! Then your mother told her that her daughter was dead, and that thorn was nothing but a imitation, after finding out the truth. You're Dovanian Rose, you stowed away on a ship, you weren't sold. How much can I believe of what you are going to say?", Sarah spoke quickly as she overflowed with emotions that fought for control. During the tide of words, she yanked the knife out in frustration, before dropping it as the tears flowed from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sarah. Half of what you're saying is news to me! I didn't know I'm Dovanian, I didn't know my mother was even alive! Do you honestly think I would have believed it? If you're not going to trust me on anything else, then please, just trust one thing." Rose looked Sarah dead in the eye, approaching slowly. "Our family, our children... What I was doesn't normally get happiness. I love you, and I will do anything to make sure you're safe, and that you get your ever after. Now get inside, sit the fuck down, and let me help you."

"Happiness is not having what makes me happy decided for me, or being forced to watch a woman I care and love to be put through such abuse, and to have the world twisted against her. I've lived my life on making my own choices, because then I can live with the consequences I reap, with no one to blame for them. But I had to sit there and watch as her world was torn apart, told everything she knew was wrong, and to have everyone who should have loved her turn against that girl. Forced to watch as I could do nothing, but hurt in the truth that was kept from me.", she said as her head began to feel light, the beating of her heart now audible in her ear, and the sound of a steady drip on the floor. Even as her stance faltered, she continued stubborn as always, "What is happiness worth if built on deceit and pain for others. I love you Rose....but fucking damnit,.....i don't know what to do anymore. I...I..I.don't t-to.....heal~"

The loss of blood finally was catching up to her after 24 hours of having a knife in her leg. Her legs felt weak, and buckled, leaving her to fall to her knees as she fought to stay awake.

Rose was quick to try to catch her wife, stooping low. In another room, Rose could hear Nadine squall as the voices woke her, the other three quickly following suit as Rose popped off a quick Geist message. <Talos. Get Spark. And a medic to my appartment. Now. Sarah's hurt, I need to get to the hospital, and I need a babysitter an hour ago.>

"Honey, I'm sorry. For everything. It was a stupid mess and a huge mistake, and I caused so much pain. Please, I just want to help make this at least a little better."

Sarah couldn't find the energy to be angry, sad, depressed, or even to feel any kind of pain. This had just drawn so much energy from her, causing her to lose some will, and to leave her confused on what to do. The answers at one time had seemed so clear, yet now they seemed no where to be found when needed most of all. " Thorn.", Sarah said as her eyes could be open no longer, sleep finally taking over. She lost consciousness as her eyes slowly closed, her geist going dormant, causing her irises to turn a dull grey instead of their usual vibrant blue.

"Sarah? Sarah, baby, no. Please..." Rose's voice rose in pitch, her fear kicking and screaming its way to the surface as she watched Sarah's irises fade.

[Emergency units are enroute. Stanby for pickup, we'll medivac her there. Neera is on her way to watch the little ones. Mother, just what the hell is going on?], Talos replied, his confusion and concern almost being felt in the message.

<Sarah's eyes just turned grey, she's bleeding out, had a knife in her leg, slapped me. She's unconscious, but I don't know if she's okay. Please hurry! I don't know what's going on!> Rose pulled Sarah to her chest, gently sliding an arm under her wife's legs to carry her to the couch. It took her only a few moments to find something she could use as a tourniquet, namely her own belt. "Please don't leave me like this, Sarah. Just stay with me and I'll explain everything, I promise."

[fuck fuck fuck, okay prepare for a quick entry. We need to move fast, she is not in a good way. Keep the wound sealed, use a tourniquet, and if you have suit nearby, use some of the gel. I'll let the doctors know we need a quick transfer to the ER. Unit is ETA 40 seconds. Void spare us.]

As if on cue, a Hound jeep with a enclosed back drifted into the parking lot, a couple EMTs sprinting into the building, and arriving through the door moments later to take Sarah away. Neera quickly padded out of the elevator, a gasp leaving her as she turned the corner. The lupine girl was quick to come up beside the still open front door, "Rose, what's going on? Why is grandma bleeding?"

"Sarah, please wake up, don't do this to me..." She had wrenched the tornequet tight, keeping pressure to keep the wound closed, and now stayednear Sarah's head as the paramedics checked her over, getting her ready for transport. One could see the veins bulging in her forearms and the temples, heartbeat thundering as adrenaline and fear flooded her system in an adrenaline fuelled hysteria. "Neera, get the kids in the car, meet me at the ER, Sarah's gonna be okay."

As Rose said the last sentence, the medics quickly exchanged a look between themselves. To be honest, the woman they were moving was not in good shape, and they were questioning if there was even a sign of life in her. The two were almost as frantic as Rose who looked dangerous right now, the medics trying to avoid her while swiftly moving the stretcher. Once she was in the vehicle, a medic took the wheel, while the other moved to stabilize her in the back.

The suit was cut away around the wound, to reveal an enflamed stab wound, fiery red with infection. "Fuck, she's had this wound untreated for a while, infection is already setting in. Hey Ernie! Move it, she doesn't have all night man! Miss Pine, please strap in, we need to move quickly.", said the medic in the back with his patient as well as the frantic Rose.

