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Who deals with piracy groups? Any former pirates?

IIRC I did do some checking up on the speed/distance thing. From Pluto to Earth, it would take something like 20 hours? (I need to check this again, it was months ago), so taking "years" is definitely not it.
Remember, the point is not t be 100% scientifically accurate. Trust me, I know I'm new, but I've been in 100% hard sci-fi RPs before. It's not a fun experience.

Our goal should be something that gives opportunities for more Role Play, not less of it.
Once you cross the system border, you're going to be stuck at STL speeds, and this is why space navies and pirates typically fight on the edge, because they want to be able to escape if they have to. If you enter the Yamatai system, it's going to take at least an hour to get from the FTL border zone to the actual planet.

This is how Yamatai beat the NMX in the Battle of Yamatai. They made Yamatai look exposed, lured the NMX invasion fleet into Yamatai's STL zone, and then once the NMX fleet was bearing down on the planet, unable to warp out, they sprung the trap, with one fleet warping into the border zone, behind the invaders, and another (hidden) one deploying from the surface of Yamatai's moon, basically leaving the NMX stuck in place and caught in a pincer maneuver fighting twice as many Star Army ships as they had expected or even thought existed.

Zack, basically the de facto standard in SARP is that most Yamatai-like stars have an FTL exclusion zone whose effect is felt enough to delay incoming ships by an hour or two. We're not going to do the math for every system, and this seems to work well for story purposes.
A Sarp ship should be able to FTL past Pluto right up to Earth's hill sphere, then STL in.

If we are using Sol's hill sphere then the edge of the system is at the end of the oort cloud instead of Pluto.

I guess the question is what defines the system border?

Drop it, Zack. We came to a compromise that works for the sake of Story and RP. We can drop the hard science technicalities for the sake of fun, I think.
That's correct. Every hill sphere, planetary, star, celestial body, whatever, prohibits FTL. We don't feel like wasting the time to determine exact ranges for every single star though, so it's about an hour out at standard STL speeds. Nice and simple.
Reactions: Wes

The place where your FTL drive cuts out.
Probably works for sailors.

You need to add this STL/FTL relationship with system boarders. It would explain why we don't FTL ICBM eachother.
Now back on topic, we have determined that piracy is possible in space and have determined who holds responsibility to drive these miscreants out.


You guys do realize there is a canon pirate -plot- right? That should've told you that piracy is possible. @OsakanOne I'm not sure what you mean by people who handle pirates, but if you're talking about GMs @Semjax GMs the Black Vipers plot. I woulld assume Floodwaters would also be a good person to get tips and tricks from? I heard they had GMed something with their crew having a run in with pirates.
Yup, I currently run the only Canon Pirate plot as far as I'm aware, and they pretty much don't have issues doing what they do. I just make sure that I stay away from Yamatai, and Yamataian Citizens. Anywho, yeah I currently GM the Pirates plot.
Previous pirate or pirate-related plots, I could think of or find:
Other useful stuff:
I was going to write a big wall of text, but instead I think I'll just leave you all with this.

In cheltiwah, pirates are just privateers between jobs right now.
The ISC Phoenix has dealt with pirates, including corrupt officials, deserters, and mercenaries. They do have an internal file (with corroboration from the IPG and DATASS) about pirate outfits and small time crime rings that can be swept up in an evening by the Phoenix team. Usually they're relegated to side jobs or mentioned in passing - not noteworthy enough to be full missions unless its like a heavily defended asteroid base getting rolled.

At the moment, GAO (as mentioned by @paladinrpg) is very pissed at the Phoenix for intercepting their takeover of the Fruna Ruica and making mince of a boarding party.
Don't forget the akahar had to deal with an obese pirate captain! (And a defector who totally flaked out at posting and feels awful about it)
Good grief we don't need, nor do most of us WANT, hard science factors in this seting - we are here to have fun in a FICTIONAL SETTING. Thus please leave the hard science out of it, we prefer to have fun.

Anyway, in regards to the main topic:

The Neshaten have issues with piracy, quite often in fact, most piracy occurs at the space-port level with thievary of ship containers and muggings of passengers and such. However, this isn't always the case. Because Neshaten space is enveloped in a naturally occuring interdiction field, FTL travel is useless and in order to get from one end of a starsystem to another, the Neshatne designed a gate network that brings ships to near FTL ships. This gate network, however, is not perfect as pirates are able to tap into the gate and actually 'latch' onto a ship and yank it out of the network and then raid it (they prefer to do this to ships that are not near military or police vessels, otherwise, those ships would exit along 'with' the yanked vessel.)

There is also ship to ship boarding in this game, I don't know why Zack claims it doesn't exist here, but it does; as it has occured commonly in threads (
"Random Catch" Theory

Create an Artificial Gravity Well Generator that acts similar to a star system stl zone ... Then place the AGWG near the area where there is a common safe route to snag ship at totally random in Deep Space. Luck of the draw if you catch something you're not expecting.

But it seams that the SAoY Fold Space FTL Drives would render a Black Hole Gravity Well non-existence. Plus Stars in between Point of Origin and Point of Destination. Frank Hubert's Dune Spice Generated Fold Space Theory, only mechanical in means.

Note: No disrespect intended to the Author if I misspelled his name incorrectly.
Pirates in Neshie space use that method as well to try and catch ships in systems that are not affected by the interdiction events.
Zack didn't claim that didn't exist, Zack claimed that it was not a great way to go about pirating things.

Samantha is right that throwing a large enough gravity well in-between point A and point B would stop a ship from passing through the area but interdiction fields have been removed from the setting.

You could do something like moving a planet, small moon, or cargo-hold full of gravity generators in the way but the chances of it catching something and dropping it back into real space are going to be close to 0 with the distances involved unless you have some flight-plan ready ahead of time and know where to drop your FTL speed-bump. This is going to take a decent number of ships and pre-planning to make work.

Then you still have to disable the ship, get the cargo, escape, and make sure you aren't tracked.


Compare this to just stealing the ship before it leaves or after it has arrived. Slip some money to the right dock-hands and the cargo ends up disappearing into a warehouse somewhere, or just sneak onto the ship before it takes off then kill the crew while in transit.


If you want to be a good pirate, you're going to try and minimize the amount of damage you do to your target and try to take it with as little overhead as possible.
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