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Where's the archives order thread?

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Retired Staff
Wes, it just disppeared? I was trying to get some info on older characters - namely Mizuho - and I couldn't find them. Is the board hidden? Could we see it again? I thought it was a useful resource to go to occasionally.
Yeah, I asked about that too. Wes said he hid it or something from everyone to remove clutter, I think. *shrugs*
Yeah, I didn't want new guys to be bummed out by seeing the FAILURE TO PARTICIPATE posts. Maybe I could make it visible only to moderators?
I don't understand how it could discourage truly motivated people from joining. Besides, this setting has history and I think it is suitable to have it weight on it: both the good and the bad.
You should be able to see it now.
I see the archived biographies thread, but there's nothing that looks like the archived order forum.
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