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When Worlds Collide


Went out of town for two days, forgot to bring my PSP. Stylus pad plus boredom equals The Great Lighthouse; The Freespacer so-called homeworld. Everything is completely hand drawn, since my laptop couldn't handle any of the advanced Photoshop distortion and filter tools without locking up.

Once again, I had problems choosing between the mechanized and religious aspects of the Freespacers, so I drew both. The scale and angling may seem funny, but its actually a dwarf planet with a surface area not even 3% of Earth's. Thus everything seems to warped, since the surface curvature is many times greater than standard planets. Alternatively this means it has low mass, and very little gravity (roughly 0.05G or so, if my calculations are correct), which accounts for the large-scale surface docks and the massive satellites in low orbit.

I'll be adding a detailed writeup soon for 'proper' submission, along with more technical details. Any thoughts? I'm kind of worried the concept itself may be too complicated and 'manufactured.' and the drawing itself seems a bit fantasy-like. Through since the canvas was 2000x2000 pixels, you can't expect anything too highly detailed without spending gross amounts of time on it. Still, I think it turned out good given the relatively short time it took to draw and CG, as well as the fact everything was hand-drawn without any advanced Photoshop tools (yes, even the lighting and smoke included).
Your illustrations have really brought a flavor and life to the Freespacers that makes them very cool.
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