Neera meanwhile, did as her grandmother instructed, whispering sweetly to the little ones, as they cried for their now absent mothers. She rocked them each as she moved them to a stroller, ready after grabbing a go bag of formula and other baby supplies before heading out to the van. The lupine desperately hoped everything would be alright, and that David was there to calm her.

Rose quickly strapped herself in to the ambulance's jump seat, reaching over to take Sarah's hand. She was shaking, fighting back tears as she pressed the hand to her forehead, whispering as the suit obscured her ability to tell if Sarah was even alive. "Please don't leave me like this... I can fix this, you're gonna be okay... I'm so sorry... I can't lose you again..."

The jeep sped all the way to the hospital, the vehicle pulling into a bay for transferring critical condition patients quickly into the ER wing. Both the medics were quick to get the stretcher rolling as doctors greeted them at the door, their orders for equipment and drugs quickly given out.

Rose was ushered into a waiting room, and she simply couldn't hold back anymore, tears streaming down her face as she wailed helplessly. It was almost worse not knowing whether or not Sarah was even still alive, let alone if she would make it. Worse, to know that this was her fault. The pain ripped to the surface as she stood, watching the door through her tears, lights flickering around her as she shook, choking on the air. Slowly, her lips started to grow numb, her hands pumping into fists and releasing to try to keep blood flow. Her breathing and heart slowed as the adrenalin faded, but the tears never slowed. Nor did she move from her spot, waiting for Sarah to walk back through that door. She tried to send a message to Jack that Sarah was hurt, where she was, asking him and Talos if they knew anything, but all she could get to project was an image of Sarah's pale face in the ambulance, her own words repeating over and over with the crushing despair and fear coloring the words of the doctors and paramedics. < I'm so sorry... I can't lose you again...>

Something dark and despairing pulsed back from somewhere, the feeling emanating from the connection to Jack. He was clearly not taking this well either, and the feeling was getting stronger slowly, as if to show how he was drawing nearer.

The doctors went to work on the Gesherin woman, removing the tourniquet after applying sealant gel to the wound directly, then cutting away the suit to check for further injuries. Once that was done, and no others were found, a bag of blood was brought in. An IV was put in her harm for both for the blood and for another for a salien drip. Her skin was pale from a lack of sufficient blood, something that was immensely worrying. Normally a Gesherin would recover faster, but the emotional wear was just blocking any accelerated process from taking effect.

A couple nurses put a gown on Sarah, then administered several drugs into her system. The monitors were not looking optimistic, but she was alive, at least for now. The doctor, unable to do more other then close the wound with medical nanoes, prepared himself to visit the nepleslian woman in the hall. He hated being the one to bare no definite answer, and even more to give doubt in a patient's condition. But well, recent losses on the trip to this world and battles since, had gotten him used to delivering such news.

"Mrs. Pine, I wish to speak with you. I am Doctor Reeves, the head of our ER wing here at Guardian Hospital. Mrs. not in good condition I'm afraid. Her major hurdle right now is the sheer amount of blood she's lost, and quite frankly not an easy amount to come back from. Infection has already set into the wound, which we are fighting with drugs, as well as having her on blood and a salien drip. Her body is just not healing like it should. Normally a Gesherin body heals much more faster then a human, but it's as if....she just doesn't have the energy for it. We just can't explain why as of yet.", the doctor said carefully and calmly after he approached Rose, motioning for her to step off to the side with him for the moment.

"I'm going to be frank ma'am, her odds look grim, and it's a miracle she's even alive at all right now. I can not promise she'll live, but if she does, it will be a slow recovery until we can figure out what is slowing her healing processes down. For now, we must watch and wait, administering drugs, and drips as needed. You can see her momentarily, however....she is still unconscious.", Dr. Reeves went on after a pause, the last part being the most hated of what he had to tell Rose.

Somehow the thought that Sarah was still alive, and stable, even if too weak to be anything but monitored closely felt better, and she felt a weight lifted off her chest. Lights were still flickering around her, and door panels were experiencing glitches as her Geist remained overloaded with Rose's emotional feedback, fed in a cascading negative loop by Jack's own growing response. But she still found the coordination to carefully wrap her arms around the doctor and squeeze tight. Whispering a quiet thank you to him, she attempted to Ping Neera about her location with the kids, succeeding only in sending an emotional burst of her own emotions and the doctor's last sentence.

There was a confirmation ping that the wolf girl was approaching the hospital now, but there was a feedback to the reply, a faint whisper in the distortion.

"She's stronger than I could have ever believed. She'll be okay, I know it. Might take a long time, but she'll be okay, right?"

"Ma'am, again, I don't want to get your hopes up. Mrs. Pine is currently at death's door, and we can only give her what care we can, hoping and possibly praying. I would prepare yourself for the worst, and hope to whatever power you choose for the best.", Dr. Reeve reiterated grimmly.

