Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Where do I begin?


Inactive Member
The only role playing I've ever done is through Ever quest or playing a little bit of dungeon and dragons here and there. So I'm a little baffled as to where i should start. I obviously need to make a character and have a few ideas now but i would also like a background history of what has happened so far so i could actually make a really in depth character and not one where i pretty much make it up on the fly. Ive always had a desire to do a sci fi type character and am really looking forward to this. Not to mention that the world you have created seems quite deep and can only mean quite a few awesome adventures ahead. I also would like to know the mechanics of the game play here whether it is pure story telling or has elements of game play like D and D in it.

Yours truly,
Re: question about where ot begin?

Ironicly enough i just read that as i was exploring your site more :D . The deeper i get into it the more excited i get at the game play that goes on. i guess the next step is to just make a character and see which ship takes me.
Re: question about where ot begin?

It is a lot to jump into for a first-timer, BUT, you should know that many of us are willing to help you integrate yourself in any way possible! Don't be afraid to Private Message one of us, or ring one of us up on YIM for any questions regarding Star Army.

And welcome! I'm certain once you get into the swing of things, you'll find that this place is quite enjoyable. :mrgreen:
Re: question about where ot begin?

Well it sounds like this is like DnD but without all those really confusing numbers and stuff. but if there still are a few thats still good anyway. i will definitely be making a YIM tonight and making a character as well. im probably going to make a Yamataian because there seems to be the most PC's there. What i would like to know is a general World and interplanetary hisotry of that race so i could base my character off of a few events perhaps. are there any links for that or should i just let my creative juices flow and come up with some small but isolated events?
Re: question about where ot begin?

We're working on some more detail on Nepleslia's back history but what we do have is located:

Culture of the Nepleslian Star Empire ... e:overview

Battle of Neplelsia: ... eslia.html

Elysian Battle of Ralfaris - YE 25 (including Death of Ketsurui Chiharu) ... rmy_p5.txt

Jaaq'tah Battle of Ralfaris ... D=21.topic

Things to consider: it is YE 30; Nepleslia seceded from the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 28 and entered into the ongoing civil war between the Green faction (one in power) and the Red Faction. In YE 28, SaoY enacted a Species restriction order forcing any non Neko or Yamataian to either switch into a neko or Yamataian body or lose their jobs (this is against traditional Nepleslian beliefs).
Re: question about where ot begin?

Yamataian info in CCG: ... aian_clade

Timeline (still in construction, not exhaustive):

Did anyone save a copy of my "Decortication on Star Army's History"? The online copy went down a few forum-changes ago. :(

You don't really need to know a lot of history to get started, really. I consider its culture far more informative:

The Yamataian culture is a mixture of medieval traditions and futuristic humanism. Most Yamataian PCs serve a military structure that is highly feudal in nature, being very closely tied to a few bloodlines that are favored by the Emperor. The Emperor himself is a political and a spiritual figure, having been directly involved in the creation of the Nekovalkyrja. Think medieval Japan, only in space. :)

At the same time, you'll find that the common Yamataian citizen is much more open-minded and naive than his counterparts from other factions. Being raised in a prosperous, authoritarian society means that he doesn't care much about politics or economics, and is more concerned with the arts, engineering, sociology, raw intellectual pursuits, etc. He demands conformity from his peers. He may hold prejudices toward the other human factions. However, he does not return the hatred and intense dislike that Nepleslians and Elysians direct toward him, preferring to see them as misguided and unenlightened rather than evil. Think a mixture of modern China and Japan, in a sci-fi setting. :)
Re: question about where ot begin?

okay... i finished my character and i think i submitted it for review but im not sure... if you guys need me to send it to you i have it saved and will send it. his name is Lolion Reglo just in case you need to know who's he is.
I would have to say because they are asking questions is due to the interest in the world you guys have created. ive always wanted to join a group that does RPing and never was able to find any dungeon and dragons groups around that would take me so I guess I found an excellent alternative. however what is really nagging at me at the moment is the single post style gameplay.

Ive enver heard of it aside from just reading a book and was wondering how that worked in a bit more detail than the site gives. during the day do we all post on the forum to tell every one what our character does or is it just one person advancing the story line at a time?

I'm more familiar with the JP style where your at least talking with others and interacting with each others characters and progress through the story line as the game master sees fit so if you could explain how the SP works I think I could get more acquainted with it.
okay... so it is basically a slower version of JP by using the forums as the mode of advancing the story. in that case when i get stationed ill have to check into the forums regularly which with my current lifestyle is no problem at all. thx for sending me that link.