Neera entered from the end of the hall that lead to the main lobby, her lupine ears hearing the doctor's last statement. She was at first quick with the stroller, but as those words sunk in, she slowed considerably in her pace. Neera gave a low whine as her ears flattened, her eyes growing moist as she appraoched. She felt unsteady as the situation bared down, and the emotional pulse of her father could be felt now. She understood perfectly well what he was feeling.
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"Neera, if you'll come with me, please?" Rose's Geist settled down as she crushed her emotions to the back of her mind. She gestured for the doctor to lead the way, and was soon escorted to Sarah's bedside.

Picking up each of the triplets in turn, she carefully rested the sleeping infants in their mother's arms, and their son on Sarah's breast. He moved slightly, yawning as Rose stepped back. When she was sure the child was still asleep, and he curled tight under his mother's busom, Rose leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on Sarah's forehead. She was breathing, her face still ashen, but she was at least warm again. So Rose silently moved the chair next to Sarah's bed, took one of her wife's hands in her own and squeezed tight. The beep of Sarah's hearbeat on the EKG was the only solace she could find as she sat down. She haltingly looked away, unwilling to see her wife, the Special Forces warrior princess she had married, so hurt and weakened.

"I fucked up bad. I'm sorry, Sarah. I fucked us up so bad. Please don't leave me..." Slowly, as though weary and aching, she laid her head down on Sarah's hand and quietly sobbed into it, not caring who saw that her dinner dress was ruined with Sarah's blood, or that her hair was a tangled mop reminiscent of a much harsher time in her life, rather than the flowing curl that she had grown accustomed to.
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A suit of half-assembled Phantasm power armour hung from a rack in one of the SABER armouries, parts and components seemingly abandoned with some of the plating strewn around the room - David had been helping Hati make a few modifications, power armour assembly was hardly anything new for the Geshrin but he saw it as more of an opportunity to try and make peace with the young wolf that was so defensive of Neera, then the messages began pinging their geists and both men simply exchanged a look with one another before rushing outside to hop in David's car.

To say it was sudden and jarring was a fucking understatement, the young wolf stayed silent the entire way there bar the anxious batting of his tail against the car's interior, meanwhile David was behind the driver's wheel both driving and relaying information about if he needed to grab anything or not but it seemed a lot of that had already been dealt with - he swerved through traffic and ran red lights but that could be swept under the carpet later easily enough.

On a much more solitary note the only other naturally raven-haired clone from project Fenrir had been busy slamming her fists into a punching bag, blood having been worn off her knuckles some time ago... Jacky hadn't even noticed the sun begin to go down, too busy focusing on an incident earlier today that was eating away at her - due to her bulkier than standard frame bumping into people was nothing new but for whatever reason there had been more unease than usual flowing through her veins and it caught the Jane clone very off-guard which is why the poor Helashio had gotten an elbow in her face... it still made her angry to just think about it happening, so clearly Jacky felt she was going to be in the gym for a good while longer tonight~

Then, the message from Talos, which made her bull-sized heart skip a beat or two - already pale complexion going translucent at the thought, surely it wasn't as bad as it seemed right...? No, surely not, her Mother couldn't...

She met up with David and Hati at the entrance and was slightly out of breath, the gym hadn't been too far away and rather than deal with traffic the Jane clone with bleached hair pulled a hoodie over her gym clothes with the sleeves down over the bloodied knuckles and hauled ass through back alleys, having to clear a fence at some point and managing to get a nasty gash through her leggings and skin on one muscled calf but it hardly slowed the woman. Hati didn't even bother to greet his sister and she was fine with it as the trio moved in, following Hati's keen nose rather than waiting for staff to check the system and waste their time.

In Fact the wolf had to refrain from kicking the door in as he entered, Jacky right behind him for their abrupt entrance yet a few steps in and both clones froze up - it just made everything suddenly seem so real, much more than simple text on a messaging app, and it was scary. It took a moment for either of them to move, first one being Hati who slowly stalked closer to the bed, not even acknowledging anybody else as his crimson eyes locked on the still form of his mother - one of the few people who he didn't have to worry about answering annoying questions about his unique physiology to, and here she was looking like a goddamn corpse.

Usually when they weren't tucked away his ears and tail were rather lively things, but currently the wolven appendages were drooped down, almost as if to join them Hati dropped to his knees next to Sarah's bed, tilting his head to the side before it settled on his Mother's abdomen - eyes shutting without a word as he just listened to the shallow breaths with a near-inaudible whine only the other wolf in the room would hear.

Jacky's reaction wasn't too different, she stood there for a moment and was only roused back to life by a cough out in the hallway, reminding the clone that she had the ability to move - it didn't help the fact her legs felt like they'd give way at any second and sure enough they did, luckily the tallest clone of the batch managed to catch herself in a chair and didn't simply fall to the ground. She felt... hollow, usually Jacky was known for her shy and reserved personality but right now... nothing - she just sat there in the chair, hands tucked into her lap and a gaze that swept the room before looking off into the void of nothing in particular.

David was at least able to function right now, even if the mood of the room was a bummer he moved off to the side where Rose and Neera were, ready to give supportive hugs where they were needed, brown eyes tracking from Sarah and her kids to the two other women by the bed. "I got here as soon as I could, is there anything I can do at the moment? anything at all?" the Geshrin man offered in a hushed tone, offering them a sympathetic look as David moved to unzip his jacket.

For a fellow Geshrin to not be recovering from something as simple, in the grand scheme of things, as a knife to the thigh then well something had to be seriously wrong with the situation.
Nyx was sitting in her quarters reading what she deemed to be a good book when she began getting alerts through her own built-in Geist. The book was placed down on her table, as she immediately got up from the seat and ran out of there as she had never run before. Shooting out of the building in what might be record time.

She first contacted Jack’s Geist

[Communication from Nyx Pine: Dad, I had just received some stressing news, Grandma Sarah is in the Hospital, I’m on route there now, because I want to add to her protection, and be there too. I will also investigate. Is there..: the communication cuts off]

She wanted to ask him if there were special orders she should follow. But she wasn’t sure if she should be asking that right now, especially right at that moment. He’ll be very upset and likely wouldn’t want to be giving orders. But one thing she did and will promise was that she’ll get to the bottom of what happened.

She entered the Hospital at a quick space and headed towards Sarah Pine’s room equally at a quick pace. On entering she discovered other people in the room, one she recognized as Hati, that was because the two of them were SABER.

Of course, she could recognize the familial things though. “What.. What happened?’ she asked of the group before she turned her mechanical eyes on Sarah, but her ears were turned to the group. Asking what had happened, seemed to be a good first question, though she could see Sarah’s injuries.
Jack couldn't remember where he had been, what he had been doing. Only that he was now running through darkened streets, his legs pumping as fast as they could carry the human man. Was he running from something? he was running to somewhere, but trying to put run some invisible clock somewhere he felt. The hospital fast approaching, he glimpsed those also charging in ahead of him a ways.

The sounds of his boots on the asphalt were the only thing that out paced the best of his frightened heart. The despair of possibly losing the only parent he'd ever be able to know, well it brought his back to a darker time. Self doubt was creeping back in, but he had to focus. Charging past nurses as he barreled in, sliding around corners in desperation.

As he found the room, he barely stopped when entering if not having realized how many were already here. His breath was tagged, the look in his eyes as he took in the site before him, one of terror and unbelieving shock. The tears which had blurred his vision now dripped steadily to the sterile tiled floor. ", No....I.....", he said in barely a whisper, lacking air for anything more as he simply crumpled to his knees to sit motionless and slumped. "What.....w-what did this...?"

As David had joined Neera and Rose, the lupine woman had almost thrown herself into his arms. Embracing the man of similar race to her mother, Neera was teary as she held on tightly, unable to find the words in this situation. Her own low whine echoed Hati's.

Talos and Armora would arrive a few minutes later, both unprepared for what they found. Talos had placed the emergency call himself, but to actually see Sarah, the way she looked now. It coupled with how Jack looked so defeated, hit home the sheer seriousness of the situation. The only thing he could think to do was cling to family.

He gave Armora a quick reassuring hug before coming over to sit on the floor beside Jacky's chair. His hand instinctively found her's, giving a soft squeeze of it to let her know he was there. The bi-colored man leaned against the chair, his head resting against the side of her arm.

Armora was far less composed, Talos's hug only serving to snap her from a frozen state. A hand moved to hold her arm as she held it close to her body uneasily. She had experienced much since interacting with this family of her's, happy, fear, sad, and now a combination of all the latter two......But with something more...regret. She sniffles as moisture runs down her cheeks, her passive expression showing the hurt that was coming through. She wanted to be held, to get close to someone she knew, but everyone had their rock. Feeling unsteady, she wished for one of her own out of fear of falling over. The soft fur of Aztec came to mind as a briefly comforting thought, but he was not in this place, and not at this time. Simply she stood, unsure what to do.
Lynn had been locking herself in her room lately. The platina haired clone was a rare sight these days outside of the canteen, the gym and the workshop. Little could actually coax her out. Dark thoughts had been seeping in in the past - by now, they were flooding her mind. And all she could do to fight it was to stay busy, slave herself to exhaustion and collapse in her bed. Get up and repeat.

Though, there was a particular message of Talos that had her shoot up from her desk. The chair clattering against the floor as she sprinted out of her room. Dodging and pushing through the hallways, running across the streets. Her breath was getting short after a dozen of minutes of full sprints, but she found herself ignoring it completely and keep going. Her legs kept moving and soon she was navigating through the corridors of the hospital. Appearing in the doorpost with a ragged breathing.

The sight was grim. She would've preferred seeing a ragged and torn corpse, rather than the still, almost serene looking body of her mother. The shorter Fenrir's eyes dropped through the floor as she bit her lip. Not even tears formed, only the churning in her stomach that almost caused the little nutrients she helped herself to to be splayed across the floor.

Swallowing thickly, Lynn fought the nausea. Without a word, she turned on her feet again and bolted out again. The vile sound of retching soon echoing across the hallway.
"This is my fault..." The mumble came from somewhere under the tangled shock of hair clutching Sarah's hand, her breath ragged, halting. "Thorn... This all my fault..."


Spark was on guard duty, and the messages from her commanding officer were not optimistic. But she couldn't leave. There was still things that needed done. Even when he reassured her that someone was on their way to relieve her of her post, even when that man arrived, all she could do was stand her vigilant watch. The loudspeaker in her armor muted, and the comm relay shut down as she raged internally. The armor felt safe to the giantess, like a warming reassurance that everything was going to be okay, if she could just push through.

With a building shaking boom, the Mk II Revenant suit fell to its knees, the spirit of railgun induced death and destruction within finding herself unable to keep up with the loss. She couldn't feel the echo of her batch-siblings, as her brain was abnormal in structure, no one knowing what a Geist would do. She couldn't feel Rose's hopelessness, or offer strength. She couldn't find any for herself, either.

Finding a hand on her shoulder, she looked up into the green eyes of one of the Thorn clones. Her confusion as to what could cause their indestructible leader to falter like this was showing. With a grim expression, the clone simply pulled Spark's armored figure to herself for the barest moment, before pulling back and smiling into the camera. "Go, ma'am. We can handle this."

"I have work to do," was Spark's distant reply.

"Team, then self, I know. But you can't take care of us if you're not okay, ma'am. Go take care of your mother. We can handle guard duty." With a final squeeze she knew Spark couldn't feel, she slipped her helmet back on, taking her position in the post.

Spark couldn't argue with that logic, leaving her weapon in the racks and forcing herself to stand tall. A few moments later, suspension creaked in one of the small transport trucks, and Spark made her way to the hospital. It took a bit to pick her way across the floor, but the vibrations of her nearly three hundred pound frame in heavy powered armor could be noted. She watched Lynn rush past, heard the retching, heard the slight whines from Hati and Neera. She could see the defeated slump of Jack's shoulders, and the crumpled mess that had been her teacher and champion for so long. Moreover, there was the sight of her gene donor, her mother. Laying in bed with infants in her arms, family surrounding her, she should have been awake. This should be a happy gathering.

The fact of the matter was that it wasn't. And Spark's armor wasn't helping give her any hope of Sarah's condition. Neck seals hissed as she slowly removed her helmet, placing it on a cabinet near by as she spoke with an unusually hollow, weak voice, "Am... I'm... Not needed, am I?" She knew it was a far cry from her usual projection of dominance and power. Despite this, her eyes were dry, and she forced herself to stand tall, be the proud warrior that her mother was, despite her constant attempts to anger the raven haired woman.

"I'll... Lynn needs someone to hold back her hair. I'll be back." Spark slipped out of the room, following the retching to attempt to help her batch sister with the reaction.
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It was an odd sensation as hati blocked out everything that wasn't the sound of his mother's shallow breathing, counting the time it took between each breath as if it held the key to waking her up again... deep down though Hati knew he just wanted to be close to her, everything else sounded like it was muffled through walls except for that one whine that made the wolven man's eyes snap open, ears rising up slightly from his dark tuft of hair. Somehow he'd forgotten anyone but him and Sarah were in the room, but then that all came flooding back as the sobs and hushed talking around him assaulted the boy's sensitive ears.

Instinct told him to stay there, a pup defending its wounded mother but Hati knew doing-so would only cause unneeded drama and while he may not have been the most involved member of the Fenrir family as far as social events went he owed them that much at least... so begrudgingly the wolf rose back up in all his slightly lanky glory, lingering long enough to glance those blood-red eyes down with a shaky breath before rotating away to allow others access to Sarah.

The thought had crossed his mind before, sure Hati knew technically he shared the least genetic material with her than any of the other Fenrir clones but in a way that was probably half the reason he was so close to her... and to see her go would be~

Hati's gaze cast across to Nyx, who must have arrived when he was lost to the word, he swallowed thickly and gave the gynoid a nod of acknowledgement she was there but also a look that told her to not bother trying to talk - his eyes moved across to the white wolf currently wrapped up in the arms of David, who stroked her head reassuringly, Hati's sensitive ears picking up the words " hell of a woman, people thought you weren't going to make it but here you are now..."

Hati and David had a rough introduction to say the least, the younger wolf's instinct to keep a potential rival away from Neera was intense and came with quite a few vividly violent threats but that was then and it seemed the tanned Geshrin was pretty serious about it all - so the two co-existed and David worked on making it seem like a less formal arrangement, though the 50th male Fenrir clone made sure that if David ever messed up then there'd be hell coming his way.

So the young wolf bumped shoulders with his supposed siblings a few times until he found a spot near Sarah's life support to lean up against the wall defensively, pulling the hoodie up over his head with a sigh and crossing his arms it was hard to skirt around the fact the dark-haired clone with red eyes resembled a dark figure in the faction's history - the IV stand that sat next to him had a hooked end emphasizing his resemblance to a certain reaper.

The squeeze of her hand brought Jacky back to the present with a small grimace, she'd been deep deep inside her own head, wondering if really someone she knew could really be taken away just like that... if she could be wiped away just as easily... it sent a chill down her spine before the tall Jane clone rested her hand atop Talos' and sighed.

"I... I saw spark go, but I'm going to check on Lynn... I can't~" Jacky muttered, seeming distant before giving her brother's smaller hand a reassuring squeeze, her brother had done a lot tonight~ everyone was understandably worried about the woman on the hospital bed but they had to look out for each other too, Jacky regretted letting her anxiety get in the way of spending as much time with her mother as she should have~ it was a thought that chewed her up inside and caused the Jane to hold her eyes shut for a moment before turning to better face Talos.


With so many people in the room her bloodied knuckles and torn-up calf were harder to see, but honestly right not the physical pain was forgotten about almost immediately.
Guardian Hospital
Recovery and Rehabilitation Wing

"Ok, now I know the first thing you're gonna wanna do is take off running, but you gotta ease into it ok? Little by little, get used to it, and I promise after a while it'll become like a new limb."

The gentle words of encouragement came from the one winged Lorath most knew as Harmony. Part of her original specialization had been bioengineering, with a few fields of study. One such had been prosthetics, the design, creation, and upkeep of said items. She genuinely enjoyed the fact that she could help people work past such a trying point in their lives such as the loss of a limb, and the man that stood before her with the new leg from the hip down as wobbly as he was, she could see the determination in his eye.

She had been at the hospital in between teaching her classes, the hospital kind enough to give her a lab within where she could research her projects. Who wouldn't want a young woman with multiple doctorates in biological fields from a university like the Matriarchy? She gave a small sigh of appreciation as she watched the man take his first few steps with the new limb and nodded.

"The weight will feel a little off at first, but I promise we will get it right. Couple that with upgrades and tweaks to make it feel like it was never any different than a normal leg, I promise to help you every step of the way ok? But you gotta promise me you will do your rehab, and get this done the right way."

The man couldn't help but nod. "Will I get to fight again?"

Harmony took a breath and thought it over for a moment and looked him up and down. She had seen his charts as part of professional courtesy from his doctor. There hadn't been much nerve damage, though some scaring that was hidden under his clothes and a few broken bones in his arm, otherwise he seemed healthy.

"With a different prosthetic and about half a year of intense rehab, followed by another half year of combat training with your new leg... I don't see why not. How bout this, I'll make a deal with you. Finish your rehab with no issues from your doctor, we dial this leg in, and I'll see if I can find you a good combat upgrade for it. There are a few things I was working on back in the university for combat prosthetics."

The man's eyes lit up at the mention of combat prosthetics and nodded eagerly.

"Your rehab starts tomorrow. For now? Get used to the leg and get used to how it feels to walk in it. Get through your rehab, and we will talk, ok?"

After a few more words passed between the two and a question, Harmony bid the man goodbye and headed out into the hospital at large. She had been here quite often lately and had heard that Sarah was in the hospital. She had avoided seeing the woman in worry that she would be in the way. She wasn't a doctor that was good at healing, she could fix or replace limbs with fake ones, she could build items that could help someone in the field, but when a person was in their bed fighting for her life...

Harmony felt useless...

She sat on one of the benches down the hallway from Sarah's room, about forty or fifty yards from the door. It was where she had taken her breaks often since Sarah had been brought in and she had known, too fearful to actually walk through the door. She eyed the way down to the door and after a moment, dropped her face into her hands and let out a small breath. She wished she could help, but the kids had been taken by Rose after a few days, and she had buried herself in her work. Nailed fingers dug into her tangled hair and rested there as she tried to relax a little before her next appointment.

So many hurt and so little she could do to help them. She could give them new limbs, prosthetics, but she couldn't give them back their real ones. She wished she could, but it just wasn't within her power. She had things she was working on, things that might one day rival even the Hemosynthetic fluid that Yamatia had, but she had hit a roadblock with even that.

No, for now, she just sat at the bench in the hall, a couple dozen yards away from the door with the others and tried to relax until her next appointment.
“Hmmm....not much more I can neck the cartridge down, not without it becoming likely to rupture if it was fired...” Aztec uttered, studying the reload program on his data pad, his dinner sitting mostly untouched on the table in front of him, sharing the space with notes on a couple other projects the equine soldier was working on during his off time. “, better off to keep working on the powder mix for now. 110 grains perhaps?”
The booming of thunder causing Aztec’s ears to turn toward the sound, he looked up from the display, watching the predicted storm come rolling in. Unlike his former home world, this one was far less polluted (and, according to the royal family, will stay mostly that way), so the natural cycles were still unaffected, making weather a deal easier to keep ahead of. Even so, this storm looked to play hell with anyone trying to land lighter craft at the port.
“....And in other, sadder news, Lady Sarah Pine has been hospitalized in critical condition....”

<Wait, what?!> Aztec’s head whipped back from the window to the NDC news broadcast he’d had running on the display in the corner. Most of the time, Aztec had it on as background noise, but this?

“...speculation that injuries sustained from....”

Aztec was out the door, projects entirely forgotten as his hooves pounded the stairs, taking them two at a time as he quickly got to his car, ignoring the rain, peeling out of the lot toward the hospital...

Finding lady Pine’s room wasn’t difficult, Aztec simply followed Spark’s armored form. There was no mistaking a full Revenant suit for anything other than what it was. He noticed most of the staff nervously gave her a wide berth.

He saw her turn into an ICU room, but the next thing he saw turned his blood to ice. Armora was there already, standing in the hall, a look of complete lost confusion on her face, almost physically painful to see. Aztec approached her slowly, crouching down next to her, laying a hand gently on her shoulder so as not to startle her. “Armora?”
"We will, but first, you need more attention then she does. Let me patch your leg and hands, then we'll go see her together. Never did get to thank you for back in the jungle.", Talos said softly as he nodded to the tear in her leg. It was like the one in his mother's leg, remembering the report images the paramedics had sent back after responding to the scene. Getting up, the bi-colored clone grabbed what was left of the injector that had administered healing nano filled goo to Sarah. Grabbing a few bandages and other things, he came back and knelt before her. With some disinfectant wipes, the blood was cleaned away from the tear, then the goo was given, before sealant and a large bandage were applied. With that done, he wiped and wrapped her knuckles.

"Come on sis, Lynn could use us being there for her.", he said after standing again, offering her a hand.

The touch startled the clone with hair of snow white, having been frozen with no idea what to do, her mind grasping for anything. Her face whipped around to face the familiar horse man, the same one she had found wanting to be hear. Tears were still running from her eyes, and her expression only carried hurt, after a pause she wrapped her arms around him. "Aztec...m-mother...she's..", was all she could manage.

Jack slowly turned to Rose, his eyes focusing on the tangled mess of hair, "What do you mean it's your fault? What happened mother?"
Nyx scanned the number of people in the room, contemplating moving to stand outside in case the number of visitors grew to the amount that there wouldn’t be enough room for the room. Hati had acknowledged her presence which she appreciated, but the look he had given her, told her that he probably didn’t want to talk, which was fine with her. She didn’t know what she might say anyways, and she didn’t know if she might be a good conversationalist especially know when the only thing on her mind was what the hell happened.

Rose’s words entered her ears through the air, and she saw the state of her. She saw how she was crying and she knew that grieve had a way with what people said, at least according to books she had read, and the simulations she had been through. So when Rose said it was her fault, that caught her attention, and she wasn’t going to ignore that either, However she said a name though Thorn She didnt know who that was. She was in full Detective mode, in wanting to find out what had happened to Sarah.

Jack had spoken to Rose before she did, and since the question was one she had wanted to ask, she chose to not say that, instead, "you mentioned someone or something called Thorn who or what is Thorn?' she asked her before she realized, Jack must be affected by this too, so she moved towards him, and gently she placed a hand on his shoulder in hopes it comforts him. She did, of course, make sure there was no weight.
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Guardian Hospital
Adria and Adi rushed into the hospital, scampering to Sarah's room. They were unaware of the details, other than that their grandmother was in critical condition in the hospital. "Grandmom?!" Adria asked, looking at Sarah, then at Jack, resisting the tears. Adi, however, upon seeing Sarah on the bed, covered her own face with her hands and succumbed to crying. Hearing about it was bad enough, but seeing her condition in person was something unreal that neither of them were prepared for. Adria didn't even remotely consider making a snarky remark at her sister this time.
"Tal I~" Jacky began speaking but before she could object Talos had already begun dressing the nasty wound in her leg, no sounds of pain or discomfort in the slightest as F-22's gaze settled on her mother in the hospital bed, her closest brother's voice becoming nothing but another muffled sound in the background with a frown that creased Jacky's porcelain features.

Then suddenly she snapped back out of the little trance at her twin's final words, giving a small nod and rising up without any complaint before Jacky's hand wrapped around one of his, "Yeah~" the tallest Jane murmured while they walked out to greet Lynn, her mind clearly away from their current conversation besides a slightly tighter squeeze of Talos' hand.

One of Hati's ears flicked towards the source of the words 'your fault' before his crimson gaze and the other fuzzy aural limb followed suite, gaze narrowing into a shrew glare towards Rose and Jack as he held back for now, maybe it was him mis-hearing but it wasn't often that happened...

A low growl rumbled out the young wolf's throat, barely discernible between the hushed whispers and sobbing but he didn't care about much else at the moment, if Rose were to look his way she'd see anger beginning to show at Hati's seams - corners of his mouth curling to bear fangs in an almost-snarl as the dark-haired, red eyed man stood there framed by the overhanging IV stand.

Hati really hoped he had misheard.
Aztec was a bit suprised at Armora’s strength as she put her arms around him, something he’d have to evaluate at a later time, however. He reached around her back, holding her as she cried onto his shoulder. “I know.....I heard.....”

The elysian had been at work in the lab as usual when the messages came through, for the first time in her life she felt helpless, completely useless, it was a scary feeling and she just wanted to curl up and hide forever until it went away. Shakily she tried to stand up but ended up on the floor, legs and wings splayed out around her while she shook. The now royal wife of the dauntless leader of an entire nation had been reduced to a shaking mess of feathers on her workshop floor.


Of the select few who even knew of Haisely's existence within the NDC, even less knew her origin story. It wasn't that her life was secret, but rather her lifestyle kept it secret, never venturing from her room for very long and avoiding contact with others as much as possible. However she had taken note of the name which seemed to be pinging all over the communication lines she was monitoring, mostly to keep herself in the loop if something went wrong but now something else had come up.

Sarah. She knew that name, it was the woman she had run and fought a long time ago in the depths of a ship bound for Sirrus VI. Haisely didn't hold much respect for anyone but that point of first contact stuck with her. Expecting a brutal and painful execution or worse she had been surprised to find herself offered a place and given a room. With her usual blank stare the hacker bit her lip slightly when she realised there wouldn't be a camera in the hospital room, patient confidentiality and all that, she could see that several others were gathered nearby and considered the prospect of hacking the ocular portion of their geist. On second thought she didn't want to send someone spazming to the floor in a hospital surrounded by distraught onlookers.

Too stubborn and antisocial to contact one of those present she simply sat back and watched the transcripts come through as people communicated through the network.
"Thorn is my sister." Rose took a deep breath. "Sarah loved her, and Thorn got lied to. The first one was me, and it all went downhill from there. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't sent Thorn away. If I hadn't recreated her in the first place."

Slowly, she picked her head up, the usually bright green eyes were red and puffy, dulled with the reality of Sarah's situation. "I would do anything to make sure she pulls through. I'd enlist in the Star Army, go back to my owners, I'd... I just want to make this right."


Spark slipped into the restroom, approaching Lynn silently. Lynn would feel Spark's armored hand settle on her shoulder, the short hair and red eyes of the woman behind it giving a concerned frown. "You been eating? I can get you some water, if you want."
The bi-colored clone rubbed a reassuring thumb over where it gripped her hand after it squeezed his some more. He lead her out into the hall before heading towards the restrooms in the direction Lynn had run out. "I'm sure everything will be alright, and hopefully Spark found her already." Talos said trying to comfort his sister, but it was voiced a bit more for himself in truth.

"A-az....I don't k-know....what to do." was all Armora could muster, for once, her emotions too strong for her mental chains to block. The full force of feeling like a scared child overflowing from her. She couldn't think rationally this way, her mind only caught on a loop of the figure in the bed, and the fear of losing the only mother she had.

The wolf girl was finally able to take a unhitched breath, the desire for fresh air strong, but she did not want to leave her grandmother's side. Wait......oh no.

"Oh my Goddess, mom! She isn't here, she must be working late at the lab again. Who knows if she's even heard, much less what she must be going through if she has. I need to go find her." Neera said in a rush suddenly with the realization that her mother was no where in sight. She released David before giving him a tug towards the door on his shoulder, "I have to go find mom." she stated again specifically to him as she headed for the door in a hurry.

"What does Thorn have to do with this, what happened on Sarah's trip, where did she go?" Jack questions, desperate for answers.
Lynn had made her way into the bathrooms, knocking the door of a stall open with a loud clunk. In one swift motion, she had dropped to her knees, perched over the toilet with one hand on the side, mismatching digits clawing at the side of the porcelain. Though by the time she felt Spark's armoured hand, the Fenrir clone had calmed down somewhat. What was retching a few seconds ago, had been nothing but gagging, expelling snot, spittle and clawing stress from her system. Sharp gasps and ragged breathing resounded between the gags. What had happened? Why had this happened? How had it happened, a lot of questions with no answers caused the already unstable clone to completely break down.

"I'm fine-..." She gasped, raising her head slightly. "I'm fine, just fine - I can freshen up," she stammered. Pushing herself up fully, before stumbling. Her disfigured hand grasping at Spark's arm for stability. "Just peachy," she answered with a faint smile. "Took a long run to get here," she explained - or hoped it would explain without further questions.
"Just... mhhrr~" rumbled out of Jacky's throat as her and Talos entered the bathrooms, offering a suitably subdued smile to Spark and Lynn more to greet the other two women than to display any kind of happiness - things were really scary right now but she still wanted to do whatever she could to help who she could, so the tallest of the siblings drifted away from Talos' grip a little coldly and grabbed a few paper towels to hand off to Lynn.

"...must have been one hell of a run~" the heterochromatic girl mused numbly, unconvinced but it was one hell of a punch to the guts to find out your mother was laying in a hospital bed possibly dying, so tossing up your guts was an understandable response.

Hati listened to Rose's words as he leant up against the wall, red eyes flicking away from her to settle back on the ground once more as the boy's fangs went back to hiding in his maw, a simple huff at how... how fucking confusing everything was at the moment, he hated it, things were so much simpler when Fenrir's freak was still set to the factory-default settings and not one flying fuck was given about himself let alone anything remotely like this... it was moments like these that made the wolf feel torn between retaining that hibernation-like state and then the memories he'd made after breaking through all that.

It wasn't even a decision really, of course he chose the latter each time, but fuck was it complicated to deal with all the emotions that came when the prospect of all that being torn away came to light - it was that part that he hated.


"Yeah of course, we can take my car," David replied, not hesitating to follow Neera for a moment as she left, already grabbing the keys out of his pocket as they left - opening the door of the chariot he and Hati had rode in on as David and Neera entered the carpark, shielding her body from the rain a little with his own as it buffered against them both before moving around to enter on the driver's side.